DoomKrakken wrote:
> [size=200]At long last, EOA v1.9.3 is now available for download! Refer to
> OP for further instructions.

> [quote=Jareth247 post_id=1249780 time=1706912433 user_id=37828]
> Excellent mod, though I hope it gets updated to add support for Sigil II.
> Other than that, this mod rocks.
> [/quote]Thank you!
> Support for Sigil II? What exactly do you mean?
> [quote=VICE post_id=1251596 time=1713625063 user_id=7074]
> Best implementation
of D2016 mechanics I've seen so far.

> [/quote]Yoooo, thanks a ton, it means a lot!

> [quote=TolgaKerem07 post_id=1251594 time=1713617153 user_id=39425]
> I liked the mod very much and since I want to use it with several other
> mods, I will ask for various compatibility settings please:
> - An option to keep the guns firing when I hold down the mouse?
> - Vanilla style punch and chainsaw (no fuel and ammo replacement)
> - Chainsaw options
> - An option to Completely disable upgrade system (Maybe with turning on
> various "essential" ones)
> - Adjustable ammo pool for bfg (10-20)
> - "give all" command gives equipment and upgrade points "For
> testing purposes"
> - SSG is incredibly OP, rendering normal shotguns useless
> Other than that, thank you for the great mod.
> [/quote]Many thanks!
> Allow me to address some
of your concerns here. As a basis for most (if
> not all)
of my responses here, you should know that I made this mod with
> the [i]express purpose[/i]
of faithfully recreating the game, its
> advantages AND disadvantages. I did not make this mod to then add
> improvements to it, even if I agree with said improvements... because EOA
> is really also supposed to train you for DOOM (2016). It'd suck to have
> muscle memory calibrated in EOA only for it to fail you in DOOM (2016)
> proper because it's not reflected there, no?
> [i][b]With that said...[/b][/i]
> - "No" to making all guns fully automatic. Some guns are
> semi-automatic, just like in DOOM (2016). I'm not adding a full-auto
> option to the mod proper.
> - "No" to vanilla-styled punches/chainsaw functions. You already
> have a quick-melee attack, and your infinite-ammo EMG Pistol can basically
> count as a long-range melee weapon due to how weak it is.

> - "No" to completely disabling the upgrade system. [i]You
> control what buttons you press, and you also control what upgrades to
> acquire (for the most part).[/i]

> - "HELL NO" to the adjustable ammo pool for BFG. If you've
> [i]actually[/i] played (or at least witnessed) DOOM (2016), then you'd
> ought to know that three shots happens to be enough, [i]especially if you
> have the Ammo Boost II rune equipped, which will cause enemies to have a 5%
> chance
> - There are already "cheat items" present in EOA which will give
> you what you want [i]en masse.[/i] Go into EOA Code and search for
> [i][b]ZScript/EOA/Cheats.txt[/b][/i] to see a full list (#9 will surprise
> you!).
> - "No" to nerfing the SSG. The SSG is
of course incredibly OP
> owing to the absolutely broken numbers the devs passed to the game.
> [i]Trust me when I say that the Super Shotgun literally is that powerful in
> DOOM (2016).[/i] It really DOES outmode the Combat Shotgun [b][i][u]and I
> hate it.[/u][/i][/b] But it is what it is.
> TELL YOU WHAT... people are free to make mutator addons for EOA (I actually
> created one myself known as the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" mod
> which encourages a lot more use
of the Chainsaw), and I already has ideas
> for ways to change DOOM (2016) to be better... I did have plans to make
> another mutator mod that would have a large series
of rebalances there (for
> sure, the Charged Burst needed work), so you'll probably be able to see
> some such changes there.
> I'll keep y'all posted.
My issue with Sigil II, or more specifically the version from the Doom Complete IWAD created with Wadsmoosh, is that when I pick Sigil II it says this:
VM execution aborted: tried to read from address zero.
Called from WadSmooshHandler.WorldThingSpawned at doom_complete.pk3:zscript.txt, line 106
The other options work, including No Rest for the Living and Sigil, but Sigil II is the outlier.