For high-res texture/sprite projects, sprite-fix patches, music add-ons, music randomizers, and other graphic/sound-only projects.
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DarkkOne wrote: ↑Fri Mar 10, 2023 4:37 pm
In the town, there's some very distinct shadows cast over the water that vanish with this.
What tool should I use to edit the PK3 and find where to comment them out? I'm not terribly familiar with editing doom files.
I'll just edit it for you then. Have fun! Download
Hey! I've been trying to use this with HeyDoomer's relighting mod, but the flickering lights don't work. Any way to remove the glowflats while keeping the lighting of the projectiles/decor?
Flamsey wrote: ↑Wed Mar 06, 2024 9:24 pm
Hey! I've been trying to use this with HeyDoomer's relighting mod, but the flickering lights don't work. Any way to remove the glowflats while keeping the lighting of the projectiles/decor?
Hi there! In the ML!'s PK3, you can comment out or remove the definitions for the glowing flats in the main GLDEFS lump in Doom's folder. Every GF definition for Doom is under is under the comment // Glowing flat shit
(Funny ik lol)