Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [V8.0 RELEASED!]

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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [V7.0 RELEASED!]

Post by Alando1 »

@t_doom-shroom-5440 - Glad to hear you're enjoying it :)

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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [V7.0 RELEASED!]

Post by t_doom-shroom-5440 »

Heya there all:
Well, the weekend is here for me now, and I've been making good use of the time.
At first, I spent a lot of time with the demo map, and wow was that fun in nightmare mode.
I did have one question about the lift, I'm not sure whether it's supposed to make that buzzing sound the way it does in MDK or not, it doesn't. Is that a bug?
It's hard to pick a favourite thing about the new version, but right now, I'm thinking of the 180 key. What a wonderful thing it is too.
One more curiosity, what got fixed in Operation MDK? There was nothing to indicate that but I do have it installed.
Thank you again Team Toby!
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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [V7.0 RELEASED!]

Post by Proydoha »

t_doom-shroom-5440 wrote: Mon Feb 12, 2024 3:21 pm I did have one question about the lift, I'm not sure whether it's supposed to make that buzzing sound the way it does in MDK or not, it doesn't. Is that a bug?
Not sure what exactly are you talking about. I've quickly ran through few levels. On second map (Docking Bay) and on fourth map (Personnel) of Operation MDK there is an elevator present. Nothing seems to be out of order. There is relatively slow wub-wub-kind of sound placed in elevators. Not sure if used as an audio cue to indicate an elevator or just a beacon to pull player to the point of interest. We'll need Alando1 to answer that :)
t_doom-shroom-5440 wrote: Mon Feb 12, 2024 3:21 pm One more curiosity, what got fixed in Operation MDK? There was nothing to indicate that but I do have it installed.
We were watching gameplay recordings made by stormdragon2976 and on Map 06 (The Mines) an exit switch was protruding from the wall making it hard to align yourself with it by sidestepping, I think the change addressing this issue was the only change in hotfix.
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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [V7.0 RELEASED!]

Post by t_doom-shroom-5440 »

Heya there all:
@Proydoha: Thanks for the quick response. The lift sound I'm referring to, is the one in the Toby Demo Level. There is a lift in the eastern room that leads up to the floor where you have a bunch of ammo, and the nitches where the various monsters are hiding that you can attack. The lift works as it should, but doesn't have the beacon sound that MDK does, that is the one I'm curious about.
That demo map is a damn good teaching tool I think. Thanks muchee again.
Take care... Cheereo!
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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [V7.0 RELEASED!]

Post by Proydoha »

t_doom-shroom-5440 wrote: Tue Feb 13, 2024 9:21 am The lift works as it should, but doesn't have the beacon sound that MDK does, that is the one I'm curious about.
Operation MDK has manually placed sounds in lifts. Otherwise, if no custom sound is placed by map maker, all you will hear is button beacon that operates the lift (if its near the lift or attached to it).
This is because lift is an abstract concept. Its just a floor that lowers or raises a certain amount of map units. The game does not know that its a lift. From game's perspective it just as likely can be bars that raise and lower to block or open the path. Because of that its hard to estimate that something is a lift to automatically place lift beacon there.

Same deal with doors really, its just easier to make an educated guess that something is a door. From the game's perspective the door is a button attached to a wall. When you press it wall goes up opening a path (or, more accurately, ceiling of the "door" section of a map raises up).

I hope that my explanation is not confusing!
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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [V7.0 RELEASED!]

Post by stormdragon2976 »

Here is a death match stream some friends and I did. The time flew by on this, I thought we maybe played for an hour or so, but the stream is near four hours long lol. All participants are totally blind. Two of us were using Linux, the other was on Windows.
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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [V7.0 RELEASED!]

Post by t_doom-shroom-5440 »

Heya there all:
Actually, that explanation made perfect sense to me. Thanks muchee for it.
Take care... Cheereo!
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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [V7.0 RELEASED!]

Post by Proydoha »

stormdragon2976 wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2024 10:51 am Here is a death match stream some friends and I did. The time flew by on this, I thought we maybe played for an hour or so, but the stream is near four hours long lol. All participants are totally blind. Two of us were using Linux, the other was on Windows.
Finally managed to watch it all.
Amazing! Seemingly no desyncs or other multiplayer-related issues.

Most of the banter was drowned by gunfire :) So if there were any suggestions for improvements I'm afraid I didn't hear them.

I got confused when key narration announced every key possible because I don't play deathmatch. But it makes total sense that in deathmatch each player should have all keys.
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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [V7.0 RELEASED!]

Post by stormdragon2976 »

@Proydoha I really can't think of much that needs to be improved.

It would be cool to know which player you are currently targeting, but I don't think that would be possible, or at least not very efficient without TTS support. I'm currently looking at some pk3s with the intent of creating full TTS support, but it is slow going. My idea is to support sapi5 for Windows, speech-dispatcher for Linux, and maybe say for Mac. I would like to also add talkback support for Android, because there's a port of gzdoom there too, but I haven't yet even tested it to see if it will work with the accessibility mod.

Just as a funny side note, a friend of mine wanted to do a quick death match over the weekend, "maybe an hour or so." Four hours later, "Man this is fun! Just one more map!" So our quick death matches average about 4 hours. :)
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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [V7.0 RELEASED!]

Post by Proydoha »

stormdragon2976 wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 12:51 pm but I don't think that would be possible, or at least not very efficient without TTS support
As I understand it you're hooking TTS to GZDoom's console output and filter only lines you're interested in. I have an intention to add output switcher to switch between recorded narration and console-only prints (and TTS that kodi offered). For console-only prints I'll add a prefix [Toby Acessibility Mod] or something similar so that you could easily separate from the rest of the noise.

Just need to find time to do it.
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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [V7.0 RELEASED!]

Post by rava »

Hello. how to run multi-user mode in TobyAccessibilityMod_Version7-0
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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [V7.0 RELEASED!]

Post by stormdragon2976 »

@Proydoha oh that would rock! Especially if you could somehow get the end of levelstats to print there as well.
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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [V7.0 RELEASED!]

Post by rava »

Hello. How to run the mod in multiplayer mode. mod TobyAccessibilityMod version 7.0. The network starts but without the mod.
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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [V7.0 RELEASED!]

Post by Proydoha »

rava wrote: Mon Mar 04, 2024 10:59 pm Hello. How to run the mod in multiplayer mode. mod TobyAccessibilityMod version 7.0. The network starts but without the mod.
You need to run it with the following additional launch parameters:
-host 2
This will start GZDoom in multiplayer mode. It will wait until second player joins the game and then game will start. Change 2 to any other number to start a game for more than two players

For compatibility with other mods we've separated different parts of a mod into main mod (TobyAccMod_V7-0.pk3) and addons ("Addons" folder) so you need to load them all if you want them all using -file launch parameter:
-file TobyAccMod_V7-0.pk3 "./Addons/TobyV7_Guns.pk3" "./Addons/TobyV7_Monsters.pk3" "./Addons/TobyV7_Pickups.pk3" "./Addons/TobyV7_Decorations.pk3"

Joining player need to use -join launch parameter instead of -host:
-join <ip address of a host>
(Without angle brackets)

This will launch game in coop mode. If you want deathmatch - you need to add:

Opening "Play Toby's Death Arena.bat" file with any text editor may help you understand what launch parameters are used there.
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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [V7.0 RELEASED!]

Post by stormdragon2976 »

@rava I have been working on an alternative launcher. If you would like to try it, you can download it from:

Extract the zip file into the TobyDoom folder. Once that is done, you will have 2 new files, Accessible_Doom.ahk and Accessible_Doom.exe. The ahk file is the source code, the .exe is the compiled launcher. When you press enter on the .exe, you will be presented with a menu. You can launch the games, download Operation MDK if it is not installed already, and host or join a death match.

If you try it out, please let me know what you think of it. I don't do much development in Windows these days, this is the first thing in almost 20 years. :)

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