Scavver's Paradise V3 Beta - A Survival Horror Mod

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AMMO: Should ammunition have weight?

Poll ended at Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:11 pm

1) Yes! Make the ammo harness reduce reloading speed.
2) Nah! Keep the hard ammo caps and weightlessness plz.
3) Both! Make it a CVAR that players can toggle as desired. (DUNNO If I can accomplish this!)
Total votes: 14

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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by Viscra Maelstrom »

looking forward to the update! i've been having fun with the current version and am interested in seeing what's going to be changed.
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by CaptainNurbles »

Just a little something to show that yes, things are being worked on! I'm essentially finished with what I want done in this update, all that's left is waiting for approval for some assets I'm wanting to use for a couple guns.

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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by CaptainNurbles »

Alright, time to give y'all a proper showcasing of what I've been working on for the past forever. Still waiting on responses for permission or denial to use some assets, but as soon as I get the word on that an upload will be coming, I promise you this.

So to get you lot excited, how about some teasers?


Probably the BIGGEST change of all is the new and improved weight system. After SEVERAL months of constant tweaking and playtesting I think I've finally gotten it to where I want it. The part of me that likes the Stalker series is tempted to drop carry weight considerably, but with how this mod plays out I feel that the current weight limits are challenging without being unnecessarily punishing.

Without any backpacks, your max limit is 45 kilos. The more you carry, the slower you move, the weaker your jumps, and the less effective your dodges become. Once you hit your current weight limit your movement speed is abysmal, jumping is useless, and your dodge can't dodge shit. You can still carry above your limit, but good luck with that. Weapons, armor, equipment, and medical goods all add to your weight. Ammo and upgrades do not. Upgrades are weightless just to be fair, and ammo is weightless because A) I can't be assed, and B) There are so many calibers in the mod that you'd either have to deal with only carrying ammo for what can commonly be found, or I'd have to cut a LOT of unique ammo types.

Challenge loadouts have no backpacks at all. Standard loadouts spawn with common backpacks for 60 kilos of weight. Veteran loadouts have travel backpacks for 80 kilos of carry weight.

Backpacks can increase your carry limit to 60, 80, 100, or 120 kilos. All backpacks but the largest can also be found off of zombies, since with that many backpack types on top of all of the consumables and the new ammo harness (functionally identical to the old backpack), it made finding a good backpack STINKIN' HARD AND FRUSTRATING.

Also, zombies now have a chance to drop consumables, which makes using them so much more fun and useful.

ANYWAY, I have made the decision to make many changes to weapon calibers. As of the current public build, there are twenty-one unique ammo types, some with alternate ammo. Twenty one spunk-gargling unique flavors of demon killin' juice. With the new update I have reduced that to...

Eighteen. Still a LOT of calibers, but they've also been better balanced among one another. Redundancies have been worked out, and many weapons have been reworked into fitting different roles and being more useful. On top of that, I've worked on making weapons with rare calibers have more weapons to share that ammo with, to give you more opportunities to use that ammo. It's less the Fallout: New Vegas "player progression through higher caliber gear" that I initially intended, and more "have a lot of variety for the maximum possibilities when building your equipment loadouts for a larger amount of replay value."

There are only three pistol calibers available now. 9x23mm for basic, small caliber pot shots against smaller critters and as a backup for when you can't reload in the heat of combat, .357 magnum as a fiddly, hard to use large caliber ammo for bigger targets and armored zombies, and 12.7x34mm magnum for when you want a lot of damage in a semi-auto package, but don't want to fiddle with speedloaders or manual reloads and are fine with carrying much less ammo. The old 9x19mm SMG ammo was replaced with a 7.76x28mm caseless ammo, purely because the new magazine sprite lets me stick low-tier SMG ammo into more than one gun. The machine pistol is fun.

5.45x39mm ammo, gonezo. 5.45mm rifles did the SAME damage as 5.56mm, so why the redundancy? All 5.45mm weapons have been rechambered for 5.56mm, and 5.56mm magazines have been bumped up to 36 rounds per mag. Handy!

To make the old 9mm rifle actually useful, and to keep the old 5.56mm bolt-action rifle from having too large a magazine, they have both been rechambered for a new 6.5x48mm hunting rifle magazine, both sporting a capacity of 15+1.

5.56x45mm drum mags, also gone. The old SAW has been replaced with a belt-fed 5.7mm LMG which shares the same ammo as the chaingun. Chaingun has better recoil control and a super fast alt fire, LMG is more accurate, doesn't need batteries, and is lighter in weight.

Oh yeah, the chaingun needs batteries now. Each cell will last a LONG while, even if you use the alt fire which chews through battery something fierce, but it is something to consider.

Shotguns? One gauge. I do miss having pulse slugs, but to make regular slugs more useful they're a bit easier to find, and they deal large caliber damage instead of small caliber. Also to make up for the lack of 10 gauge shells, 12 gauge shotguns all do more damage. Halfway between the old 12 gauge damage and 10 gauge damage. Every 10 gauge shotgun has been reworked into 12 gauge, and every shotgun has been rebalanced with that in mind. Sure, the differences between the 12 gauge police shotgun and 12 gauge combat shotgun aren't too huge, but there's enough difference that you might be willing to look past the extra weight in the combat shotgun.

An aside, chaingunner-class zombies now wear combat armor, since with the rebalanced armor protection values the old security armor they were wearing was easy for small caliber weapons to break through. ~7 9x23mm rounds to down a 6.2mm rifle zombie, versus ~5 rounds of 5.56x45mm. Now that they wear combat armor the differences between small and large caliber weapons is considerable. To keep them from being TOO spongey however, their health has been dropped a wee bit.

Have you ever been wandering the hellish landscapes of earth and come across one of those lovely hellish spheres that heal your wounds or grant you invincibility or what have you? Ever wanted to take one along with you? Well now you can, with the brand new Lead-Lined Sphere Container!

These heavy sumbitches let you bring hellish spheres along with you! Simply activate the unit, press USE on a sphere, and boom, now you're carrying incredible restorative potential wherever you go! Of course, a filled LLSC weighs considerably more than an empty one, and that weight depends on the type of sphere contained within. An invulnerability sphere weighs nearly ten kilos!

(THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A GIF. Dunno why it isn't playing properly but it's late and I'm tired as hell so I'll deal with it later.)

Speaking of carrying heavy things for future use, you can now carry spare armor with you wherever you go! As expected, this is done at the expense of extra carry weight to your loadout, but having an extra police vest as a backup for when your combat armor breaks could potentially save your life.

You also might have noticed the weird looking health and armor bar in the above GIF. That's for the energy-shielded vest. You can now repair the vest itself, and to make up for that the shield itself must be powered. You can recharge it on your Repairer Tool using Repairer Batteries or Compact Cells. If the shield is depleted all you're left with is a kinda heavy, subpar ballistic vest.

Since we're talking about armor, there's four new types of armor to compliment the current roster. I focused on these having special properties not found in other armors, or just being really handy with a significant drawback.

Things like being really strong for its tier, but being really flammable, protecting you from damaging floors, increasing movement speed at the cost of extra plasma/laser damage, and making your stimpacks more effective.

Random ammo boxes have been improved on. Better balancing on what's given when kicked, there's now a message telling you to kick them to open, there's now a random explosives box, and a random medical goods box that can rarely spawn on soulsphere and berserk spawns.


SO MUCH WORK has been put into balancing weapons, ammo, consumables, and monsters to make this as fun as possible while still maintaining its roots as a high difficulty survival horror deal. I want it to be a challenge, to really push your skills not only in direct combat but with target prioritization and knowing how to best use and pack your gear, but I also want to keep things simple and fun, make it as easy to approach and play as possible. This is probably the biggest update I've made to the mod, and I really hope that the effort shines through and that you folks enjoy the new update when I can drop it!
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by Viscra Maelstrom »

lots of things to be excited about! it's clear a lot of thought and effort has been put in on the balancing side of things for this. i'll be giving this a whirl whenever the new version drops!
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by -Ghost- »

Looking good! Honestly I'm glad you merged the shotguns, it always felt kind of clunky with the different gauges when they functioned more or less the same anyway. I'd rather have a few shotguns that are more versatile by being able to load them up with different stuff than having a bunch of shotguns.
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by CaptainNurbles »

Yeah the whole reason why I tiered the shotguns into two calibers (and just why there's so many calibers in general) was cause in the original design documents I did up when first starting the mod, I had in mind a Fallout: New Vegas sorta "player progression through weapons" thing in mind, starting off with dinky weapons, and finishing the game with stonky high caliber heavy duty weaponry and military grade armor. Problem is, that works out best when you have shops to buy and sell stuff in, and also scripting to distribute more high tier supplies as you get farther into the game. I theoretically could script something like that out if I tried, but honestly I feel like the current "loadout building" meta I'm going for is more interesting and more flexible with mapsets of different lengths. Hence why I've been dropping ammo types for this update.
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by KTwo »

The plasma shotgun its just a floating casing..
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by CaptainNurbles »

KTwo wrote: Wed Mar 15, 2023 11:08 pm The plasma shotgun its just a floating casing..
I thought I deleted that from the mod!

That's there because in a previous update I started making a plasma shotgun, but gave up part of the way through coding it. The plasma shotgun doesn't spawn normally in game, only appearing with give all or IDKFA.

May end up taking an extra couple hours to finally finish that damn thing, actually.
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by KTwo »

CaptainNurbles wrote: Thu Mar 16, 2023 7:22 am
KTwo wrote: Wed Mar 15, 2023 11:08 pm The plasma shotgun its just a floating casing..
I thought I deleted that from the mod!

That's there because in a previous update I started making a plasma shotgun, but gave up part of the way through coding it. The plasma shotgun doesn't spawn normally in game, only appearing with give all or IDKFA.

May end up taking an extra couple hours to finally finish that damn thing, actually.
I see, thanks!
I wanted to ask out if there's any chances to add a pretty powerful pump action shotgun alike the KS-23 were its ammunition could be pretty rare and even have special types of rounds like"Barrikada", this thing can pierce through car and truck engines it would be nice yo have something like that in this mod :wub:
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by CaptainNurbles »

KTwo wrote: Thu Mar 16, 2023 12:34 pm I wanted to ask out if there's any chances to add a pretty powerful pump action shotgun alike the KS-23 were its ammunition could be pretty rare and even have special types of rounds like"Barrikada", this thing can pierce through car and truck engines it would be nice yo have something like that in this mod :wub:
Prolly not. I've been leaning away from weapons with rare and/or dedicated ammo types since with the large number of weapons and calibers, and with the limited weight system, there'd be little reason to carry with you something that you can barely stock with ammo, especially when it's functionally identical to a bunch of guns that have much more common ammo. This is exactly the reason why I've removed 10 gauge ammo for this upcoming update.

Shotguns already have slug rounds which punch clean through armor and deal a metric dickload of damage. Going back to re-add a second shotgun caliber that's bigger than standard shells that also has big slug ammo that punches clean through armor and deals a metric dickload of damage would be needlessly redundant.
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

R.I.P. 10ga, i used to like it.

But seriously tho, i see you are working yourself a lot for this new update. I'm very eager to see what you are cooking up, because it's been a good time since i last played a campaign using your mod.

Can't wait!
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.1.1 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by CaptainNurbles »

Don't you worry, the old 10 gauge shotguns are still present in the mod! They've just been rechambered for 12 gauge and rebalanced among one another. Besides, all shotguns deal a bit more damage anyway to make up for the lack of 10 gauge rounds, so you could say there's a little bit of 10 gauge in all the shotguns. One shot can almost kill a pinky. Stab 'em with a knife after and they're toast.

Right now I'm just awaiting some assistance from the community to help with optimizing some code for a new set of armor (With this particular armor equipped, getting into combat does lag up the game something fierce. Go to Map10 in Doom 2 and run to the zombie room and it'll drop the framerate to below 20 FPS after taking enough hits.) Once it's optimized, functional, and balanced to my liking, dropping this update.

Edit: I thought I fixed it, but I'm still running into framerate issues with the armor. Mod won't release until this is fixed.

Edit 2: Armor is fixed, no performance issues. Some oddities with sounds when things are busy, and sometimes the shield doesn't delay its recharging on taking damage, but it's otherwise functional as I like it. Gonna spend time tomorrow running through some maps for last minute bug hunting and playtesting the new armor for balancing. Expect update to drop tomorrow.
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.3 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by CaptainNurbles »

Holy fuck, it's finally here... Several months, countless hours of bloed, zweet, en tranen, many agonizing nights spent working on my spaghetti code, making sprite edits to weapon reload sequences, and it's finally here.

This is probably the biggest update I've pushed to the mod to date. It sure as hell feels like it! So many changes that have been made, so much new content, so many additions and modifications to systems and equipment, it honestly feels like a completely new product compared to the last version.

NOTE: If you notice any major issues in the mod, please either comment here or contact me directly. I've playtested the everloving shit out of the mod, but with the last minute addition of shielded power armor, there may be issues I have yet to catch with that in particular. It SHOULD work just fine with no issues in how the armor works or in how it impacts performance, but STILL. PLZ contact me if you notice issues or bugs.

... Still gotta fix the HUD to allow for scaling.

Anyway! Dropping the download link here in this comment and in the topic post as always. Changelog is HUMONGOUS and I'm certain there's a few changes I've forgotten, at LEAST a few!


DOWNLOAD HERE (Updated 18/3/23)

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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.3 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by Someonewhoplaysdoom »

Heck yeah, just in time to some deserved survival horror night on my country (even if I only play this mod with map packs and not additional mods xd, need to find some new mapsets that are not too hard for playing it).
CaptainNurbles wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 7:18 pm
NOTE: If you notice any major issues in the mod, please either comment here or contact me directly. I've playtested the everloving shit out of the mod, but with the last minute addition of shielded power armor, there may be issues I have yet to catch with that in particular. It SHOULD work just fine with no issues in how the armor works or in how it impacts performance, but STILL. PLZ contact me if you notice issues or bugs.

... Still gotta fix the HUD to allow for scaling.
The Hud scaling would be nice, but that could wait, taking on consideration the huge rework of the mod already. :D
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Re: Scavver's Paradise V2.3 - A Survival Horror Mod

Post by CaptainNurbles »

Someonewhoplaysdoom wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 8:58 pmThe Hud scaling would be nice, but that could wait, taking on consideration the huge rework of the mod already. :D
Last time I had a look at changing the SBARINFO for scaling all it took was removing one line of code.

Also adjusting and repositioning every single HUD element to better fit the new scaling. Every HUD element, weapon, armor, medical item, and the ammo/armor/upgrade screens, all would have to have the graphics, text, etc. shifted back into its proper position.

And that's why I don't wanna make an alternative HUD that's positioned for other aspect ratios. Just fixing it in the first place is a monumental pain in the ass. Simple, but unbelievably tedious.

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