Custom sounds in main menu

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Custom sounds in main menu

Post by Berserker »

I don't know if the question has already been asked but,

In the goal of making a custom main menu and sub-menu for my map, I figured that the sounds in the main menu when you scroll, accept, or go back are also used in game, for example the pistol sound is used both for the weapon AND the menu confirmation action, so if I change that sound, it does as well changes the sound of the weapon.

Is there a way to have 2 separates sounds that don't double defines ?

Blue Shadow
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Re: Custom sounds in main menu

Post by Blue Shadow »

The menu does have its own sound definitions. They are the "menu/something" ones which you can find here at the end of the file. Re-assign them the sounds you want in SNDINFO.
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Re: Custom sounds in main menu

Post by Berserker »

Blue Shadow wrote:The menu does have its own sound definitions. They are the "menu/something" ones which you can find here at the end of the file. Re-assign them the sounds you want in SNDINFO.
Oh my it was that simple thank you !

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