How I got Heretic to work in VR using gzdoomvr.4.6.1 including excellent visuals

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How I got Heretic to work in VR using gzdoomvr.4.6.1 including excellent visuals

Post by darklocket »

First, let me say, the gzdoomVR works really well... was able to finish the entire game with this setup. Credit to the moders and others who created / modified files to help make Heretic run in VR.

I wanted to share this setup with others, as after many hours of testing various setups, this is what I found to be the best setup for me....that provides 3d fire, monsters, weapons, and other environmental changes to enhance the VR experience.

Note, I documented this back in Dec of 2021, so things may have changed for version, but I just loaded a test run of this older documented notes today (3 years later) and it still works. :)

For reference:
Windows 10 64-bit
VR head setup, Samsung Odyssey Plus+ using wands for game play on an nvidia 1080 TI.

Here we go:
I did however, have to modify the weapon visuals, for the melee staff, crossbow, and gold wand to make then show up correctly.

here are my notes on fixing visuals of weapons that:

main game editor is slade
load pk3 or wad files

notes from other for animating models.

sprite is basically an image. So, the weapon is an set, animation, of images.
The model, is ... a model. 3D defined object. Also, quake-type model containers allows to define an animation.
So, when you're making sprite weapon, you're drawing pictures. Many pictures of one thing to make it fluid and alive.
When you're making the wepaon model, you make one model and then animate it. I've never done that, so I cannot describe to you the steps that has to be made, but it's quite different process from spritemaking.
Also, you can have not only model weapon, but also a voxel weapon.

It's a lot of work. First, you need your model in Blender scaled correctly, facing the correct way. Second, you'll need to animate the model in your modeling program too. In Blender, this means defining key frames. Then you'll need to define the model and it's frames in MODELDEF. Then it's a matter of using DECORATE or ZScript to make a weapon and use the frame lump you defined for your model.

the workflow process is
Modo/C4D Animation ---> Obj Sequence (frames) ---> Noesis Batch OBJ sequence Files to MD3 Sequence Files ---> Q3Model Tool To Merge Sequence into singe MD3 File ---> GZDOOM

see mape1.png and so on, for intermission maps, need to switch back to originals, or atleast hires of
the originals, they look better than brutal HD ones. found in the BrutalHereticRPG-HD-3D-PackV1.pk3 under Hires, textures
my gzdoomvr-XXX setup for controls for buttons on the VR wands
Last edited by Caligari87 on Wed May 29, 2024 10:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Put huge chunks of code in spoilers

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