Great! I'll add that to the guide, then.
Guide update:
- Handling of Steam releases for NAM/WW2 GI added.
How to make Build games work with Raze
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Re: How to make Build games work with Raze
Guide update:
- Instructions for "Death Wish" CD soundtrack (by Speedy) added. [Note: Currently meant for latest DW v1.7.9. Will require update with upcoming DW v2.0.]
- Instructions for "Death Wish" CD soundtrack (by Speedy) added. [Note: Currently meant for latest DW v1.7.9. Will require update with upcoming DW v2.0.]
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Re: How to make Build games work with Raze
Are any of the files from 20th Anniversary World Tour not used by Raze? I want to delete some of it to make the overall install smaller, 1gb is like 5 times the size of Atomic Edition's 200mb.
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Re: How to make Build games work with Raze
Deleting files is a really bad idea because features get added all the time and some of them may eventually use the files in question at some point and that will in best case scenario render the new feature non functional and worst case render the game unable to start at all, or make it crashy/unstable only for you and nobody else without anybody being able to figure out why.
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Re: How to make Build games work with Raze
Problem with cryptic passage. I tried playing it on zeta touch but all I got from that was a black screen with the gear icon all over the screen (I can't show the image because the file was too big. Curse you ZDoom forums) but is there a way to fix this?
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Re: How to make Build games work with Raze
The best way would be to zip all content belonging to it and then loading it as a main game GRP.
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Re: How to make Build games work with Raze
File and Directory Structure for the Redneck Rampage Games:
1. Replace c:\raze with wherever Raze is installed on your system.c:\raze\data\redneck.grp
2. Create a subfolder within Raze called "data" without quotation marks.
3. Copy redneck.grp from the main Redneck Rampage GOG folder (where RAMPAGE.EXE is located) to Raze's data folder.
4. Make a copy of redneck.grp in the GOG release's AGAIN folder, rename it to rides.grp, then move rides.grp to Raze's data folder.
5. Copy redint.mve also from the GOG release's AGAIN folder to Raze's data folder.
6. In Raze's data folder, create a .zip file called The file needs to have the following files and folder included within itself:
Note: Make sure to preserve the ROUTE66 folder structure as well.
7. In the data subfolder, create another folder called "music" without quotation marks. Extract the .ogg files from the .zip files below into the music subfolder.ASYAMB.VOC
Redneck Rampage 1 and Route 66 - .ogg Music Files
Redneck Rampage Rides Again - .ogg Music Files
8. In the Raze folder, double-click on Raze's executable. Open all 3 games individually to make sure they are running correctly. Start a new game in each Redneck Rampage to verify that the music is playing as well.
Optional: Create a Windows shortcut (or equivalent shortcut in your operating system of choice) to the Raze executable. Right click on it and select Properties, then click on the Shortcut tab. In the Target field, add a space after the closing quotation mark or after .exe if there is no space in the raze.exe filename's path, then add -quick to the end of the command and press OK.
Adding -quick means that when you start Raze using this shortcut and select a game, the loaded game will start at the game's main menu, skipping all company logos and intro cutscenes. The Redneck Rampage Series, Exhumed / Powerslave, Duke Nukem 3D and Duke 3D's various add-ons all have several of these screens before reaching their respective main menus.
Last edited by Master O on Thu Nov 23, 2023 11:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How to make Build games work with Raze
How to Run Raze Games from the Command Line or Shortcuts
First, make sure your games are correctly installed according to this post.
Note: The -gamegrep switch currently only looks for game files to be installed in the data or blood folders for their respective games. If they are not in those specific areas, this switch will not work at all. If you are running Wanton Destruction, Twin Dragon, or Nuclear Winter, those mission packs alone will require the use of -iwad, instead of -gamegrep.
Next, create a Windows shortcut (or equivalent shortcut in your operating system of choice) to the Raze executable. Right click on it and select Properties, then click on the Shortcut tab. In the Target field, add a space after the closing quotation mark or after .exe if there is no space in the raze.exe filename's path, then add one of the following switches to the shortcut:
Duke Nukem 3D: -gamegrp DUKE3D.GRP
Duke Caribbean: -gamegrp VACA15.SSI
Duke It Out in DC: -gamegrp DUKEDCPP.SSI
Nuclear Winter: -iwad NWINTER.GRP
Shadow Warrior: -gamegrp SW.GRP
SW - Twin Dragon: -iwad td.grp
SW - Wanton Destruction: -iwad wt.grp
Blood: -gamegrp BLOOD.RFF
Blood - Cryptic Passage: -cryptic -gamegrp
Redneck Rampage 1: -gamegrp REDNECK.GRP
Redneck Rampage 1 - Route 66: -gamegrp
Redneck Rampage Rides Again: -gamegrp RIDES.GRP
Exhumed / Powerslave: -gamegrp STUFF.DAT
It is also highly recommended to add the -quick switch in the shortcut to skip company logos and intro cut scenes in order to start at the loaded game's main menu.
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Re: How to make Build games work with Raze
This is so great, thanks a lot for "Raze". I've played "Exhumed" 25 years ago and now it's the first time I can really play it the way I like it:
- free mouselook
- Saving whenever you want
I would love to see support for Witchaven 1+2. They are a build games, aren't they?
And finally I would like to report a bug. When I add the cutscenes from "Blood Deathwish" to the ZIP file and I start a new game, Raze crashes with the message ""Corrupt zlib stream". After deleting the cutscenes from the ZIP file, everything runs fine.
- free mouselook
- Saving whenever you want
I would love to see support for Witchaven 1+2. They are a build games, aren't they?
And finally I would like to report a bug. When I add the cutscenes from "Blood Deathwish" to the ZIP file and I start a new game, Raze crashes with the message ""Corrupt zlib stream". After deleting the cutscenes from the ZIP file, everything runs fine.
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Re: How to make Build games work with Raze
I realise this is a late reply but Witchaven was attempted, then abandoned
This was an attempt to get the game working in Raze and is mainly based on WitchavenGDX.
Ultimately we decided, though, not to make this game an official part of Raze, mainly due to quality concerns and the inability to make meaningful comparisons with the original DOS release.
This branch has been reported to have several bugs and inconsistencies with the original DOS release but being faced with investing some real time into fixing such an inferior game and dealing with the future implications of having to support it, it seemed like the wiser decision to abandon it but make the work that's already done accessible to the public.
So that's it. Don't get your hopes up that we may eventually offer full support for it. If someone wants to pick this up and genuinely address these problems, they'd be welcome, of course.
In the beginning this was an interesting technical exercise but the more I saw of these games the less enthusiastic I became, which you can see in the very spotty commit history of that branch. And now that we gave them to an external tester for review he pointed out many things we never noticed as wrong. If those games had any genuine merit I might have taken the time to fix them. But as it stands, they are just awful crap.