New Actor Mover code breaks monster interpolation paths

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New Actor Mover code breaks monster interpolation paths

Post by Bauul »

The solution to this recent bug seems to involve making anything that is a monster invulnerable and dormant while they are on an interpolation path. The GitHub Pull is here: (specifically lines 502 and 503).

Unfortunately this means any monsters that are meant to be alive and active while on an interpolation path become dormant and invulnerable, which is undesirable behavior (it completely breaks at least one of the Elementalism bosses, for example, as they just sit there asleep and immortal).

Can we revert this change please, or make it optional somehow? It seems perhaps a little counter-intuitive to the purpose of putting monsters on interpolation paths (which, as I understand it, is typically to override Doom's default movement code, but still keep the monsters alive and active).

Or alternatively, how could I override this behavior myself? I believe I can use Thing_Activate to wake the monsters up, but can't find a way to remove the invulnerability flag.

PS: I wasn't sure if I should raise this as a new bug, or post on the Closed Bugs thread for the original bug. If I should have done the latter, please accept my apologies.
Last edited by Bauul on Sun Jan 09, 2022 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Graf Zahl
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Re: New Actor Mover code breaks monster interpolation paths

Post by Graf Zahl »

It was inevitable that this wouldn't work out... :(
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Graf Zahl
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Re: New Actor Mover code breaks monster interpolation paths

Post by Graf Zahl »

If you do not want to make the map public yet, could you please PM it to the developers? To analyze how to best approach the issue we need to run some tests on it.
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Re: New Actor Mover code breaks monster interpolation paths

Post by Bauul »

Discovered another related bug. It seems new CustomInventory actors are prevented from being picked up once they are placed on an Interpolation path - the player just runs straight through them.

Edit: Found solutions to both my problems. They're work-arounds, but they work:

- Immortal monster can be solved by removing the "Monster" combo from the Deocrate and replacing all the individual flags except "ISMONSTER". That way the game doesn't know to put the invulnerability on.
- Pickups not being pick-up-able is solvable to removing Actor Mover Option 128 (No Solid).

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