Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8ldzq8oa ... 5.wad/file
This is a goofy, over the top, 90s comics as fuck helper mod, ideal for huge maps/slaughterwads or folks who are still workin on their doom skills, and is compatible with most weaponsets, monster packs and mapsets.
It definitely isn't for those looking for a regular gameplay enhancement, although if you are then try out Combine Kegan's Combined_Arms, the Tech Monk weaponset shown is coming in the next big update: https://combine-kegan.itch.io/combined-arms
Capn' J made a lil sound add-on for this, try it out if you wanna spice the mod up a little: http://www.mediafire.com/file/d6b5ksti9 ... s.zip/file
Spoiler:Outdated vid:
Gholazon clones are spawned randomly alongside bigger powerups (soulsphere, backpack etc), smash their pods open to free em and let em kick demon ass til the cows come home
or at least until they kick the bucket, at which point they'll occasionally split into both redshift and blueshift forms. These are weaker but can still hold their own against tougher enemies.
Once one is downed the other can revive it if they're close enough, fusing back together.
Initially the clone's attacks will damage you, grab a dumbbell to grain immunity and slightly raised general defence.
There's a small chance you'll find a colored heart-shaped stone near a clone pod, find 5 of these for a cool surprise
and once you've found all 5 a new set will appear, collect these too for cool surprise 2.0
Super and shadow form gholazons are rare but very powerful. Rogue gholazons are more common and will break open their pod once they know you're near. Kill em and they'll drop a living seed that can be planted near a downed gholazon to revive her (the plant can be killed so protect it til it revives her)
Occasionally you'll find a Gholazon-1 orb near a G-X pod, these can be thrown to spawn a big hunky G-1 unit to help you out.
MAP 1:
Kill the demons, knock off the rogue clone and beat up the gold barons, then enter the portal
MAP 2:
Enter the missile base and blow up the remaining munitions, exit using the portal that appears outside
MAP 3:
Wreck the cyberdemons' shit then kill the following big bosses, then enter the portal that spawns where the final boss was
MAP 4:
Incredibly cheesy backstory and lore stuff for those interestedSpoiler:
// AD 200X: A new volcanic island is formed in the west pacific, and is instantly
// claimed by a crazed dictator, who makes it an autonomous nation and converts
// it into a huge military base. The island, now known as Yosai, is found to contain
// an unusual and ancient substance, crystilized flesh in ore form.
// This flesh is mined and studied, and found to contain genetic material from
// early humans. Disregarding the huge scientific value of such a find, the dictator
// orders this material be used in the creation of a bioengineered super soldier.
// AD 201X: Gholazon-5 is created using the prehistoric genetic matter, along with
// DNA from a select few great fighters. Designed with strength far above average,
// a below average intellect and capacity for reason, and biolocks in place to hold
// back her incredible power, Gholazon-5 is intended to be the dictator's ultimate weapon.
// She is taken on multiple strike missions against Okinawa, each time becoming less
// and less willing to fight as her brain develops further and she realizes why
// she was created. The dictator sees this and initiates his master plan before she
// has a chance to act on her misgivings.
// AD 201X: The dictator contacts the UN and announces his intentions to take control
// of the world, holding Japan hostage with an army of Gholazon-5 clones, less powerful,
// less aware and totally under his command. The original Gholazon-5 is overpowered
// by the clones and beaten to near death, and her body is loaded into a nuclear missile
// and shot into space. As the missile leaves the Earth's atmosphere, the head is blown
// open and a strange figure with what looks like a glass orb for a head hauls her
// body out and leaps toward Earth.
// Gholazon-5 feels the being's benevolence and what is left of her brain is filled
// with a burning determination, the desire to live and to take the life of the dictator
// who created her to fulfil his vile schemes. As her body begins to burn up in the
// mesosphere, she splits into two ethreal bodies, one red and one blue, the physical
// manifestation of her fury and passion.
// Her bodies streak toward the Earth, red and blue meteors of vengance. Landing back
// on Yosai, they fight their way to the dictator's fortified mansion, assisted by the
// the mysterious being and leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.
// The dictator's clone army proves too much however and Gholazon-5's fury form collapses.
// Taking its fading body in her arms, her passion form lets out a feral roar and in a
// blinding flash, the two fuse and form a new body, free from the dictator's biolocks
// and seething with righteous rage. The new warrior fires off a massive energy ball that
// melts through the clone army, hurtling off into the sky and bursting in a beautiful
// flare of color.
// Seeing his army fall like dominoes, the dictator retreats to his bunker and in a
// fit of crazed anger orders a scorched earth nuclear strike on Japan.
// The warrior sees the warheads take off in the distance, and thinks of all the
// innocent people the dictator made her kill, and the millions more he intends to kill
// purely because he didn't get his way.
// With an unearthly scream she hurls an unstable energy ball which collapses in on itself,
// erasing all in its path from existance like a black hole. As it hurtles toward the
// warheads she blasts a hole in the dictator's bunker, snatching him out and holding him
// up to watch the last fragments of his regime fall.
// After erasing the warheads, leaving nothing but fading vapor trails, the black hole
// arcs around and plummets toward the island. As it approaches the bunker, the
// warrior hurls her creator screaming into it, roaring defiance. With the dictator
// erased and his evil plans foiled for good, the warrior watches the black hole fall
// and accepts her fate.
// sometime after all this stuff goes down she takes the name Sapphire, so I'll
// refer to her by this name to keep everything tidy and stuff lol
// AD 202X: Sapphire awakes in a cavern under the island, surrounded by squirming
// flesh, pulsing veins and gyrating bones.
// The black hole sunk the entire island and blasted out a rudimentary cave system
// underneath. What was left of the flesh crystal had restored her power and kept her
// alive while she regenerated, and in turn her energy mutated the flesh crystal
// into a massive sentient teratoma geneseed. Sapphire blows a hole in the ceiling
// and emerges to find the mysterious being waiting for her. Before she has time to
// wonder how he knew she'd returned, he offers her a sturdy helmet. Its shell is
// made of reenforced ceramic, and its visor is of enriched sapphire.
// As she dons the helmet, she feels her senses keen and her focus strengthen.
// The being gives her a brief thumbs up before vanishing as suddenly as he had
// appeared. Admiring her new helmet and flexing her regenerated muscles, Sapphire
// leaves the island to wander the Earth and learn more about the world she saved.
// Her departure is watched from the hole leading to the geneseed, by others like herself.
// New warriors born from the same genetic fabric as her, warriors that share her desire
// for peace, her drive to protect life and existance, and her burning hatred for those
// who would trample others for their own unsavory gain.
// These are the Gholazon-X, mankind's malice bathed in virtue and reborn as an
// unmovable force of nature.