Allow formatted string in SetStateLabel (ZScript)

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Allow formatted string in SetStateLabel (ZScript)

Post by gwHero »

Concerning setting state in ACS I could code this:

Code: Select all

str stat = StrParam(s:"Cyclus", d:phase);  // phase has a value of 0-27
SetActorState(moonTID, stat);
In ZScript in the code of the actor I have to use this ugly switch for 28 different states:

Code: Select all

switch (phase)
	case 0: SetStateLabel("Cyclus0"); break;
	case 1: SetStateLabel("Cyclus1"); break;
	case 2: SetStateLabel("Cyclus2"); break;
	case 3: SetStateLabel("Cyclus3"); break;
 etc. (you get the idea :))
instead of just coding this:

Code: Select all

string stat = string.format("%s%d", "Cyclus", phase);
which is not allowed ('cannot convert string to statelabel').
So, it would be nice to allow setting statelabel with a formatted string like in the example (for at least actors with no monster-AI like the ACS function).
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Re: Allow formatted string in SetStateLabel (ZScript)

Post by Gutawer »

It seems to me that this is essentially the same feature request as this one - viewtopic.php?f=15&t=56590&p=999932.
As far as I'm aware, GZDoom converts strings to StateLabels at compile time and there's no way to convert them to a StateLabel during runtime. If that feature was added in, this would work too.
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Re: Allow formatted string in SetStateLabel (ZScript)

Post by Rachael »

Gutawer wrote:It seems to me that this is essentially the same feature request as this one - viewtopic.php?f=15&t=56590&p=999932.
Correct. Thank you for pointing that out.
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Re: Allow formatted string in SetStateLabel (ZScript)

Post by gwHero »

Thanks for the attentiveness.

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