The Legend of DOOM (v1.2.0-beta1) *updated 2025.1.20*

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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by Lakmir »

Bugs happen. I'm happy to repeat the progress - the game's really fun :)
Thanks for jumping on that so quickly!
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by Combine_Kegan »

This is one of the better Zelda inspired projects I've seen to date. Though I've noticed your shield is incredibly tiny, you might want to consider making it a little bigger. Capn J mentioned this earlier but I'll add to this: You should take a look under the hood of my Past-Linked Class from Combined_Arms, it might help you further streamline the gameplay of your project, I feel like having to switch between your other tools and the sword is a bit of a detriment to the gameplay here.

Keep it up, it's good to see some Zelda themed content for Doom. It's a little rare.
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by Batandy »

I'd suggest you to look into synthfire and dual wielding scripts, with a little bit of zscript you should be able to have subweapons work indipendently from your main weapon.
Here's a good starting point: viewtopic.php?f=37&t=73204
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by detwelve »

Combine_Kegan wrote:You should take a look under the hood of my Past-Linked Class from Combined_Arms, it might help you further streamline the gameplay of your project.
Thanks so much. I checked out Combined Arms and it's great! I thought I researched thoroughly for Zelda based mods before starting, but clearly not as well as I had thought. Feel free to PM, but I want to make sure I'm hearing the same thing you're saying - you'd be comfortable if the art and/or techniques for Combined Arms were incorporated into a v1.1 update?
Batandy wrote:I'd suggest you to look into synthfire and dual wielding scripts, with a little bit of zscript you should be able to have subweapons work independently from your main weapon.
Thanks for the pointing out those resources! This would probably be my ideal path forward, along with the art and individual weapon functionality from Combined Arms, since the mod already heavily leans towards ZScript.
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by TheBeardedJedi »

I really like this TC! However, I did want to point out the bug with the Gleeok on the 7th dungeon (The one where Ghoma is the boss). The Gleeok spawns behind the wall, making it impossible to kill without the noclip cheat activated. Aside from that and the glitch that was already fixed in the recent update, the game is completable, start to finish. Fighting Ganon in 3D was definitely fun! Thanks for this mod.
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by Combine_Kegan »

detwelve wrote:
Combine_Kegan wrote:You should take a look under the hood of my Past-Linked Class from Combined_Arms, it might help you further streamline the gameplay of your project.
Thanks so much. I checked out Combined Arms and it's great! I thought I researched thoroughly for Zelda based mods before starting, but clearly not as well as I had thought. Feel free to PM, but I want to make sure I'm hearing the same thing you're saying - you'd be comfortable if the art and/or techniques for Combined Arms were incorporated into a v1.1 update?
Not the art, but if I were you, I'd look at how I did the subweapons and tools. Obviously in your case you shouldn't do the weird combos I did, but the ACS script that lets you freely switch between tools bound to altfire might be useful here. Feel free to knick the sounds though, those might be useful for you.
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by detwelve »

TheBeardedJedi wrote:I really like this TC! However, I did want to point out the bug with the Gleeok on the 7th dungeon (The one where Ghoma is the boss). The Gleeok spawns behind the wall, making it impossible to kill without the noclip cheat activated. Aside from that and the glitch that was already fixed in the recent update, the game is completable, start to finish. Fighting Ganon in 3D was definitely fun! Thanks for this mod.
Hmm, I'll look into Gleeok's spawn radius. Thanks!
Combine_Kegan wrote:Not the art, but if I were you, I'd look at how I did the subweapons and tools.
Okay, thanks for the suggestion. I'll check it out.
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by Lakmir »

That Gleeok is problematic! I actually missed picking up the heart container from Gohma, so I went back to get it. The Gleeok spawned fine on the way to the boss, but on the way back the doors closed and no Gleeok spawned, trapping me in the room. I ended up reloading the autosave the game made before I went in the first time; had to replay the dungeon in its entirety to get the heart container.
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by detwelve »

Thanks for the reports! I will put out a 1.0.2 tonight that addresses Gleeok in dungeon 6, teleports for the money making game (only the one near game start works as intended), and stalfos shouldn't shoot swords.
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by ChrisHighwind »

I found this TC today, and it's amazing! Sure, I get hit more often than the original game due to Doom's melee combat usually being intended as a last resort so I don't really know the hitboxes, but that's more of a me thing, and this definitely fills a void left by me not having the money to participate in the Metroid Dread launch with everyone else on the Internet. I look forward to seeing what else will be added to this!
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by kalensar »

ChrisHighwind wrote:I found this TC today, and it's amazing! Sure, I get hit more often than the original game due to Doom's melee combat usually being intended as a last resort so I don't really know the hitboxes, but that's more of a me thing, and this definitely fills a void left by me not having the money to participate in the Metroid Dread launch with everyone else on the Internet. I look forward to seeing what else will be added to this!
Yes! The current bug fixes have made it super close now with the working money making games. Be careful of the old hermits who make you pay for the new doors.
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by ChrisHighwind »

Oh, I know full well what they're like. I really only have a couple of issues:

- Trees you can burn to reveal stairs have no indication of being such. For most, this isn't a problem if you know which trees to burn, but the tree near Level 1 housing a Take Any One You Want cave is made much more difficult to find due to the more seamless overworld and the textures for tree walls.
- I can't tell how long the cooldown for the blue candle is, so if you're looking for the tree mentioned above and burn the wrong tree, or use the candle just before entering a darkened room, you have to wait until you can use the candle again.
- I have had moments where I've been stuck in a dungeon door right as it closes and the only reason I was able to get out was because the enemies in the room would bring themselves to me, allowing me to defeat them and open the door so I could move again.
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by m1lk »

this is awesome
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by StroggVorbis »

Gonna be a while until I can play this, really hope this doesn't get shot down. Big N and DMCA go together like flies on a pile of shit. Hoping to see ALttP in GZDoom someday in the future as well :3
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Re: The Legend of DOOM TC

Post by kalensar »

StroggVorbis wrote:Gonna be a while until I can play this, really hope this doesn't get shot down. Big N and DMCA go together like flies on a pile of shit. Hoping to see ALttP in GZDoom someday in the future as well :3

This is a shameless plug. but here is a Zelda inspired mod I made quite awhile ago. I has no maps and is just weapons and monsters. It is entirely Doom Community assets so Nintendo can't even touch it. Its far from perfect but it is very very fun even to me it's creator.

LTTD Link to the Doom. ... -doom-v375

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