Code: Select all
Script error, "DECORATE" line 3072: Expected '{', got 'Replaces'.
Code: Select all
Script error, "DECORATE" line 3072: Expected '{', got 'Replaces'.
Ah, I did install the new version but I accidently unpacked it into a subdir of the old version of GZDoom, so I was trying to make it run with a previous version. Trying to run it with the correct version did, much to the surprise of anyone living most of his life in a heavily drugged state, worked. Thanks for helping out.Nash wrote:1) You must use GZDoom.
2) Looks like you're using an ancient version before the Replaces feature got added.
Get the latest version of GZDoom at ...
yeah, that is for the 4th episode. You can also use it as a chainaw once the shot is stored.Cutmanmike wrote:Uhh hmm it was a weapon I got with Give All yes I suppose (Starting the last level with no weapons is a bad idea...). It sort of shoots a red BFG, but you can "store" the charged shot for later, which gives me a good idea for a new weapon of my own
The original map07 is still in the wad, though its been changed to map41 now. It wont be used, but i'll keep it around.Vader wrote:Looks nice, though I really liked the beginning of the previous map07