GBA music format support?

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GBA music format support?

Post by Guest »

Is it possible to implement GBA's sound format(GSF)?

I'd really love to see it being used! I was surprised the first time I saw SPCs and GBS being available for use in ZDOOM.

And again, I'm not a programmer but is it really possible to implement?
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Graf Zahl
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Re: GBA music format support?

Post by Graf Zahl »

There are players avilable in source form but none that can be used as a drop-in soiution. It may happen but it's not really a high priority item.
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Re: GBA music format support?

Post by wildweasel »

Do any of GZDoom's available MIDI replayers support embedded .sf2 banks per-track? Because if so, this utility may be of some use, as it extracts the music from a GBA ROM to a .mid file, in addition to a .sf2 bank with the ROM's own sample data in it.

If not, it's not too far a stretch to then import said MIDI fileinto something like OpenMPT, pull the samples in from the .sf2 bank, and include it in the project as an Impulse Tracker file.
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Graf Zahl
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Re: GBA music format support?

Post by Graf Zahl »

You can specify the sound font per track through SNDINFO, along with the synth to be used, which for mods providing music should be enough to get it done.

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