H.U.R.L. / Slob Zone 3D remade v2 - Now with voices!

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H.U.R.L. / Slob Zone 3D remade v2 - Now with voices!

Post by NakaTeleeli »

H.U.R.L. (HURL), later rereleased as Slob Zone 3D, is a DOS game released in 1995 as a kid-friendly first-person shooter about cleaning up dirty animals with soap and water balloons. It is not a good game. It has a shocking amount of charm to it, between the bad austrailian accent, the full voices, the sheer number of lines you can get from the telephone, the charming clay models, and the interesting map locations.

Unfortunately it's borderline unplayable. You move and turn entirely too fast, hit detection is questionable at best, you simply can't attack if you're too close to a wall or the game just isn't in the mood, dead enemies and collectibles still block projectiles and enemy movement, and your unbelievable movement and turning speed makes it nearly impossible to simply go through a door, as well as aim an attack, assuming the projectile decides to hit the enemy anyway.
Spoiler: Screenshots
This is a pseudo-total conversion whose aim is to recreate HURL in an engine that functions. It has been remade as loyally as possible, and in turn any bad design decisions or questionable end results are the fault of the original game. The pig is still a little janky, but it wouldn't be HURL without some jank. Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to include the voiced dialogue without doing something far more complicated than I wanted to get involved with. The game is also pretty easy.

As a member of SUDZ, your job is to capture Bob the Slob and clean up the Slob Zone! Collect trash to exchange for cleaning supplies you can hurl at the enemies, collect keys, and make your way through ten levels and capture Bob the Slob!


A few game mechanics notes: All enemies take the same damage from every weapon except the frog, which takes six hits regardless of the attack. Water balloons cost 2 each and do 10 damage, Soap cost 3 each and each do 20 damage, and the deodorant costs 20 and does 30 damage. This means your main weapon is soap. Balloons are good for frogs and moving pigs. Deodorant is absolutely not worth the cost. There are three difficulties, Baby (with double ammo and half damage) Normal, and Nightmare (with double ammo, fast monsters, and respawning monsters (This has not been tested at all))

Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17ypaCe ... share_link

This pk3 does still require Doom2.wad, and I think will only work in ZDoom.

Sprites and textures were given to me by Mike MacDee, and originally ripped by Reactor
Music and sounds were recorded directly from the game by me
Enemies and mechanics were replicated by me
Maps were painstakingly replicated by me

v2 Update!
This is a big update! (And the file size is about doubled to 18mb)
-Nightmare now works, enemies will respawn and attack faster
-Co-op spawn points have been added
-The Trash Twisters now block projectiles
-The ducks in levels 7 and 9 are hurt the same way as frogs
-New, more accurate end credits image
-VOICES - now all level intro scenes and all 70 telephone lines are now audible!
-JANK MODE - By popular demand! The game running TOO smooth for you? Want to experience what the original was like? There is now an option to enable jank mode! Sometimes your attacks just won't fire! Especially if you're near a wall! You turn really fast and jittery! Sometimes your attacks just pass through enemies! The trash on the floor blocks enemies and projectiles! Corpses block enemies and projectiles!
Last edited by NakaTeleeli on Sat Mar 04, 2023 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: H.U.R.L. / Slob Zone 3D remade

Post by Kinsie »

Seems pretty faithful from the looks of things! Some technical notes:
  • The HUD looks a little whacky in fullscreen HUD mode. Probably easily fixable.
  • Since there's no HUD weapon graphic, it's probably best to make the weapon-switching action instant. There are a few ways to do this, whether making the weapon raise/lower states move at 0 tics or through using SetPlayerProperty to give the player the PROP_INSTANTWEAPONSWITCH property.
  • The music is all WAV files. I'd recommend switching them to a compressed format like Ogg Vorbis or, better yet, using the original MIDIs.
  • The weapons are missing a proper name for the name labels that pop up when switching weapon. I'd recommend giving them a name using the "Tag" property.
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Re: H.U.R.L. / Slob Zone 3D remade

Post by NakaTeleeli »

Thank you!
-I had sped up the weapon switching, but I didn't know you could make it instant or use an argument on A_Raise. I was hoping I could just call A_Raise(0) to make it instant, but it just prevents you from raising it at all. I changed it to A_Raise(100), which seems, for all practical purposes, to be instant.

-I didn't know that resource for MIDIs was available! I swapped out all the music, converted the one without a MIDI to OGG, and even added another sound or two.

-Also gave the weapons a proper tag. This may use a feature I don't normally use, so I wasn't really sure what the tag was even for.

-I'm not sure what you mean by the fullscreen HUD being whacky. I had removed the code for a fullscreen HUD and just had it always display the full HUD. So changing to the fullscreen HUD still shows the full HUD. I certainly appreciate the minimalized HUD, but for the sake of being loyal to HURL, I wanted the full HUD to always be visible. If there's an additional issue, I either can't replicate it or don't understand.

Link in the OP should now include these changes.
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Re: H.U.R.L. / Slob Zone 3D remade

Post by Kinsie »

By the HUD looking weird I mean this


Also I mixed up my terms, I meant the normal, non-minimized HUD, sorry.
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Re: H.U.R.L. / Slob Zone 3D remade

Post by NakaTeleeli »

Ah, I see. I've seen this issue before, but wasn't sure what the issue was. Took some digging to figure it out. I think it's due to HUD scaling. I had originally programmed the HUD as if it were a fullscreen HUD, which I shouldn't have done, and left it susceptible to scaling. I adjusted it to instead work as a traditional status bar, so it can no longer be scaled, but it does fix the texture issue. The download in the OP should now contain this fix as well.
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Re: H.U.R.L. / Slob Zone 3D remade v2 - Now with voices!

Post by NakaTeleeli »

v2 Update!
This is a big update! (And the file size is about doubled to 18mb)
-Nightmare now works, enemies will respawn and attack faster
-Co-op spawn points have been added
-The Trash Twisters now block projectiles
-The ducks in levels 7 and 9 are hurt the same way as frogs (taking hits instead of having HP)
-New, more accurate end credits image
-VOICES - now all level intro scenes and all 70 telephone lines are now audible!
-JANK MODE - By popular demand! The game running TOO smooth for you? Want to experience what the original was like? There is now an option to enable jank mode! Sometimes your attacks just won't fire! Especially if you're near a wall! You turn really fast and jittery! Sometimes your attacks just pass through enemies! The trash on the floor blocks enemies and projectiles! Corpses block enemies and projectiles!

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