Walpurgis 0.99 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [NEW RELEASE!!!]

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Re: Hexen: Walpurgis [RELEASE 0.77- "Reliable Ultimate Power

Post by eharper256 »

SallazarSpellcaster wrote:Hello, quick report: Recently played Tower of Chaos, where Mystic Ambit Incants appear pretty often; the item does nothing for the Magister. For Myrmidon and Crusader they work well - they give armor, and health respectively. For the magister, it's merely consumed, but it gives no mana, or any other effect.

Edit: Playing Heretic, and Hexen too, I just noticed that if there's anything right next to you, i.e. a wall, a monster, anything, vorpal slashes from both Quietus and Timon's axe fail to appear, in the axe's case, effectively wasting the mana.
Oops, yes I know why that's happening. The mana given by mystic ambit is going to be the wrong type. Will fix that next patch.

As for the slashes I'm aware of this already. It's caused by the slashes being unable to spawn in the walls. But it's a tough one since they can't use noclip or they lose their shredding ability. So I will look into this again but it may not be fixable.

Thanks for the reports!
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Re: Hexen: Walpurgis [RELEASE 0.77- "Reliable Ultimate Power

Post by Silentdarkness12 »

This looks kickass man. I might wait for a 1.0 before giving it a try but i'll remember this one.
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Re: Hexen: Walpurgis [RELEASE 0.77- "Reliable Ultimate Power

Post by eharper256 »

Silentdarkness12 wrote:This looks kickass man. I might wait for a 1.0 before giving it a try but i'll remember this one.
Thanks for checking it out. :D It's entirely playable right now; but I respect you wanting to wait until the 1.0 for the full experience.
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Re: Hexen: Walpurgis [RELEASE 0.78- "The Sprite Is Right"]

Post by eharper256 »

Version 0.78 Release!
The Sprite is Right


'The Sprite Is Right'
+New!: Key Sprites for Doom and Heretic weren't strictly compatible with the
Walpurgis status-bar (they're small sprites, and the hexen-type key
interface is bigger). I sprited some new versions so that they fit
nicely into the interface. However, this does mean that in the rare
Doom Level that uses all six keys, the first one picked up will be
missing (there is only space for five keys on the interface right now!).

+New!: Hotkeys added for Inventory items (thanks Lagi!). Find these in your
'customise controls' menu for GZDoom. By default, only these binds are
active: Quartzine Elixir [H], Krater of Might [K], Disc of Force [F],
and Icon of the Defender [N].

+New!: The Mystic Ambit Incant was re-programmed to function correctly for
all of the classes and given new effects. When using the Ambit, all the
classes benefit from a brief period where they use no mana at all. For
the Myrmidon and Crusader, this is 10 seconds, and it is 15 seconds
for the Magister (as his other boost is arguably worse).
+New!: The Myrmidon gains +100 HP that can exceed his usual max, to 250.
+New!: The Crusader gains a big boost to his AC (+8 AC!).
+New!: The Magister gains +75 to both Mana types and his infinite mana boost
lasts for 15 seconds, rather than 10 (as noted above).
+New!: The Ambit Incants now also replace the rarely used and mostly pointless
Banishment Device in Hexen maps. They appear rarely in weighted random
spawns in the other games.

+Balance: Quietus Tertiary Fire cost increased from 5 to 6 (of both mana).
+Balance: Some of the random spawner chances were tweaked for balance purposes
in Doom and Heretic.

+Fixed: Slight bug with Crux Calicus where you could get out of paying some
of its Aetherial Mana costs. Squished.
+Fixed: Possible rare spawn bug with Bloodscourge Roflcopters fixed.
+Fixed: Rare bug where the Lightbringer could still fire with 0 mana fixed.

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Re: Hexen: Walpurgis [RELEASE 0.78- "The Sprite Is Right"]

Post by eharper256 »

Some good news; I've found a way to vastly increase the reliability of the axe and quietus slashes!

At the same time, I've given them a slight re-design to make their trails and vorpal effect feel stronger, as well as giving them some new sound effects!

As soon as I've finished adding CVAR's and checking a few more levels, I should be able to throw out a new release.

If anyone wants to request other CVAR options, please let me know!
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Re: Hexen: Walpurgis [RELEASE 0.78- "The Sprite Is Right"]

Post by SallazarSpellcaster »


Been playing around a lot with the latest update -Delta Touch is a blessing- and I can share some thoughts about it!

Mystic Ambits work perfectly now, and add another neat layer of inventory/resource management. They're certainly much more useful than banishment devices, especially against bosses. In map packs where they're more liberally placed -such as tower of chaos- they can become slightly OP, but that's on the map's side, and it's offset by the carrying capacity of 3 and the short duration. An issue, however: Myrmidon's health reaches a peak of 200, not 250.

Keybindings work awesomely, though having a binding to throw flechettes would be very welcome, especially since they all now work as grenades.

It's great to see you'll tackle the axe and Quietus' slashes! On that note, there seem to be some very, very rare cases where Algor's secondary don't spawn one or two ice spears, it's very unusual and I can't replicate it intentionally, so it may be an issue on my part, such as being too close to a wall or actor when the spears launch and thus hitting them instead, it's heads-up, just in case.

Fulgur's secondary could use a little more damage, in Hexen at least: Even in wide, open spaces that allow the lightning ball plenty of time to travel, in the end it's more cost-effective to use its tertiary and summon a thunder cloud, as it can kill multiple enemies with a lower mana expense, compared to its secondary. The lightning ball works perfectly against low health chumps, such as afrits in Hexen, gargoyles in Heretic, and especially in Doom it can really be a room clearer, but against stronger monsters, tertiary is more reliable.

Great work! As it is it's still really fun and satisfying to play with!
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Re: Hexen: Walpurgis [RELEASE 0.78- "The Sprite Is Right"]

Post by eharper256 »

SallazarSpellcaster wrote:Hello.

Been playing around a lot with the latest update -Delta Touch is a blessing- and I can share some thoughts about it!
Thanks for the feedback as always. :D
SallazarSpellcaster wrote:Mystic Ambits work perfectly now, and add another neat layer of inventory/resource management. They're certainly much more useful than banishment devices, especially against bosses. In map packs where they're more liberally placed -such as tower of chaos- they can become slightly OP, but that's on the map's side, and it's offset by the carrying capacity of 3 and the short duration. An issue, however: Myrmidon's health reaches a peak of 200, not 250.
Good to hear they work well for you; I had fun with them in a Heretic playthrough myself. Thanks for pointing out the Myrm issue. There was typo that snuck in there reducing it to 200, so I've fixed that now.
SallazarSpellcaster wrote:Keybindings work awesomely, though having a binding to throw flechettes would be very welcome, especially since they all now work as grenades.
Since I pretty much always have flechettes on the use box and use the hotkeys for the other items, I kind of forgot about them (lol). I'll add them in.
SallazarSpellcaster wrote:It's great to see you'll tackle the axe and Quietus' slashes! On that note, there seem to be some very, very rare cases where Algor's secondary don't spawn one or two ice spears, it's very unusual and I can't replicate it intentionally, so it may be an issue on my part, such as being too close to a wall or actor when the spears launch and thus hitting them instead, it's heads-up, just in case.
Yep, the slashes are much improved. There is one scenario where they're still finicky (you are standing in an open space, allowing spawn room for the slash, but want it to fire into a narrow space, but this is a fairly rare case, so I'll see how we go with this, because the patch over for that issue is very complicated). Still, overall they are vastly better now.

Algor has a similar issue. The spikes are no-clip whilst they are charging, but as soon as they click into firing pattern they obviously have to go solid to hit things, and can snag in the process. As you say, it happens fairly rarely, but I have seen it myself.
SallazarSpellcaster wrote:Fulgur's secondary could use a little more damage, in Hexen at least: Even in wide, open spaces that allow the lightning ball plenty of time to travel, in the end it's more cost-effective to use its tertiary and summon a thunder cloud, as it can kill multiple enemies with a lower mana expense, compared to its secondary. The lightning ball works perfectly against low health chumps, such as afrits in Hexen, gargoyles in Heretic, and especially in Doom it can really be a room clearer, but against stronger monsters, tertiary is more reliable.
Yup, you've nailed what the ball is for, which is probably why it won't change much. As people have noted, it can be a bit niche, but I think its in a good place. I ~may~ give it the ability to pass through enemies rather than exploding on them, and possibly make it even less affected by gravity for balance but we'll see.
SallazarSpellcaster wrote:Great work! As it is it's still really fun and satisfying to play with!
Thanks for playing!
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Re: Hexen: Walpurgis [RELEASE 0.78- "The Sprite Is Right"]

Post by slyrboi »

What went wrong here though?
I'm trying it with lzdoom v3.84, along with Untitled's Touhou DoomGameplay mods, and some mini addons like jp's minimods
And I'm using the latest Delta Touch
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Re: Hexen: Walpurgis [RELEASE 0.78- "The Sprite Is Right"]

Post by eharper256 »

slyrboi wrote:What went wrong here though?
I'm trying it with lzdoom v3.84, along with Untitled's Touhou DoomGameplay mods, and some mini addons like jp's minimods
And I'm using the latest Delta Touch
Mmm, you'll need the latest GZDoom, A_StartSound is a script replacement for A_Playsound, which is a very recent addition to the code (and needed to make the sounds for the Icon of the Defender work correctly; they require the dynamic channel overlap this version gives). Not sure if/when LZDoom will include it (you'd have to ask Graf, I guess? I asked on Feature Requests for you)

You might be able to run the 0.75 release fine as it didn't include this, mind.

drfrag wrote:It's already in for 3.85 and in devbuilds. I'll do the release this week, i delayed it mainly due to a crash with the update to OpenAL 1.20 and now i'm sticking to 1.19 for now.
Keep in mind that Delta Touch is updated some time after a new version it's released i believe.
Will be in LZDoom's next version. You'll have to then wait for Delta Touch I guess. :P
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Re: Hexen: Walpurgis [RELEASE 0.78- "The Sprite Is Right"]

Post by eharper256 »

Here's something new I've added today:

Yup, I've been spriting proper frozen deaths for the Doom cast! What do you all think?

Handily enough, Neoworm already has frozen deaths for the Heretic cast, so those were already planned to go in for awhile; but I felt it was a bit sad to leave only the Doom monsters with the generic GZDoom frozen frames (which are just palette shifts) as they are right now. Fortunately, they're not too hard a job, so I should be done with them by tommorow.

Lots of stuff is already in the 0.8 release! Should be out this weekend!
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Re: Hexen: Walpurgis [RELEASE 0.78- "The Sprite Is Right"]

Post by Lagi »

you nailed it. I think it could be a little more of icicles on them.

its not yet uploaded i presume, cause the zombieman just break into pieces of ice.

did you make 1 sprite per monster? (this side pose, is giving false impression that you go for 8x :) )
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Re: Hexen: Walpurgis [RELEASE 0.78- "The Sprite Is Right"]

Post by eharper256 »

Lagi wrote:you nailed it. I think it could be a little more of icicles on them.

its not yet uploaded i presume, cause the zombieman just break into pieces of ice.

did you make 1 sprite per monster? (this side pose, is giving false impression that you go for 8x :) )
Yes, this will be in the 0.8 release. It IS barely possible at the moment (GZDoom has a built-in routine called A_GenericIceDeath which plays automatically when they die by Ice at the moment, which is really just a palette swap) but its rather hard to pull off right now, because it has to be the last shard of Algor that makes the kill; any further ones hitting the same target will insta-shatter it (which is the default behaviour of Algor) and zombies make it even harder due to their low HP.

Hence I'm also including a CVAR in this release to change that behaviour to original Hexen Ice Shards behaviour if you want to enjoy clogging up the place with sliding ice statues that just hang around like in the original Hexen. :P

Yes, its one per monster. I've been picking the frame best suited for being a statue. Doing 8 per monster would be sheer masochism. :lol:
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Re: Hexen: Walpurgis [RELEASE 0.8-"Rise of the CVARs"]

Post by eharper256 »

0.8 Release!
"Rise of the CVAR's"

Get it here at MEGA

New video showcasing the improved Vorpal Slashes from Quietus!

This is a pretty big update since my busy period at work has calmed down now (finally!).

Code: Select all

'Rise of the CVARs'
+New!:	The first CVAR choices have been added! 
		1) If you prefer the traditional Hexen punch style of needing to connect 
		to continue the Myrmidons combo, you can now toggle this. Off by default.
		2) Sallazar's alternate dirtier boot sprite can be toggled.
		3) If you don't like the camera changes with the Hammer, that can stopped.
		4) You can choose whether or not Algor insta-shatters targets it freezes.
		Check these options out in the Walpurgis Options screen! If there are any 
		other toggle-able options you'd like to see, let me know!
+New!: 	The Vorpal Slashes of the Axe and Quietus died if they spawned in a wall 
		before. In the axes case, this meant that you could waste mana, and that
		Quietus' damage output dropped somewhat. The entire slash routine has been
		redone to (mostly)* prevent this problem. Whilst I was there, I made them 
		look and sound more powerful than before! 
+New!:	Related to above; many new (IMHO Better) melee sound effects were added!
+New!:	When Quietus killed monsters with its fire damage, they still erupted
		in orange flames. New Green Flames specifically for when Quietus kills
		foes were added; and a technical way of detecting when enemies die by 
		Quietus fire specifically was added (without needing a new Damagetype!).
+New!:	Frozen Death frame sprites added for all Heretic AND Doom monsters, so
		that they look better. Heretic ones by Neoworm, Doom by myself.
+New!:	Character Select Screen Frames unique for Walpurgis were added.
+Tweak:	The Magister was made immune to FireBlast Damage. Mostly this is to prevent
		annoying accidents with the Bloodscourge's Roflcopters firing a salvo
		of rockets up their master's ass (-_-'), as he doesn't normally
		tend to damage himself too much in the first place. The Carpet Bomb
		still hurts you, as does Algor's Tertiary and the Flechettes.
+Tweak:	Hand-in-Hand with the above Vorpal changes, alot of the numbers were
		also re-worked. The axe vorpal damage is reduced (by about 15%) but the 
		range is increased by around 20%, so you don't have to be absolutely 
		point-blank	to get a powerful strike anymore.
+Tweak:	Flechette's weren't included in the hotkeys listing. This was because
		I had troubles getting an alias to work for all the types at once, but
		I finally figured it out, so now they're in!
+Tweak:	Fulgur's appearance was tweaked to make it look better (most notably the
		Tertiary Storm was given more of an effect and impact).
+Tweak:	Quietus' Secondary now spews spherical flame explosions at higher charge,
		and its charging animation was given a little more motion.
+Tweak:	Change to the way every weapon consumes mana (it takes it in a stream over
		a few frames, rather than immediately). This has no impact on the player
		or gameplay; but it gives the mana-meters a spinning ticker effect which
		is more eye-catching and looks better IMHO (lol). 
+Balance:	Fulgur's Primary Mana consumption was reduced by about 40%; I forgot
			that it can skip frames randomly so the cost wasn't supposed to be
			as high as it was currently (it could go as high as 12/second before!).
+Balance: 	Fulgur's Secondary can now pass through enemies and had its mass
			reduced by a further 5% to increase its versatility a bit.
+Balance:	Fulgur's Tertiary Mana consumption was increased to 12 (from 10). 
			It's still really good value even with a 20% increase!!
+Balance:	Quietus's Secondary Ball now has a very mild homing effect so you're no
			longer missing that Cyberdemon by an inch. Its base level (i.e. the
			smallest click and release ball) is also somewhat more damaging
			making it more viable to let small individual balls off rather than
			it requiring charge. Furthermore, the charge window to get it to max
			without it exploding in your face is slightly more lenient. However, 
			to compensate for all these improvements, it now costs 2 of both 
			types of mana (rather than 1) per charge level (up to 24). 

+Fixed:	The Magister would start with 1 mana of both types for no real reason.
		Removed this so he starts with 0.
+Fixed: The Crux Calicus Sprite that appears on the HUD as you collect pieces
		was still using Wraithverge pieces rather than its own. Fixed.
+Fixed:	The Firestorm Font's flames still had an old translation attached to
		some of them. Whilst this didn't affect Hexen or Doom, it made the 
		flames occasionally turn a vomit-like colour in Heretic. Fixed.
+Fixed: Typo on the Myrmidon's Mystic Ambit Incant meant it could only reach
		200 HP despite my claims of it reaching 250 HP. Oops. Fixed.
+Fixed: The Spectre was missing from my list of monsters so he didn't set on
		fire like the basic pinkie when he died. Fixed.
+Fixed:	Quite a few weapons didn't actually alert monsters when you used them
		which was pretty silly for flames and such. Fixed.
+Fixed: Quietus Flames from the Secondary didn't spawn correctly all the time
		and often disappeared. Changed the routine so its more impressive.

*= 	There is one scenario which I can't do much about: namely, you are standing
	in a wide space; but are pointing towards a narrow gap. The slash will not
	make it through said gap. Either wait for foes to come out, or go in the gap
	yourself (so there is no initial spawn space and it uses the alternate code). 
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Re: Hexen: Walpurgis [0.8- "Rise of the CVARs"]

Post by HLRaven »

Looking sick! Time to do my first playthrough of hexen with this mod
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Re: Hexen: Walpurgis [0.8- "Rise of the CVARs"]

Post by eharper256 »

HLRaven wrote:Looking sick! Time to do my first playthrough of hexen with this mod
Cool, let me know how that goes. I did a fine playthrough with the Magister and it all seemed in order.

Seven Portals can be a head-scratcher the first time, if you're not used to Hexen's puzzle style at first, but if you just keep pressing forwards and then heading back to the hub if you've done everything on a level, then its actually pretty straightforwards.

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