I'm using loopMIDI, SAVIHost, and Sound Canvas VA to create a MIDI device that GZDoom can use for music playback.
I set the mode in SCVA to GS or GM2 but when GZDoom plays music, it always forces a mode change to GM. I checked a few other source ports to see if they did the same thing and I found only GZDoom exhibits this behavior so I started testing old versions and discovered it started with version 3.3.0. I found this thread about sending SysEx reset messages to the MIDI device from around the same time. Is it possible to check the mode first and then send the appropriate reset instead of always sending GM?
GZDoom always sets MIDI device to GM mode
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- Joined: Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:30 am
- Graphics Processor: nVidia with Vulkan support
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Re: GZDoom always sets MIDI device to GM mode
This seems to be the intended behavior, as it was added intentionally in a commit.
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:30 am
- Graphics Processor: nVidia with Vulkan support
Re: GZDoom always sets MIDI device to GM mode
Should I post this in feature suggestions instead? I see your point, it may not quite be a bug but I think the behavior could be improved. My understanding of this is limited but I think the way it works now, if a song uses GS/GM2 features they'll be ignored since the mode is always set to GM. As mentioned by Gez in the linked thread, there are different reset messages for each mode so it would be nice to use them.
I took a look at the GM2 spec and found the GM2 reset message as well: F0 7E 7F 09 03 F7Gez wrote:The GM reset sysex is F0 7E 7F 09 01 F7.
There's also F0 41 10 42 12 40 00 7F 00 41 F7 for GS and F0 43 10 4C 00 00 7E 00 F7 for XG.