Inheriting from an actor that uses VisualThinker

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Inheriting from an actor that uses VisualThinker

Post by SPZ1 »

I thought inheriting from an actor that utilizes VisualThinkers would slim my code down a bit. This code only uses the parent's random spawn coordinates and not the newly specified ones. :evil:

Code: Select all

class SnowArea_MAP12_MainArea : ACTOR {

	TextureID texID;
	Array<VisualThinker> vtArray;

	Default {
		Radius 64;
		Height 16;
		Scale 0.25;

	override void PostBeginPlay(){
		texID = TexMan.CheckForTexture("SNOFLAKE");

	override void OnDestroy(){
		foreach (vt : vtArray){
			if (vt){


	void Create(){
		VisualThinker vt = Level.SpawnVisualThinker("SnowFlake1");

		if (vt){
			vt.Texture = texID;
			vt.pos = (random(-4736, 1024), random(-3456, 3712), 3200);
			vt.vel = (random(-12.0, 12.0), random(-12.0, 12.0), -16.0);
			vt.scale = (0.5, 0.5);

	States {
			EMPT A 1;
			EMPT A 1 {



class SnowArea_MAP12_WalkWayLeft : SnowArea_MAP12_MainArea  {
	void Create(){
		VisualThinker vt = Level.SpawnVisualThinker("SnowFlake1");

		if (vt){
			vt.Texture = texID;
			vt.pos = (random(-5760, -4256), random(4608, 5888), 3200);
			vt.vel = (random(-12.0, 12.0), random(-12.0, 12.0), -16.0);
			vt.scale = (0.5, 0.5);

class SnowArea_MAP12_WalkWayRight: SnowArea_MAP12_MainArea  {
	void Create(){
		VisualThinker vt = Level.SpawnVisualThinker("SnowFlake1");

		if (vt){
			vt.Texture = texID;
			vt.pos = (random(416, 1920), random(4608, 5888), 3200);
			vt.vel = (random(-12.0, 12.0), random(-12.0, 12.0), -16.0);
			vt.scale = (0.5, 0.5);

class SnowFlake1 : VisualThinker {

	override void PostBeginPlay(){

	override void Tick(){

		if (Pos.Z < 1280){
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Re: Inheriting from an actor that uses VisualThinker

Post by SPZ1 »

I found that I had to explicitly define the states block to make it work.
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Re: Inheriting from an actor that uses VisualThinker

Post by Player701 »

A few more elegant ways to solve this:
  1. Declare the Create method virtual;
  2. Refactor the coordinates into ZScript custom properties and override their values in each subclass;
  3. If these actors are added to the level via a map editor, you could also read the coordinates from thing arguments (the args array) - but since your values are in the thousands, it would require that your maps are in the UDMF format. (Hexen map format supports only 8-bit arguments: that is, 0 to 255.)

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