neto592 wrote: ↑Thu Feb 16, 2023 7:12 pm
I would like to suggest be possible to play the most difficult setting but with a option to turn off the infinite monster re-spawn (I tried on GZDOOM gameplay options without avail) or to create a new difficult setting that would be equal as the hardest one but without infinite monster re-spawning.
Technically, Nightmare respawn is actually capped in Walpurgis to 2 times per monster, and they take 7 minutes to respawn (420 blaze it seconds), so it's already a bit more lenient than base doom.
Have you checked out the difficulty options or the dimensional instability menu in the Walpurgis options? You can multiply enemy health up to x5, increase chances of Elite enemies spawning, activate Doomed Souls mode (no health pickups) and activate an enemy randomiser there. Theres a few options for you to also make your UV harder if you dislike respawns.
I will consider a re-spawnless N! if there is alot of interest in it; though to my knowledge, the vast majority of people play UV or HMP and add these modifiers (or other monster mods) if they need more challenge.
That said, you can also modify this yourself
very easily with SLADE. Open Walp in SLADE, and open MAPINFO.txt, scroll past the GameInfo and Titlemap blocks, and you'll see the skill levels are defined there. It'll look like this:
Code: Select all
Skill SkillFive
TextColor = "Brick"
spawnfilter = nightmare
RespawnTime = 420
RespawnLimit = 2
aggressiveness = 0.9
ammofactor = 1.5
damagefactor = 1.1
MonsterHealth = 1.2
ACSReturn = 4
MustConfirm = "Are you positively certain that's a good idea? Monsters will have more HP, will deal more damage, and will respawn!"
PlayerClassName = "Baratus the Myrmidon" , "No. You are already dead."
PlayerClassName = "Parias the Crusader" , "Behold! I am Ascending!"
PlayerClassName = "Daedolon the Magister" , "I'm a Motherfuckin' Magister!"
PlayerClassName = "Illitheya the Druid", "Such is the lot of the Avatar of Genesis."
name = "Level 20 and Rising."
Simply delete the two lines RespawnTime and RespawnLimit (or set both to = 0), save the file, save the archive, and bang, you're done.
Hope all that helps, and thanks for playing so far.