Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]--V.2.1--

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Re: Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]--V.2.0-

Post by armymen12002003 »

Nice job with this just played a few levels if you are looking for a music addon try this https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/music/rottmus
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Re: Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]--V.2.0-

Post by D2 Mod Player »

Wow, I'm a big Wolfenstein 3D fan but never played RoTT. I think I like this more so far from the screen shots. I'll be sure to play through this when I get to all the WolfenDoom content here on GzDoom and Risen 3D (original WolfenDoom mods in Risen 3D to avoid out of date GzDoom versions, the original missions WolfenDoom and Lost Levels versions are good on GzDoom).

At game Warrior: If my mod is working with this it's TOTALLY random (under graphics and sound mods). :D Wait, Unless you are talking about the Wolfenstein TC itself working with the mod? You confuse me friend. :)
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Re: Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]--V.2.0-

Post by Captain J »

While i agree with Whoah's feedback and was about to mention certain glitches, i still think this mod needs a lot of balancing in later difficulties. I can shrug over how smarter the enemies get. But ammo shortage problem stands mainly because enemies giving me few ammo, scraps being rare and SMG is so inaccurate it becomes the main issue of wasting precious ammo while the original RoTT didn't have that. And i think Gyrocopters need to be more smarter to detect me because they're so slow in MAP05: The Waste Tunnels.

Not hating this mod because of said issues. In fact, i actually fell in love with it. Gotta complete the love so other gamers who enjoyed RoTT could feel the same, imo. :P
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Re: Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]--V.2.0-

Post by Gamerwarrior117 »

D2 Mod Player wrote:Wow, I'm a big Wolfenstein 3D fan but never played RoTT. I think I like this more so far from the screen shots. I'll be sure to play through this when I get to all the WolfenDoom content here on GzDoom and Risen 3D (original WolfenDoom mods in Risen 3D to avoid out of date GzDoom versions, the original missions WolfenDoom and Lost Levels versions are good on GzDoom).

At game Warrior: If my mod is working with this it's TOTALLY random (under graphics and sound mods). :D Wait, Unless you are talking about the Wolfenstein TC itself working with the mod? You confuse me friend. :)
yes, sorry. the mod works great with either version. runs well.

it works with both mods.
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Re: Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]--V.2.0-

Post by D2 Mod Player »

:shock: 8-)
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Re: Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]--V.2.0-

Post by TheXGamer2020 »

Whoah wrote:Now this is a mod I've been wanting to see for some time! Those unused ROTT assets really needed some love, so it's cool as hell to see them used in a project to such a degree. After playing the new 2.0 version for a bit, I've accumulated some feedback. For reference, I was playing Whispers of Satan on the "Will Of Iron Knees Of Jello" difficulty setting.
Aaaaand those are the most major specific feedback points I was able to come up with! In short, this mod can be really fun and has some really stellar ideas, but it feels unnecessarily brutal and unbalanced at times. I feel there needs to be more opportunities for the player to be able to avoid damage, because as it stands, I find myself more concerned with stunlocking and killing the enemies as quick as possible to better ration my health, rather than prioritizing more lethal targets and switching between weapons to suit the situation. This means playing the mod often feels like I'm trying to scrape past each encounter with one finger on the quicksave button at all times.

But regardless, I hope this feedback helped, and I really wanna see what else you have planned because I am truly a sucker for ROTT. Good work, and good luck! I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this one.
Thanks!! Right now I am very occupied with real life issues so forgive my timing on your feedback

Okay about the issues...most of them have been fixed in V.2.1 that I've made these days and about the brutality levels it's just because I am used to playing most games and mods in the hardest of the difficulties so sorry for my elitism :oops:

In your feedback order(The Not-So-Good Stuff):

-I've tried my best here but the officers need to be fast gunslingers since they are the only enemy capable of doing so(apart from gunships),so it's compensated by their very low damage output ,ambush capabilities and low health pool.Now about the uberpatrols I've reduced a little their reaction time and overpatrols now wastes more time in their pain states(after armor breaks) --Hope it's better now. PS.:Uberpatrols now drops a LMG 50% of the time

-Don't worry,they have been tweaked :thumb:

-Don't know how to do it...

-Players now takes 75% less damage from their rockets..."Father what is that? It's a bird?! it's an airplane!? NO!!! it's B.J. Rocket jumping!!!!!" I think you get it(sorry for the joke lol)

-Just corrected right now!
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Re: Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]--V.2.0-

Post by TheXGamer2020 »

Captain J wrote:While i agree with Whoah's feedback and was about to mention certain glitches, i still think this mod needs a lot of balancing in later difficulties. I can shrug over how smarter the enemies get. But ammo shortage problem stands mainly because enemies giving me few ammo, scraps being rare and SMG is so inaccurate it becomes the main issue of wasting precious ammo while the original RoTT didn't have that. And i think Gyrocopters need to be more smarter to detect me because they're so slow in MAP05: The Waste Tunnels.

Not hating this mod because of said issues. In fact, i actually fell in love with it. Gotta complete the love so other gamers who enjoyed RoTT could feel the same, imo. :P
Don't need to worry more about them ammo shortage,just check V.2.1 8-)

About the SMG accuracy, scrap and the gyrocopters...I will leave them as they are for now.
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Re: Wolf3d part 2:Rise of The Triad[DOOM CONVERSION]--V.2.1-

Post by Huunreh »

Hi. You've done a great conversion TheXGamer2020! I've always wanted to see Blazkowitz's sequel adventures in the original version. I saw two mods for Wolf3D, but you showed how it could develop. It is a pity that the maps are from Doom. But it all looks amazing.

And I have this idea. To change the spirets of these enemies:
Triad Low Guard

Triad Uberpatrol

And here I once found a single sprite on a website and made a whole sequence of walking, shooting and falling of this boss. Could it be Darian?

Skeleton. With one sprite, I did the entire walking, attack and fall sequence.

Lastly, I also made a complete sequence out of one sprite of Blazkowitz's face - front, left, right - in all health states.

If you would like any of these sprites, I will gladly give you.
Good luck with the further development of the conversion and look forward to the new version! Thanks!

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