For high-res texture/sprite projects, sprite-fix patches, music add-ons, music randomizers, and other graphic/sound-only projects.
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freshlycutgrass wrote:These are looking really nice! I'm looking forward to playing with the higher resolution sprites!
Thank you
I still try do weapons and monster sprites in Blood upscale pack quality. Items and object looks good with manual editing but monsters and weapons are still blurred but usable . Blood has very nice pack. Is crisp, detailed but with original feeling. Who know how he made it. Hd sprites for doom 1 ,2 was more easy do than this upscale
I need to get some rest from the doom. I'm trying to sprites for Blood. I don't like voxels and the current upscaled pack for Blood do not have reworked some sprites.
Wooden cross is not upscaled and I made it from scratch. When I have more, I'll start a new topic.
New topic with blood sprites is here
Last edited by Marcelus on Sun Aug 07, 2022 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
I am trying same upscaling method for weapons how I did for Doom1,2 weapons sprites. I think result is now much better. Sharp and also shapes are nice. Colors are little changed but nothing dramatic..
1. original
2. current 2x upscale
3. new 2x upscale
finished one long torch sprites : all colors
finished short torch sprites : all colors
add some gore sprites
finished two statues sprites
redone super shotgun sprites with better quality.
(In next release will be redone all weapons sprites)
add some brightmaps