Unregret wrote: ↑Fri Mar 10, 2023 12:16 am
Keep going man; this mod reminds me of Netronian Chaos and Rebel Rumble. With more updates; of course:
- Add colors and shadows to weaponry and main character. Based on main intro picture; I guess more sub-weapons such as shoulder-mounted launcher and claws for main cast?
- Add more ammo to weapons and balance things. I find it is brutally hard even on NORMAL difficulty, even with bullet time feature.
- I'm not sure if angled sprites of enemy are missing or their reactions are fast enough to just look at you upon moving and shooting; though they move more natural with those. But we can still play with other monster pack that a good thing.
=> You will improve your drawing style, in time. I and Vergil have no doubt about that, keep MOTIVATED!
Oh THIS is what you mean by "main thread"
1. I have actually coded in a way to get ammo for your weapons, which I will get to soon.
2. Enemies are getting tweaks here and there, largely modified realm667 assets until I make PROPER enemy replacements.
3. I have said this many a time on this thread: THE ART STYLE'S INTENTIONAL
4. one out of the two sub-weapons you mentioned is already in the next update, as well as a grenade launcher and a minigun, each having a dedicated key-bind. As for the claws... I actually completely forgot about them, I could make it so that you could get a bit of health, ammo, and armor back when you kill the enemies with the claws...
5. the enemy sprites aren't missing any rotation sprites, they're pretty much all accounted for. I have actually considered full support for monster packs such as rampancy, complete with their own replacements. Can't guarantee anything though so take that as you may...
6. I have experimented with magicavoxel to make models for weapons and characters, but as I said: The art-style will be altered in any way, same applies to the 3d models that are already in the next update...
7. "brutally hard" is completely intentional, just you wait until you see the planned "elite guard", "praetan", "mindflayer", and "cardinal" enemies
Overall, thanks very much for the feedback!
The doomworld thread for this mod doesn't get ANY attention lmao
Take care