Isabelle Companion

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Re: Isabelle Companion

Post by Carrotear »

bigsmokeisgod wrote:i liked the mod
but when i looked at the files and found out that there is a hidden nsfw content
idk man it killed my entire experience
like it would have been the best to just not included but hey it happened anyway

don't know what to say about the wad anymore tbh

Personaly it doesn't bother me much. It could be way worse.
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Re: Isabelle Companion

Post by JoeyTD »

Carrotear wrote:I took a look into the files to see what the commotion was about and...honestly, I kinda laughed. Yeah it's not kosher as weasel would put it and should've not been left in, but at the end of the day it's not gonna activate in-game unless from what I'm hearing that you have to do something very specific to have it happen.

And the last thing this person said anything (from what I found on discord) was in May and sounds like they're having a few issues IRL.
From what I can get from my talks with itsmeveronica about this.

1) the blowjob secret is a slab at the "wholesome" trend with Isabelle
2) itsmeveronica is a furry (sex ain't as forbidden there is it is here)
3) they been dealing with school
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Re: Isabelle Companion

Post by SanyaWaffles »

This has been irking me for some time. No, not the Easter egg... but people's reaction to it.
JoeyTD wrote:1) the blowjob secret is a slab at the "wholesome" trend with Isabelle
I guess as someone who made a boomer shooter based on ponies that ended up going a completely different direction, I am biased here... but honestly I like content like this, in fiction, where wholesome stuff is twisted. I'd rather this kind of shit happen in fiction than in real life.
JoeyTD wrote:2) itsmeveronica is a furry (sex ain't as forbidden there is it is here)
Honestly, same, speaking as a long-time closeted Furry.

I get tired of this "porn bad" mentality the internet has developed due to America's bullshit puritan mindset and corporations bowing to NSFW panic due to a few bad apples, rather than dealing with the bad apples.

I know it's risky with the real shit, but this is just some drawn cartoon.

I get it skirted the rules of the forum (and I'm not necessarily encouraging people to break the rules purposfully), but that doesn't make it morally fucked in this specific case.

I know Veronica has been questionable at best sometimes (and I've witnessed it), but this is not something I'm exactly going to lose sleep, and certainly not give them shit over some easter egg that you have to go out of your way to get. Hell, you can't even access it without cheating.

Frankly I found this NSFW easter egg hilarious and reminds me of some of the injokes and easter eggs we're putting in our project - albeit Veronica did not beat around the bush and just went up to 11.

I guess that's just our sense of humor. It's not for everyone but it doesn't make it "bad".
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Re: Isabelle Companion

Post by wildweasel »

The problem I've had with it existing isn't even the fact it exists, or even what it is. The problem I have is that this was not declared, anywhere, whatsoever. It sat there as a dark little secret. There's a lot to be said for honesty and disclosure, and possibly about knowing what kind of audience would go for a mod like this in the first place (the crossover between "furry as an aesthetic" and "furry as a sex thing" is not as close to 100% as the internet would have you believe).

I will agree, though, the reactions have arguably been worse than the actual thing. (Like that one person on the Discord that was modifying their copy to add ultra-gory Brutal deaths to it, out of some deeply concerning, irrational hatred for the character.)
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Re: Isabelle Companion

Post by fakemai »

Disclosing or even hinting it ruins the point of it as an easter egg, and the only way you're finding that is by being told. Or if you like to look through PK3s but this kind of thing is exactly why it's fun to do that! For what it is, it's not that explicit either, and, well, it could have gone that way if the intent wasn't clearly just a silly extra interaction for a laugh.
SanyaWaffles wrote:Frankly I found this NSFW easter egg hilarious and reminds me of some of the injokes and easter eggs we're putting in our project
Likewise, and honestly this isn't new for the greater Doom community. I could list a couple of much worse examples from other Doom mods/TCs, and one that's not even an easter egg.
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Re: Isabelle Companion

Post by Captain J »

I certainly have no ill personal feelings towards the creator for adding this super sexy secret. It's just us feel betrayed although it wasn't intended, while it was being 'this not completely wholesome, but what could possibly go wrong?'.

Also i fear for the creator still getting flak over this and i saw someone modified this mod where Isabelle gets... It's a morbid sight. Hope this debate won't last long.
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Re: Isabelle Companion

Post by DreemurrDeceevurr »

wildweasel wrote:The problem I've had with it existing isn't even the fact it exists, or even what it is. The problem I have is that this was not declared, anywhere, whatsoever. It sat there as a dark little secret. There's a lot to be said for honesty and disclosure, and possibly about knowing what kind of audience would go for a mod like this in the first place (the crossover between "furry as an aesthetic" and "furry as a sex thing" is not as close to 100% as the internet would have you believe).

I will agree, though, the reactions have arguably been worse than the actual thing. (Like that one person on the Discord that was modifying their copy to add ultra-gory Brutal deaths to it, out of some deeply concerning, irrational hatred for the character.)
I just know from experience this fiasco wouldn't have been as huge if the character in question wasn't an anthro, let alone an Animal Crossing character.
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Re: Isabelle Companion

Post by Rachael »

The need for every last person to show up and clutch their pearls over this is honestly getting a little bit old ...

I left this topic unlocked when the content was first found in the hopes that the posts would be a LITTLE bit more interesting than "Oh! Heavens me! I ... am SO offended!" And then there was that necropost that came out of nowhere that just caused a snowballing of even more pearl clutching posts and ... really, that's all you have to add to this?

Don't get me wrong, I do also agree with weasel though that there should have been a disclaimer at the very least, and maybe it's a little misplaced in what should have appeared to be a kid-friendly mod - but - other than that ... I think the whole "OMG WTF LEWD THINGS IN MY GAME" thing is a little overblown.

If the original author comes back they can request the topic be unlocked if they decide to make an actual update to the mod. Otherwise seeing 900 more posts of repeated pearl clutching is honestly just more of the same shit and it's annoying. It doesn't add anything of value at all to the thread.

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