Walpurgis 0.99 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [NEW RELEASE!!!]

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Re: Walpurgis 0.96 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [0.96 RELEASE!]

Post by Crudux Cruo »

Personally I vote B because that feels the most traditional TTRPG to me, but i dont mind other inventory items either.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [0.96 RELEASE!]

Post by eharper256 »

Crudux Cruo wrote:Personally I vote B because that feels the most traditional TTRPG to me, but i dont mind other inventory items either.
This was to vote 'which one first', so B will come; just that it will get second priority to A. :)
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [0.96 RELEASE!]

Post by eharper256 »

Happy easter everyone!

Not dead over here, by the way, but had my customary "burnout avoidance weeks" now the 0.96 initial wave was over. For those of you newer to Walp, I basically avoid Doom for a couple weeks after the initial publicity stage of the release and do other stuff for awhile, so that I can go in fresh when I start re-developing the next patch.

Got myself my first win in Tales of Maj'Eyal, which I returned to after many years, picking up the DLC's. Gotta love me some classic roguelikes every so often. XD

Going to be doing some more item theorycrafting for today. If you have suggestions or ideas of what you'd like to see, be that utility items, or class specific things, let me know!
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [0.96 RELEASE!]

Post by eharper256 »

Hi everyone! The initial design for the new items is mostly done.

I've decided that they will be a set of 3-4 utility items that will be unique to each class (total of 12-15) and will have a special function: when used from inventory, they inhabit and replace the function that will be attached to your GZDoom Zoom key.

So in effect, they will be like an utility equipment slot. Once in that slot, they will be able to be used freely, but on a cooldown (which will vary based on the item).

In addition, various more quirky items from all from all 3 games will be turned into an equivalent equippable utility, such as Disc of Repulsion, Morph Ovum, and Blur Spheres with probably slight changes in their behaviour to account for cooldowns.

Some examples (NOT FULLY SET IN STONE!)
For the Myrmidon, the unique items will be things to help him survive in melee or give backup ranged options: A Warhorn that gives a long stun to a cone in front, or a Plantable Banner that will give Myrm minor regen and damage buff in vicinity.

For the Crusader, the items will help further his defenses and damage: A Cloak that flares in blinding light to scare away enemies, or a Relic that allows you to mark an evildoer and do more damage to it to duration, whils the relic smites it with lightning.

For the Magister, they will be scrolls and rings with utility and escape spells: A ring that provides mirror images to baffle enemies while making your invisible, or a spell that gives you a big speed boost whilst you trail explosive flames everywhere.

For the Druid, they will include various totems and traps to emphasise her lockdown abilities, like a Tremour Totem that will constantly knock foes away, or a trap that will explode in a wad of razor wire and caltrops to delay and bleed foes.

As noted, these are just ideas, but they should all be feasible to code. Let me know what you think about this. :)
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [0.96 RELEASE!]

Post by eharper256 »

New video!

This one is a new Heretic Episode by Kenon, Dungeons & Monsters, which I thought I'd check out! It's pretty sprawling and quite intense on the combat front, but a fun play.

You can get this wad here: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/1 ... -monsters/
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [0.96 RELEASE!]

Post by Kzinssie »

I'm enjoying this a lot playing through Sigil with Daedolon (it is Walpurgisnacht, after all). The fire in particular feels great to use, especially with the custom death animations! It would be nice if there was an option for vertical autoaim, though, to allow me to play Doom wads in full Boomer Mode (aside from using a GZDoom weapons set, obviously)?

Also, I noticed Illitheya's ultimate weapon is named for Ichival - were you aware of the hidden history of the bow?
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [0.96 RELEASE!]

Post by eharper256 »

Happy Walpurgisnacht everyone! (its this weekend)
Kzinssie wrote:I'm enjoying this a lot playing through Sigil with Daedolon (it is Walpurgisnacht, after all). The fire in particular feels great to use, especially with the custom death animations! It would be nice if there was an option for vertical autoaim, though, to allow me to play Doom wads in full Boomer Mode (aside from using a GZDoom weapons set, obviously)?

Also, I noticed Illitheya's ultimate weapon is named for Ichival - were you aware of the hidden history of the bow?
Hi! Thanks for playing and glad you're enjoying it.

Unfortunately, alot of the weapons use some code that would make them unable to function with auto-aim since alot of them are not actually directly fired by the player. For example, the Fulgur Lightning Blast actually creates an invisible object which creates the lightning, and the Hebiko Sceptre Hypnosis fires a bullet, that causes an event to fire that gives a monster an item, that launches a fake railgun. :shock: Alot of these things are required to get them to work right.

I wasn't actually aware the Ichival had migrated over to SMITE and other stuff since I haven't played them, but that's a fun little story in its own right. :o

My Ichival also has an interesting story, as it was co-oped for my long running (2009 - 2013) multigenerational D&D campaign as a legendary bow there along with various others (not just norse ones). I'm a big FE fan, and the source is indeed Fire Emblem 4, and Brigid was a random NPC cameo in a final arena fight we had with the players, in that case as a wandering pirate archer. She got some stellar rolls in a one-on-one fight against the player swordmage, and they called the fight a draw. I'm not sure what the player was thinking at the time, but his character was a high charisma ladies man, and apparently he decided that he had a love at first sight moment and proposed to her on the spot in the middle of the arena. :shock:

As he had a "reputation" already (lol) she turned him down despite the booing crowd; but as we had more to do on this island, he doggedly pursued her and honestly decided to apparently turn over a new leaf. Eventually, that player actually had some real-life issues and had to step out for a while, campaign moved on, but we left him behind and I let him get his second proposal attempt in, and we left him to raise a family. :)

In a subsequent generation in the same setting, 20 in-game years later, that player came back and played as the daughter of his original character and Brigid, Lyrissa, who inherited her father's swordplay. Meanwhile, the Ichival had moved over to Darion, the son of another pair of NPC's from that first generation (Alicia and Alain) as Alicia was a big friend of the party who was with them since the start. In that campaign, they were searching for pieces of a shattered nature goddess, Illitheya. Eventually, Lyrissa and Darion also got married for the end of the campaign, and so the Ichival carried on moving forwards. As you can tell, all of these things have, in a corrupted form, made their way to Walpurgis. :P
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [0.96 RELEASE!]

Post by eharper256 »

New video!

Covering Map 2 of Irkalla by Phobus, Stormwalker et. al. which is a remake of Episode III of Classic Doom. Map 2, Slough of Despair, is my favourite map in E3, so I had to do a video of the remake of it. XD

Why is Slough my favourite? Well, little kid me playing doom in the 90's obviously giggled at the Automap; but older me feels it encapsulates alot of what I find good in Doom levels; short and punchy, full of little nooks and crannies and secrets, balanced fights, and not too linear, but with a clear flow and obvious progression. And the remake does a good job keeping that whilst making it pretty.

You can get this one here: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/128897
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [0.96 RELEASE!]

Post by 64palm »

can i play with older gzdoom like 1.9.1 ??
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [0.96 RELEASE!]

Post by eharper256 »

64palm wrote:can i play with older gzdoom like 1.9.1 ??
No way; Walpurgis uses features introduced in 4.6 GZDoom so requires at least that. Sorry. :?
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [0.96 RELEASE!]

Post by eharper256 »

Video covering first two levels of 400 mins of /vr/, which has just been released:

Although its been many a year since I frequented 4chan, I recall playing 300 mins of /vr/ and it was pretty decent. Whoever organises these in such a fast moving place always gets my props though!

You can get this here: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/129139
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [0.96 RELEASE!]

Post by eharper256 »

Just a super-short preview to demonstrate the fact that the new portraits are now integrated into the game along with new character select graphics!

Things are progressing reasonably well for the next version; though not much concrete to show off right now, and I may have to stall development over the next week since I've just got a promotion at work, which is great, but it means I'll need to do another intensive training course. -_-'
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [0.96 RELEASE!]

Post by eharper256 »

Joining the already re-written intermission text for Doom and Heretic, and the re-written Hexen Chess Ending, I've put together more unique intermissions for the transitions between the hubs in Hexen, including new text and graphics. In the base game, they are notably really sparse!

Now I know we don't play old-skool FPS for epic storylines, but it always kinda bothered me that Hexen has probably EVEN LESS text than Doom! So I've added a thread of basic plot and sense of place into these screens. Hardly epic prose, but it'll do. :)

Should probably support ultra-wide as well, I made the new backgrounds the same size as the GZDoom widescreen assets.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [0.96 RELEASE!]

Post by eharper256 »

Not dead over here by the way, but I have had alot on my plate from learning new stuff for my job upgrade, as I'm now going to be an official trainer for poor souls chosing to consign themselves to learn the intricacies of Tax. :twisted:

Will probably try to throw out another video at some point. Which reminds me: if you do a Walp video, feel free to post a link to it in the thread!
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [0.96 RELEASE!]

Post by Tesculpture »

Version 0.96 doesn't seem to run for me with GZDoom 4.8.0.

I get this error at startup:

Script error, "+Walpurgis-JT-0.96.pk3:zscript/stats/stats.zs" line 476:
Cannot convert to string

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