'out' can be ommited in overrides, causing silent bugs.

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'out' can be ommited in overrides, causing silent bugs.

Post by Accensus »

Take this code for example:

Code: Select all

class BaseClass abstract
	abstract void F1(out int ticker);
	abstract void F2(out int ticker);

class DerivedClass : BaseClass
	override void F1(out int ticker)
		Console.Printf("F1: %i", ticker);
	override void F2(int ticker)
		Console.Printf("F2: %i", ticker);

class OutParamTest : Actor
	override void BeginPlay()
		cls = new('DerivedClass');
	override void Tick()


	int Ticker;
	BaseClass cls;
This results in F1 printing the correct number: 0, 1, 2, 3 and so on, but F2 prints out some 10 digit negative number.

I had this happen in some code elsewhere and had to spend some good 20 minutes to figure out where the problem was exactly. Shouldn't this be a warning at the very least? This also sounds like a possible security concern.
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Re: 'out' can be ommited in overrides, causing silent bugs.

Post by Marisa the Magician »

Rather than a warning this should be an error outright if it causes issues like those.

Especially because warnings tend to get largely ignored by most modders.
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Re: 'out' can be ommited in overrides, causing silent bugs.

Post by Accensus »

Wouldn't that break existing mods? Unless it only errors past a certain version, but I don't know how possible that'd be for something like this.
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Re: 'out' can be ommited in overrides, causing silent bugs.

Post by Marisa the Magician »

Sometimes you have to risk breakage to fix such a huge oversight, especially because this appears to be causing undefined behavior.
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Re: 'out' can be ommited in overrides, causing silent bugs.

Post by nova++ »

Yeah, it sounds like this is enough of an issue that breaking stuff that might be using/abusing it would be a good thing.

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