I recently started using GZDoom v4.7.0 instead of GZDoom v4.5.1, and I noticed that it will crash whenever I exit a level (this is key) and Alt-Tab out of GZDoom and to something else, Discord, for instance.
Here's one of the crash reports I saved: http://iredmc.us.to/dl/CrashReport.zip
This does not happen when idclev-ing to maps at all, only when an exit switch is pressed. I found this quirk to be very interesting.
This may as well happen with other WADs, but as of yet I've not tested any of them, so I'll just put the only one I know that causes this issue: FreeDM
FreeDM, is the deathmatch spin-off of Freedoom: Phase 2 (Freedoom Project).
This is bug one of two that I have discovered.
[GZDoom] Alt-Tab Crash
Moderator: GZDoom Developers
Forum rules
Please construct and post a simple demo whenever possible for all bug reports. Please provide links to everything.
If you can include a wad demonstrating the problem, please do so. Bug reports that include fully-constructed demos have a much better chance of being investigated in a timely manner than those that don't.
Please make a new topic for every bug. Don't combine multiple bugs into a single topic. Thanks!
Please construct and post a simple demo whenever possible for all bug reports. Please provide links to everything.
If you can include a wad demonstrating the problem, please do so. Bug reports that include fully-constructed demos have a much better chance of being investigated in a timely manner than those that don't.
Please make a new topic for every bug. Don't combine multiple bugs into a single topic. Thanks!