It uses the same structure as the original for configuration and resources: CVARINFO, LANGUAGE, MENUDEF, SNDINFO + sounds/foutsteps...etc but the code itself is pure Zscript and do not use the GDCC compiler for an ACS/C hybrid.
I wanted initially to re-compile/modify DaZombieKiller Footsteps but never managed to to it properly with the latest GDCC 0.16.1 so I wanted an equivalent in ZScript. The reason DaZombieKiller Footsteps is using GDCC instead of a "simple" ACS compiler is to be able to call C strtok-like functions to parse the configuration and associate textures <==> sounds.
In Zscript however it is easier using String.Split and other string manipulation functions.
So the only remaining problem was to find an equivalent to ACS CheckActorFloorTexture, or rather finding the texture the player was stepping in, in Zscript.
Graf suggested using checking Actor's`floorpic` and it works, so here it is !
The script parses the same configuration data as DaZombieKiller Footsteps and uses the same resource files structure as his, so can be used as a replacement of it's ACS module while keeping the rest of the structure.
Except REMOVE the module from the LOADACS list or you will get twice the footsteps effects

(The initial discussion is here : viewtopic.php?f=122&t=65137. I should have started that topic direclty here but it"s too late now so this present topic is essentially a cross-post suggested by the moderators. I won't do that again, promise.)