come on now, Majora's Mask wasn't THAT bad

Animal I miss that game, at least I can buy the DS version....
[backontopic]I think it'd be better to do this via ConsoleCommand.[/backontopic]
Moderator: GZDoom Developers
I need to play it again.Belial wrote:It's accurate.
True, but there are many other reasons why I turfed that game a long time ago.Bio Hazard wrote:At least in MM you can reset time if you need to. If you can't find batteries for your gameboy on wednesday, you are out a MasterBall for a whole week.
However, those were made using the source code itself, not any sort of scripting language. The newest version has Easter Eggs to find during Easter and some other holiday-related stuff, but it still doesn't use the .wad file to do this, just the engine itself.Skunk wrote:Well, Sonic Robo Blast 2 was based on Legacy, and it had not only a secret graphics change during December to make the game more festive, but a secret Mario level that loaded on New Years Day.