I'll give it a try, since I've got a bigass reference sprite sheet with tons of arms and hand sprites that I've been using for various animations on weapons. The big contenders are A) If I can find good looking sprites for needles, bandages, blood packs, etc., and B) If I have the friggen patience to do all that work xDDoomguy914 wrote:I'm definitely liking the ideas you have going forward. While it would be awesome to have animation for specific inventory acts, I'm sure you could make do with text and sound to get the point across.
Something I had in mind was either having it be a scripting thing, where if you're moving forwards and holding shift you'll lower your weapon and start sprinting quickly, or to have it be a sorta function in the Unarmed weapon, where if you hold right click or reload, you can sprint faster as long as the button is held. That last point is a maybe since at some point I would like to expand on fisticuffs some, throw in a sorta half-baked combo system to make the fists that much more useful.Doomguy914 wrote:I also like the idea of an unarmed version of sprint.
So something I'd just noticed a moment ago, several weapons have poorly coded firing sequences in regards to recoil. For many of the weapons, the recoil will kick in the same frame that the gun fires, meaning you're guaranteed to miss your mark. For some it isn't a big deal since they're close quarters weapons, but expect that to be fixed in the next patch. I also just noticed that when you're reloading the 20g pump shotgun on empty during the sequence where you load a shell then pump it into the receiver, it doesn't actually take any ammo from your inventory. Loading 7 shells into the shotgun from empty only uses 6 shells. Won't surprise me if that applies to the 12 gauge pump. fuuuuuk I'm bad at this lol
Also having a go at adding alternative ammo types for shotguns. Since I was able to apply that to rocket launchers, grenade launchers, and the 20mm cannon, I know how to go about doing it in a functional manner. The biggest hurdle is just doing it, since I'd have to apply that to nine friggen guns. I'll probably scrap the concept once my patience wears out, but what I had in mind were slugs for 20 gauge shotguns (About the same damage as standard 20g shells, but only one pellet, with greater accuracy and would deal Small Caliber damage for additional penetration of armor) and a sort of Pulse Slug for 12 gauge shotguns (Increased accuracy, slightly reduced damage, dealing Small Caliber damage on impact for added penetration with a special puff to apply plenty of plasma damage to the target and stun them briefly. Would be good for cybernetic targets.)
(JUST AN EDIT to prevent spamming the forums: I have gone and done this after promising it for what feels like nine years. All nine shell-based weapons (including the underbarrel shotguns in the 4.6mm PDW and the 5.45mm Assault Rifle) can take alternative shotgun shells. Standard full lead slugs for the weaker shotguns, and a plasma-charged pulse slug for the heavier shotguns. Still working out how to best balance how frequently they spawn and how much damage the pulse slugs do.)
I will not be doing this for any magazine-fed weapon, nor will I apply this to the revolver or lever action rifle. The revolver's code is already a massive complicated mess, adding the ability to load an alternative ammo type by hand or by speedloader would be a damn nightmare.
Also also may end up renaming the shells from 20 Gauge and 12 Gauge to 12 Gauge and 10 Gauge, respectively. Would only really be a cosmetic difference! I just kinda figured "okay yeah why would the police use 20 gauge shells for their shotguns? Why wouldn't armed forces 200 years in the future use bigger, stronger shells than 12 gauge with the advances in armor in their time?" I've been thinking on this for months now, main reason why I haven't done it yet is cause it would throw long time fans off kilter since they'd have been used to yellow shells for weaker shots and red for stronger.