MrDowntempo wrote:I'm really enjoying this mod! Some
of the details are great, like the automap with all the info in the corner, and the upgrades showing up on it, and the animations for the upgrade tokens are just perfect. I see why others here are saying this is the most Doom 2016
of the Doom 2016 for Doom mods.
There are a few features that the others ones have though, that I'd like to see here too. Doom 4 Vanilla's mobs, and tweaks for the skyboxes and textures would be a great addition. And Death4Told has some extra glory kills (like the one where doomguy rips a man in half) that would be a wonderful addition too. Also, there's a
little mod addon that attempts to replace keys, with corpses that wear the key. It reminds me
of the way upgrade tokens work here, and it might be worth seeing if keys could work similarly.
Also, it'd be nice if the way darkness has been tweaked could be turned off in the option menu, instead
of requiring manually commenting out some lines
of code.
The ripping in half Glory Kill was not one you can do normally, only with Berserk. You can
randomly trigger that Glory Kill with Berserk, if you launch into a Berserk Glory Kill from the front.
I'll need to look into making an option for disabling the minimum sector light level. Good luck braving maps without night-vision, though (at least you have the weapons' dynamic lights).
I actually utilized many
of D4T's assets for many graphical aspects
of this mod, including for the additional Glory Kills (there used to be three here, can you believe that?), and took some easily generic Glory Kills and adapted them here. The side-kick and knee to the face were certainly present in D4T, though I created my own versions
of those animations.
If I were making monsters for the mod, I would have them available as an addon. For a couple years, I've been thinking about EOA Monsters, but didn't have enough resources to make it a reality. Then D4V came out, and it came with most
of everything I'd need. Now I just need time and inspiration to work on it, but it may be too late for that. I was also thinking
of breaking out my old Monster Randomizer, taking some
of the monsters from there, and adapting them to a more 2016/Eternal experience. No faithful recreations, but it'd at least have the
spirit of the gameplay present.
Gzegzolka wrote:Usually I just lurking around but this time I will write something. This is very good mod, I like a lot amount
of details You put into Your work, like all this hands animations and gun sprites details. While there are other mods with different progression / development systems this one nails well ballance
of Doom2016 upgrade system. I like how upgrades are divided into 4 different categories. So when You play and collect stuff You have a big chance to upgrade everything from Your guns/gun mods/suit/base stats. For example doom4doom use same credits system for everything and at the end I upgrade only gun mods and do not touch health /armor /other stuff. I like how You can sellect hoe many goodies will spawn depending on number
of maps.
I would love to see voxel based pick ups for items and guns. Maybe as optional option in menu.
Also I miss unarmed zombies / unwilling - doom death foretold have them and they are good for quick replenish health by stunning them or ammo by chainsaw kill.
It would be cool to have also multiplayer guns as optional additions, maybe each gun could have own option to spawn so player could select their set
of additional tools
of destruction. Personally I enjoy using grenade launcher and static rifle that charge while walking.
I am sure there is still lot
of stuff to improve
I have just small little issue with this mod - map screen do not display map, it show only new stats.
Many thanks!
As I said above, I've no plans to add monsters into the mod
itself. Possibly as an addon, but not beyond that. I don't use voxels because they're kinda ugly for my tastes (I prefer spritework). I like the unarmed zombies too, but again, not in the core mod. For multiplayer guns, I once dreamed
of recreating DOOM's multiplayer in GZDoom with EOA, but GZDoom doesn't have decent C/S multiplayer yet. So that's not a priority. If you're talking about using those in Singleplayer, that's not something I plan to do, as it goes against the grain
of the mod itself.
Of course, I don't stop people from making addons (heck, I even made one myself, which encourages more usage
of the Chainsaw).
For the map issues you're having... did you load EOA Assets
before EOA Code?