Hell League: A Boss mod Version 0.6

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Hell League: A Boss mod Version 0.6


Hello everyone. This is my first "complex" mod that use alot of custom stuff (Credits below and in file)
A new boss harder then the Hell Lord! say hello to "THE Progammer"! Also given Bennelus (if you're playing without gun addon) a small speed nerf.(02/24/2018)

Random screenchot of this mod: Image

And another random screenshot:


Alright, Credits time:

Code: Select all

NOTE : Credits are also displayed at the start of the boss decorate.
Anyways, i don't have to explain what is this section, right?
So here it goes!

Senior Imp : Sprites - Doom

Nasty Mutant : Sprites - Eriance

The BFG9500 General : Sprites - Doom (Sprites Edit:Itsnaturetodie, neoworm)

The Zombie Overlord : Sprites - Raven, Doom (Sprites Edit: Magic Wizard)

The Necromancer Master : Sprites - Raven (Sprites Edit: Eriance)

Death Squad : Sprites - Rougue, id, Collin Portratz, RBCSkins, (Sprites edit: zirron the insect, TheMightyHeracross, Xim)

Apparition: Sprites - Strife, Rogue entertainment

The Lighting God : Sprites - Raven (Sprites Edit: Pyroscourge, MagicWizard)

The Zombie master: Sprites - Xim

Apparition: Sprites - Strife, Rogue Entertainment

Terminator : Sprites - Vader, Eriance 

Bennelus: Collorfull arsenal (Mod Author: TheSkyBug)

The Hell Lord : Sprites - Doom, Mid Way, Eriance (Sprites Edit: Eriance)

The Progammer: Sprites - Strife, Rogue Entertainment

Other stuff like projectiles: 

Terminator Annihilator Missile sprite : Eriance

Mr spooky (necromancer master minion) Sprites: Dungeon keeper

//Weapon Addon credits

The Butcher axe : Sprites - Rolls/ghastly Drago

The BFG9500 : Sprites - Zrion the insect/ID Software

The Heavy machinegun : Sprites - Eriance (Sprites edit: Z86)

The Unmaker : Sprites - Scuba steve

Apparition laugh: Revenant LCA mod (Creator: Legendary)

Progammer BIG BFG BALL: Final doomer MOD (Creator: Sgt. Shivers)

Progammer BFG Ball explosion (Sprites: Daniel, 3D Realms)
So what is this about?

Do you think that doom and doom 2 bosses are too simple? Yes? Do you think that they should drop some stuff after being kiled? Yes? So i guess this mod is for you! This mod (For now) add 12 new bosses with custom attacks, skill levels (To easy to trohwing your keyboard at the wall level), custom sounds and sprites. Also note: All credits are here AND in the file. If i forgot to put you here, PLEASE advice me and i will put right away.

NOTE: Most of bosses drop small to extreme HP/Armor Bonus, that means it will drop some health or armor bonus to give you a boost.

ALSO, PLEASE Tell me what do you think, what should i improve, remove, critics, death threats, whatever. just tell me what do you think. Thanks.

Link of this mod in bold text for some reason: http://www.mediafire.com/file/a2hwtmg61 ... BOSSES.wad

Link to the Weapon Addon is below! (The post)

Link of the boss weapon addon here again on bold: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=58464

(NEW) I have made a random spawner addon, which allows to spawn a... Spawner! Which will summon a random boss. The actor name is "ColumnBoss" OR if you're crazy, "HARDColumnboss" which doens't spawn senior imps neither nasty mutants, ALSO the spawns are completery random, that means there's a high chance of getting only "Two hell lords and 1 terminator" then the normal one.

Download link of the random spawner addon: http://www.mediafire.com/file/uw2ygxkz8 ... PAWNER.wad

Alright, Let's talk some about the bosses.

The Senior Imp
Summon : SeniorImp

The highest rank that an imp can get. He don't use custom sprites for now. Anyways, this guy is a pretty easy boss, 3 attacks (1 weirdly moving fireball, a seeker fireball and 5 imps fireballs) Don't drop alot of supllies, but is cool for use as mini bosses.

A nasty mutant
Summon : NastyMutant

This poisonous mutant summons toxic gas clouds and can shoot some poison projectiles, he's pretty annoying, since his poison is additive and deals an considerable amount of damage, this guy can spam rooms with his gas, so avoid that happening. He drop some stuff to assist you, but still not a true boss. still a mini boss.

The BFG9500 General
Summon : TheBFG9500General

Some random general got a BFG9500 and turned into a zombie on hell invasion. Do i even need to say more? This guy wears the experimental UAC BFG9500, Capable of quick burst of shots and shoot a bunch of smaller red bfg balls which do alot of damage. Avoid that. This guy contain some tricks, like shooting very left in a spiral way, then shooting straight to confuse you and hit you, kinda hard to explain, have to play to understand. This guy is already boss (And so for this point and beyond) Also he drop some stuff, and can even drop a blue armor, and lots of cell, including a BFG9500 (Note: It's a BFG9000!! But you can actually get a BFG9500 with the boss weapon addon), A challenging foe.

The Death Squad
Summon : DeathSquad

One single monster is too boring? What about 7 highly trained assassins? From snipers to flamertrhowers, this squad was "Recruited" by hell in exchange for more effective weapons and armors. Their last mission is a big one: Eliminate all earths forces. that includes you! There are 7 (again?) assasins: The ranger, which uses a sniper rifle and will hit you almost all times (Except if you're ridicicolous far away), the flamertrhower guy: Don't need any explanation. The elite assassin: A heavy machine gun soldier, careful with this guy on close combat. The shield assassin: use a really powerfull shield which will block projectiles and bullets. Also has alot of health. Grenade Assassin: Probably the most dangerous, use a deadly grenade launcher, CAREFUL with this guy. The plasma assasin: will trhow 3 small bfg at you! these deals an annoying damage, not much a trheat. The commander: He has the most health. You will probably kill this guy for last. Also, ALL the assassins can't deal damage to each other. They all drop some stuff and their items may vary depeding on the assassin. (Ex: Plasma assassin will drop to you alot of cells.)

The Evil butcher
Summon : TheEvilButcher

Very agressive boss, can trhow DEVASTATING knifes, and jump at the air and shakes the earth so much it actually hurts you. Drop items like berserk, chainsaw, ammo. A medium boss. Also can do a dash attack towards you, this attack is more experimental, I WILL improve it on the next version.

The Zombie Overlord
Summon : TheZombieOverlord

A vampire. Yes, A vampire. Trhow homing bats, A blood sphere which explode into some toxic blood. Avoid that hitting you, Can do some teleport, charge towards you (pro tip: don't use rocket launcher while he's jumping to your face) can do a 3 weaveing missile attack, and a machine gun one style. Pretty simple, Drop some good stuff on death. Also careful with the homing bats, they don't some damage, buy boy they are annoying.

The Necromancer Master
Summon : TheNecromancerMaster

This guy. Oh boy this guy. He's one of these humans that use some dark magic with some dark demon and summon him with generic old evil spell books. yeah. Anyways, This guy summons mr spooky skeleton with swords and shields. He also trhow some high damage projectiles WITH A RIDICULOUS knoback. Also when one of minions there's a high chance that will drop some bonus to help you, like a clip, some armor bonus, health bonus, anything like that. Also, DO NOT these skeletons surround you, and do not let these skeletons accumulate. The boss itself will also go into a skeleton summon turbo when he is low on health. he drop some ammo, backpacks, health, useful things.

The Apparition
Summon : Apparition

a ghost/demon/spirit/entity enemy! this guy uses a teleportation method to try to confuse you leading to your death. he can shoot a shotgun of green projectiles, a homing spike plasma ball, and place red magic mines around to make you touch them and explode in your face. most of times when he place a landmine, he will generaly teleport alot to put more. Super shotgun is the BEST weapon against this guy, he has only 2500 health. but BOY hitting he is hard, dont forget that he can do an "agressive teleport" right into your face and use his shotgun of projectiles to take a big chunk of your health. he drops alot of armor and a good supplies of shotgun/SSG ammo. a challeging and tricky foe in big area spaces. Never underestimate him. (or her, no one knows what this thing is)

The Lighting God
Summon : TheLightinGod
Oh boy, this guy is one motherfucker. Contain lots of attacks, like homing eletric fire (Wait what?), some weird eletron attack, enchaced cacodemon balls, and his most powerful attack: He can spawn 4 rippers lighitings which can nearly instakill if you stand on it. Also, He can summon in vertical and horizontal, or
diagonal, CAREFUL, Do not any of these rays touch way. Also if he notices that you are far away, he will do a dash to catch you. In any situation, do not let any of attacks hit you. Once on death, drops lot of stuff, Backpacks, maybe a soulsphere/blue armor, some clipbox, plasma pack, rocket box, shell box, whatever. Careful, Do not understimate this guy.

The Master Zombie
Summon : TheMasterZombie
REALLY Painful and REALLY Annoying boss, has some attacks that mostly like hit you, including a some sorta of death ray, a homing soul, a quick almost 100% that will hit you hitscan attack, and another hitscan one that will probably also hit you but with less chance that deals ALOT of damage. This guy also can teleports and trhow a grenade at you. CAREFUL with his teleport, since that when he does that his teleport fog explode into 8 projectiles. A tough guy, but if you have cover and be careful, you will probably survive. OH! Also when this guy dies he will come back to trie to kill you as "last act" (but wait ins't he's dead?), in this state he will only melee you and dash to hit. So just avoid him.

The Terminator
Summon : Terminator
No one knows the origin of this guy. All that matters that he have a high caliber machinegun, Homing rockets, and some weird cluster grenade and a red energy plasma shotgun, This guy act like a poison guy, He have his machinegun, Which will (almost all times) hit you, So to avoid dying to his machine gun, DO NOT let any of his attacks hit you, since they all do a crap ton of damage. On death drops alot of items, chaingun, and other things. A respectable boss. Do not mess with him without a decent arsenal.

Bennelus, the god of shotguns
Summon : Bennelus
That white flying "angel" armed with 12 shotguns is Bennelus. Say hi to bennelus! this guys is TOUGH at open spaces, he can trhow a spinning homing shotgun that explodes into bouncy shotguns, trhow ALOT of bouncy shotguns, and spam the hell out with his 12 shotguns at you (BTW this attack has alot of precision)
and spawn shotgun guys allies to fight along him. (they're different though, they drop some small bonuses and can pass through each other and have slightly less health) he drops some GREAT loot for you (incluinding a SSG and regular shotgun AND a shellbox). this guy also is fast and can do quick evades to trick you.

The Hell Lord
Summon : TheHellord

What? So you're saying that Bennelus wans't a challenge enough? Ok! I got the second toughest boss for now: The hell lord, 6500 of health, fire trail wherever he goes, comet attack that can deal more than 100 damage, can shoot 3 bigger baron balls that deal even more damage, 5 baron ball attack, 2 more left/right big baron ball projectiles that can hit you if you're strafing, also, the comet spawn some fire and leave a trail of fire which has +RIPPER flag. Yep. But Hey! At least he will drop a megasphere, ALOT of stuffs, LOTS AND LOTS of stuff. So yeah. Enjoy this guy.

The Progammer
Summon : TheProgammer

All face the wrath of the one true god, this guy is the HARDEST boss in this mod so far. he got MANY tricks on his sleeve, such as an .50 caliber machine gun, that thankfully is a projectile with a trail instead of a hitscan bullet. also he can shoot a BFG that LITERRALY is a nuclear bomb, he can also hide inside his sphere to become immortal, do a dash towards you (and then use a strong attack to kill you). also he can shoot a SHOTGUN of strife missiles that deals ALOT of damage at once. he can also fire a homing missile that ins't so strong compared to his other attacks, BUT that thing is FAST. don't forget that he can fly, AND use an attack that he goes up in the sky and start to fly towards you, trhowing bombs in the way. yep, that's right, this guy is like a bomber plane. that shoot lasers. and bullets. BUT in compensation, he DROP ALOT OF AMMO (seriously, you can get 80 shells in one drop if you're lucky). and he also has a very cool death animation where he falls in the ground, EXPLODES after crashing and his carcase falls around. decomposing once it hits the floor. he also bleeds spark. so yeah, good luck!
Last edited by XASSASSINX on Sun Feb 25, 2018 7:47 am, edited 34 times in total.
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Re: Hell League: A Boss mod

Post by Gideon020 »

So will this interact with monster mods or is it just stand-alone from other monster mods?
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Re: Hell League: A Boss mod


It's more a stand alone. The monsters don't have any interaction with other mods. I may make an addon that make bosses drop their own weapons so you can use them.
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Re: Hell League: A Boss mod

Post by Elie(T)Zerg »

so its a little unstable? or its compatible with other mods? its seems very compatible... for my... of course
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Re: Hell League: A Boss mod

Post by Gideon020 »

XASSASSINX wrote:It's more a stand alone. The monsters don't have any interaction with other mods. I may make an addon that make bosses drop their own weapons so you can use them.
Huh, have to test that out then. Should make for interesting times.
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Re: Hell League: A Boss mod

Post by Machine-Reaper »

Stinkymutant's gas doesn't do damage but does make you go green,
senior imp's special balls of following doom are a very rare attack and so is bfgeneral's spicy ball attack.
Evilbutcher is lamebutcher (more like black knight armed with sharp grass)
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Re: Hell League: A Boss mod


Yeah i know about the evil butcher. I thought of making that when he jumps on you, he automatically melee without having to be close. I also made a missile attack for him, but i was really, really, really crap. I was thinking now of a earth shake attack, like a earth stake.

About the senior imp, His homing fireball ins't so rare, well, i'm gonna test it, hold on.

And the nasty mutant... Well, That his purpose: Not to do single damage, but yes, to annoy you with that poison, and yes his projectile do some damage. if it doenst, maybe it's because of my engine? I'm using QZdoom because GZdoom is with some problems for me.

Anyways, I'm not angry or anything, I liked you critic. I'm gonna check these 3 critics.
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Re: Hell League: A Boss mod

Post by Machine-Reaper »

The nasty mutant's gas should damage you after you inhale it a lot otherwise the gas just makes you go Rad suit wearing. You can make the butcher throw his mallet/cleaver at you from distance and make his pouncing attack more like a missile attack(He hits you and you get damaged).

another thought would be a charge up attack for the butcher where he collects up energy and runs after you and damages everything in his way.
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Re: Hell League: A Boss mod


Machine-Reaper wrote:The nasty mutant's gas should damage you after you inhale it a lot otherwise the gas just makes you go Rad suit wearing. You can make the butcher throw his mallet/cleaver at you from distance and make his pouncing attack more like a missile attack(He hits you and you get damaged).

another thought would be a charge up attack for the butcher where he collects up energy and runs after you and damages everything in his way.
Uhmm... Cool ideas. If i use any of them, should i give credit? Also, what do you thought of the others? The hell lord for example?
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Re: Hell League: A Boss mod

Post by Machine-Reaper »

XASSASSINX wrote: Uhmm... Cool ideas. If i use any of them, should i give credit? Also, what do you thought of the others? The hell lord for example?
no no, you can use any ideas I'm just happy to help out and play :3:
and the Hell lord can have an charge up attack as well where he collects up energy, smashes on the ground an unleashes a massive firestorm everywhere which can cover a large area and he could lob fireballs rapidly in diagonal directions (very rapidly) at you (Similar to BFGeneral's plasma attack) another thought would be to have a charged up fireball attack in which he makes a gigantic fireball and lobs it at you which leaves flames scattered around afterwards. Also if possible make his colour scheme from Green to Golden/Orange
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Re: Hell League: A Boss mod


Hummm... Ok. BTW, What do you mean "collect energy"? do you mean an inventory? Or do you mean that he simply charges? Also i liked the hell lord ideas, but for me, he is finished. HE'S NOT going to be the stronges boss, i will probably use your ideas to other bosses. Thanks for the ideas!
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Re: Hell League: A Boss mod

Post by Machine-Reaper »

XASSASSINX wrote:Hummm... Ok. BTW, What do you mean "collect energy"? do you mean an inventory? Or do you mean that he simply charges? Also i liked the hell lord ideas, but for me, he is finished. HE'S NOT going to be the stronges boss, i will probably use your ideas to other bosses. Thanks for the ideas!
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Re: Hell League: A Boss mod


Ohhh... I get it now. Anyways, trying to buff the evilbutcher, maybe add some new attack to him. Humm... I'm thinking what could i use that would make him jump and deal damage at the same time.
Last edited by XASSASSINX on Sun Aug 27, 2017 10:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hell League: A Boss mod

Post by Machine-Reaper »

XASSASSINX wrote:Ohhh... I get it now. Anyways, trying to buff the evilbutcher, maybe add some new attack to him.
here is another idea, he throws sharp knifes/spikes at you in spread pattern, Smashes his mallet/cleaver on the ground and makes a massive earthquake which throws you away.
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Re: Hell League: A Boss mod


I think i'm going to use the rocket sprite as a knife. If i translate into gray, it look like a spike or something. Gonna test it, hold on.
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