Walpurgis 0.99 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [NEW RELEASE!!!]

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Re: Walpurgis 0.97 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [NEW RELEASE!]

Post by eharper256 »

DarkQuill wrote: Sat Oct 29, 2022 2:03 amHaven't updated since 0.92, there's an astounding amount of changes and polish in just a few version changes. Well done!
Thanks for checking it out again!
DarkQuill wrote: Sat Oct 29, 2022 2:03 am-For the Druid, the Baselard upgrade that summons the owl is uhhh... overpowered lmao. This owl can kill a SpiderMastermind in under 10 seconds. Maybe need to reduce the amount of projectiles per volley, damage per projectile, firing speed, or some combination of all three.
Funilly enough I just nerfed that bird. The specific problem here is actually that the Mastermind is notoriously weak to ripper projectiles since it has such a big-ass hit-box (you'll notice Algor also makes short work of an SM if the Magister can survive being that close to the chaingun for long enough). Turul's diagonal shots completely intersect it for ages, so do alot more damage than they would to most targets. On the TO-DO list is an overhaul of the Spider so that only the Brain part takes full damage but I haven't got around to it yet. And I'll consider nerfing Turul again if people agree he's still too strong.
DarkQuill wrote: Sat Oct 29, 2022 2:03 am-Ranger's Dagon Staff primary fire angles to the right once upgraded. If the regular version does this already, then the upgraded one has a way bigger offset.
How bizarre, you're absolutely right; both upgrades have an angle parameter. I'm not entirely sure what I was smoking there, since I use A_FireProjectile for basically everything too, but for some bizarre reason this is using the old A_FireCustomMissile too. It's only 3 degrees off but yeah, that can cause it to miss your crosshair slightly at distance. I'll fix that.
DarkQuill wrote: Sat Oct 29, 2022 2:03 am-Not sure how feasible this is, but requesting an option to disable forced camera vertical movement during certain attacks (Hammer slam, Wolf groundpound, Dragon Staff whirlpool etc). Forced camera snapping like that gives me headaches :(
You can actually do that already for the hammer, check the game settings page (it's called {Stop, Not Hammertime} lol), since someone requested that before, but that was many aeons ago when the Hammer was the only thing that did it and druid didn't exist, so I guess I should extend that CVAR to include the two Druid things that have forced camera moves (though without the camera changes those attacks look a bit rubbish, since they're always, you know, smacking the ground, lol) Still, I'll add it to the TO-DO list.
DarkQuill wrote: Sat Oct 29, 2022 2:03 am-A couple sounds need a little bit of volume tweaking, such as the Crucifix's black hole attack. Just a tiny little bit too loud.
I mean, that's meant to be a loud bastard; it's arguably the most powerful attack in the game. :lol: Sound equalization is always a point of contention for some people though so not much I can do about this besides some epic project to globally have a CVAR on all sounds.
DarkQuill wrote: Sat Oct 29, 2022 2:03 am-Possibly an option to change the armor pickup messages to indicate how much armor they are giving.
It's 40 and 70 respectively, you can test this in the Test Map. Keep in mind this is Hexen Armour though; so it's alot more potent (and complicated) than Doom Armour: the current Armour value is BOTH its HP AND it's current Reduction Percentage %, so if you have 70 Armour, it is reducing damage by 70% and has 70HP, and if you manage to get enough armour to take yourself over 100 Armour (usually with the Bracers bonus, or by finding both drops in quick succession), the Armour will absorb ALL damage. Though not often for long, since it'll quickly drop below 100 when absorbing all damage. It's rather hard to describe this in a Tooltip, lol. :shock:
DarkQuill wrote: Sat Oct 29, 2022 2:03 amBut jeeze, this is so damn cool. And built-in support for Corruption Cards? That's above and beyond. Definitely doing some playthroughs with this tonight. Thank you very much for all your work and effort!
Thanks alot for the feedback, and glad you're enjoying it!
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Re: Walpurgis 0.97 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [NEW RELEASE!]

Post by DarkQuill »

Minor bug/switcharoo - the primary fire upgrade for the Firestorm Font for the Crusader, the left upgrade mentions using both hands for more damage, but the only the right upgrade uses a two-hand animation :p

I gotta ask, where are the voice files for the different taunts from? They're surprisingly really good and fitting.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.97 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [NEW RELEASE!]

Post by eharper256 »

DarkQuill wrote: Sun Oct 30, 2022 2:15 am Minor bug/switcharoo - the primary fire upgrade for the Firestorm Font for the Crusader, the left upgrade mentions using both hands for more damage, but the only the right upgrade uses a two-hand animation :p

I gotta ask, where are the voice files for the different taunts from? They're surprisingly really good and fitting.
Yikes. Well; for the Primary Fire upgrade for Firestorm: just switch weapons and then switch back again and it'll work. :)

Technical Explanation: there is normally an additional flag that is supposed to be set for the animation to switch the 2 hands on that one, but when I revised the entire upgrade system I forgot about that extra flag. There is a failsafe where the flag is still checked and given when you re-equip though. Bit of an oversight on that one, but fortunately not super-critical. Thanks for the report, I'll fix it.

The voices are from Fire Emblem Echoes, Fire Emblem Awakening, and Xenoblade Chronicles X, with some extra pain noises from lots of sources like Nox and Turok II. The vast majority are carefully re-sampled and tonally adjusted by myself in Audacity; as some characters invariably use different voice actors for various lines, I had to make them sound similar. Those with a maestro's ear can probably tell they're not quite perfect, but I think I did a reasonable job on this. I knew Fire Emblem samples would mostly fit before I even started gathering them (and they do) since I love the series; so the bulk of the taunts are from there (they are used for critical strikes in those games). My sole dissapointment is that I could not squeeze in Sir Frederick's classic: "Pick a god and pray!" since it felt hilariously inappropriate for the Crusader even though its a badass line.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.97 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [NEW RELEASE!]

Post by DarkQuill »

No, they're awesome. I can recognize all the Diablo2 and Elder Scrolls sounds for various pickups, but the voices are new to me. Impeccable selections.

Bit of a bigger bug - throwing the Minitaur artifact at a wall or group of enemies (eg, throw it against a flat wall) and having it fail to summon has it turn into the berserk/weapon powerup instead of the Minitaur pickup. Tested with standalone.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.97 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [NEW RELEASE!]

Post by eharper256 »

As I made a patch and hadn't actually got around to playing Elementalism yet, I took it out for a spin with the new Walpurgis 0.97 patch:

It's a gorgeous level-set (and I only the cover the first two levels of Earth here; the other hubs are equally amazing looking!) but I guess that's to be expected of the Hellforge regulars. And of course, the elemental theme goes really well with the Walp characters too!

I'm not entirely sure if jumping for the last part of the second level was the intended solution or if jumping is actually allowed normally, but I couldn't see what else to do to get to those switches and I did get a majority of the kills so I can't have missed a big chunk of the level or anything. All's well that ends well.
DarkQuill wrote: Sun Oct 30, 2022 3:32 amNo, they're awesome. I can recognize all the Diablo2 and Elder Scrolls sounds for various pickups, but the voices are new to me. Impeccable selections.
Thanks, as others have mentioned, its hard to imagine Walp without the voices now, even though they were a 0.96 feature and quite recent.
DarkQuill wrote: Sun Oct 30, 2022 3:32 amBit of a bigger bug - throwing the Minitaur artifact at a wall or group of enemies (eg, throw it against a flat wall) and having it fail to summon has it turn into the berserk/weapon powerup instead of the Minitaur pickup. Tested with standalone.
Oh goddammit, that Minitaur is such a troublemaker. I fixed this issue before, but clearly it's not gone. The problem is, when it fails to summon, it reappears as its original Hexen item rather than as its original Doom Item, and in Hexen, Maulotaur Dolls become upgrade items.
Well, consider it a secret exploit for now; it's probably going to be taken out eventually anyways. Fortunately, the chance for them to be selected as a random item drop is really quite low.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.97 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [NEW RELEASE!]

Post by DarkQuill »

Finished a playthrough of Going Down with Corruption Cards, as the crusader.

That was awesome. Everything feels really good. I used more Kraters of Might and Mystic Urns here than I have more than all my Hexen+Deathkings playthroughs lmao. Here's my takeaways on what can be tweaked;

- The Sturm Spear's Spectral Partisian skill and the upgrade that makes it ricochet (right upgrade) - when you use the ability the spears hover upwards, and makes it very hard to aim them through doors. The upgrade that summons two at once (left upgrade) however does not do this, so I found myself defaulting to that so I could get some long range missile attacks through doorways. Not sure if they should all hover that high, or not that high at all.
- The Firestom Font's Pyra-Crystal skill and the upgrade that makes it bigger/stronger (left upgrade) - very very powerful, kills everything. If you are standing on a liquid floor, it will also kill yours FPS. Not sure if there's an actor flag to make that attack not proc floor/flat effects, but that ought to fix it.
- The Firestorm Font's Pyra-Crystal skill that changes it to the firewall (right skill) - feels like it needs a bit more range or travel forward more. Strong, but felt like rushing through groups with the left skill was far easier.
- The Mace and Shield's charge attack sometimes will snap you to a different direction before or after executing the dash. Was not able to pin down what caused this.
- If you do a Mace and Shield charge attack and then hold down the regular fire button right away, you can swing the mace around while it's off-screen/lowered. Visual bug only, functions normally.
- The Crucifix's Stellar Vortex makes stuff bounce a lot. Not sure if intentional, I'm aware of other mods that have black-hole weapons that pull stuff in and don't cause bouncing, but I'm not clever enough to spot the differences between those and yours. Still works super well.
- The Red Archviles do a huge chunk of damage, and can be difficult to tell where the attack is going to land in cramped areas. Maybe need a small damage reduction so it's not too penalizing on maps that are Archvile-heavy.
- Corruption Cards-specific interaction, but enemies that get turned to stone have difficulty recognizing they are getting hit by the Firestorm Font's primary fire and don't always break when they should. Maybe a damage flag the primary fire has that everything else has no issue with, but not a big deal.
- Going Down-specific interaction, special last boss couldn't be hurt at all. Did not count as a monster and was non-corporeal. Probably not worth fixing as it's a dehacked WolfensteinSS, and people generally don't do that kind of thing anymore.

Sturm Spear is super polished, absolutely love that it lowers automatically when near a target. Just had to throw that in there cause it was so cool.

Think I will try Hexen or Deathkings as the Ranger next, want to see what changes to enemies are there, and how the Ranger meshes with Hexen. Which class does she copy in terms of special enemy placements?

Thank you again for this outstanding mod though.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.97 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [NEW RELEASE!]

Post by eharper256 »

DarkQuill wrote: Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 amFinished a playthrough of Going Down with Corruption Cards, as the crusader.

That was awesome. Everything feels really good. I used more Kraters of Might and Mystic Urns here than I have more than all my Hexen+Deathkings playthroughs lmao.
Good to hear! Glad you enjoyed it. Going Down is a classic experience that rarely goes wrong even if I'm not a fan of the later slaughtery levels.
DarkQuill wrote: Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 am- The Sturm Spear's Spectral Partisian skill and the upgrade that makes it ricochet (right upgrade) - when you use the ability the spears hover upwards, and makes it very hard to aim them through doors. The upgrade that summons two at once (left upgrade) however does not do this, so I found myself defaulting to that so I could get some long range missile attacks through doorways. Not sure if they should all hover that high, or not that high at all.
Working as intended. The upgrade is supposed to have that as a hidden feature of sorts. But both upgrades really help with ranged ability in tight spaces; which is innately the Spectral Partisan's weakness.
DarkQuill wrote: Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 am- The Firestom Font's Pyra-Crystal skill and the upgrade that makes it bigger/stronger (left upgrade) - very very powerful, kills everything. If you are standing on a liquid floor, it will also kill yours FPS. Not sure if there's an actor flag to make that attack not proc floor/flat effects, but that ought to fix it.
Was recently nerfed as well, lol. It used to cost 25% less and had a higher damage floor lol. I might slightly reduce the spinning range in future patches, and possibly the damage ceiling, but nerfs have to be taken in gradual stages. I'm not a fan of nuking from orbit when nerfing. We'll see how it goes.
DarkQuill wrote: Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 am- The Firestorm Font's Pyra-Crystal skill that changes it to the firewall (right skill) - feels like it needs a bit more range or travel forward more. Strong, but felt like rushing through groups with the left skill was far easier.
It's likely in a good place right now, it's just the Fire Nova is a hell of a yard point to compare it to.
DarkQuill wrote: Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 am- The Mace and Shield's charge attack sometimes will snap you to a different direction before or after executing the dash. Was not able to pin down what caused this.- If you do a Mace and Shield charge attack and then hold down the regular fire button right away, you can swing the mace around while it's off-screen/lowered. Visual bug only, functions normally.
Aware of this; It's a bit finicky at times, indeed. I believe it's very sensitive to flat changes but I've never quite nailed it down either. I created new charge-attack code for the Druid's Wolf Lunge this patch that seems to be more reliable, so I'll probably back-apply that code to the Crusader's Charge Attack in the next patch.
DarkQuill wrote: Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 am- The Crucifix's Stellar Vortex makes stuff bounce a lot. Not sure if intentional, I'm aware of other mods that have black-hole weapons that pull stuff in and don't cause bouncing, but I'm not clever enough to spot the differences between those and yours. Still works super well.
Yeah, that's intentional. When it was first designed, it wasn't as bouncy, but then I tweaked some numbers, it became bouncy, and I really enjoyed the effect (and a black hole would indeed cause a vicious slingshot if you did approach it, it wouldn't hold you in place usually... well if it did you'd already be crushed by super-gravity).
DarkQuill wrote: Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 amThe Red Archviles do a huge chunk of damage, and can be difficult to tell where the attack is going to land in cramped areas. Maybe need a small damage reduction so it's not too penalizing on maps that are Archvile-heavy.
Oh yes, Pyre-Master Viles are meant to be scary as fuck. The trick is that their flames, much like their cousins ones, are not immediately damaging, but will trace your path perfectly until they lose sight of you. Everywhere you have stepped will explode about 3 seconds later. When the bomblets hit the ground is when the damage occurs, so move in a weaving snake like pattern and keep moving away even after the attack stops tracking you. Even better if you weave through enemies, as it will cause infighting or death. Of course, going behind cover also works... if you then get away from that cover as well (since the explosion will still occur next to it). On vile heavy levels, make sure to cause them to infight (they will piss off normal viles, in fact).
DarkQuill wrote: Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 am- Corruption Cards-specific interaction, but enemies that get turned to stone have difficulty recognizing they are getting hit by the Firestorm Font's primary fire and don't always break when they should. Maybe a damage flag the primary fire has that everything else has no issue with, but not a big deal.
Shouldn't be anything special about the flamethrower; unless CC is flagging those enemies as like walls or objects or something; since the flames bounce off those without damaging but also have a small explosion value so might still damage. Probably that TBH.
DarkQuill wrote: Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 am- Going Down-specific interaction, special last boss couldn't be hurt at all. Did not count as a monster and was non-corporeal. Probably not worth fixing as it's a dehacked WolfensteinSS, and people generally don't do that kind of thing anymore.
Just checked GD's wad, and 99% sure it's because that boss is technically bigger than the whole level (it has Width = 4194304 :shock: ). Projectiles can't hit it if they're like, inside it, unless they're rippers I suppose... but then Crux Calicus Primary should work. So dunno.
DarkQuill wrote: Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 amSturm Spear is super polished, absolutely love that it lowers automatically when near a target. Just had to throw that in there cause it was so cool.
Yes I spent a needlessly long amount of time programming that behaviour (and doing the spear sprites), but it was worth it. :lol:
DarkQuill wrote: Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 amThink I will try Hexen or Deathkings as the Ranger next, want to see what changes to enemies are there, and how the Ranger meshes with Hexen. Which class does she copy in terms of special enemy placements?
Technically, I can't define a fourth class in Hexen maps, so Hexen checks class, fails, and falls back to Fighter for the Druid. However, Walpurgis then intercepts some of the placements for the Druid and replaces those (mostly for weapons, so that they don't duplicate). I might eventually put a more complex system in but invariably it will require some ZScript hacking.
DarkQuill wrote: Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 amThank you again for this outstanding mod though.
And thankyou again for feedback on it!
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Re: Walpurgis 0.97 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [NEW RELEASE!]

Post by DarkQuill »

Running through Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel as the Ranger, here's the biggest "bugs" I can see so far;

The random spawner for Brown Chaos Serpents (actor SpawnerBrownS) does not disappear once a regular Brown Chaos Serpent is spawned. The elite Grey Chaos Serpent (actor DerpSerpElite) that spawns will properly remove the spawner. Only noticed this cause the bird summon was going nuts trying to attack the ground, and sure enough you can attack the spawner and make it bleed, any attacks with homing will go towards it, etc. Shows up on automap when using the automap cheat too.

The green tree objects that can normally be burnt down are not solid and can be walked through. Not sure if this is intentional due to Ranger not having attacks to set these on fire without the bow, or accidental.

Attacks that launch stuff can push decorations around (trees, corpses on spears, etc). This actually happens in Doom as well, but somehow never noticed it. Don't think it's that big of an issue as it would take a large number of intentional launches to move an object into a place/linedef/teleporter/whatever that impedes the player, but can otherwise increase the mass of decorative objects to prevent them sliding around.

When completing the first Deathkings of the Dark Citadel hub (Blight), the text screen that shows up is your custom one for finishing the regular Hexen hub (Seven Portals) :p Not familiar with tagging custom text screens for specific iWads, but I defer to your expertise.

But these are all such tiny things that impact a few seconds of gameplay at most, it's so damn good to play it.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.97 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [NEW RELEASE!]

Post by eharper256 »

DarkQuill wrote: Wed Nov 02, 2022 6:48 amThe random spawner for Brown Chaos Serpents (actor SpawnerBrownS) does not disappear once a regular Brown Chaos Serpent is spawned. The elite Grey Chaos Serpent (actor DerpSerpElite) that spawns will properly remove the spawner. Only noticed this cause the bird summon was going nuts trying to attack the ground, and sure enough you can attack the spawner and make it bleed, any attacks with homing will go towards it, etc. Shows up on automap when using the automap cheat too.
Basically, Deathkings has a weird ACS thing with Brown Serpents that are used to control parts of the level in some cases. And in order to handle that properly, the spawners must be flagged as monsters. This is also the case with Barons in E1M8 in Doom and Arachnotrons/Mancubi in Doom II, they have special spawners to handle level change behaviours. If Turul accidently manages to pick one as his target, he won't get very far as they're immortal (lol) but he should reset when you move far enough away. I guess I should give them the full suite of Notarget flags though and review them to make sure they die off correctly.
DarkQuill wrote: Wed Nov 02, 2022 6:48 amThe green tree objects that can normally be burnt down are not solid and can be walked through. Not sure if this is intentional due to Ranger not having attacks to set these on fire without the bow, or accidental.
Intentional, you got the reason, not everyone may have accessible fire damage. Since they look like shrubs or confiers anyways, I always found it a bit weird they blocked such a big area lol. And they make those secrets more secret, so overall its a good change IMHO. :)
DarkQuill wrote: Wed Nov 02, 2022 6:48 amAttacks that launch stuff can push decorations around (trees, corpses on spears, etc). This actually happens in Doom as well, but somehow never noticed it. Don't think it's that big of an issue as it would take a large number of intentional launches to move an object into a place/linedef/teleporter/whatever that impedes the player, but can otherwise increase the mass of decorative objects to prevent them sliding around.
Uprooting and replanting trees accidently with Vis is always entertaining. :lol: Adding Mass and +DONTBLAST to all the decor has been on the list for a while, near the bottom as it its tedious.
DarkQuill wrote: Wed Nov 02, 2022 6:48 amWhen completing the first Deathkings of the Dark Citadel hub (Blight), the text screen that shows up is your custom one for finishing the regular Hexen hub (Seven Portals) :p Not familiar with tagging custom text screens for specific iWads, but I defer to your expertise.
Ugh, I'd have to check how the iwad does it. Base Hexen does it in a really dumb way in the root directory. I'm not a fan of Deathkings, it's a real slog, so I haven't done a playthrough in a while, so any specific interactions like this are likely go missed (Sump was only fixed in this patch, used to be a problem).
DarkQuill wrote: Wed Nov 02, 2022 6:48 amBut these are all such tiny things that impact a few seconds of gameplay at most, it's so damn good to play it.
Thanks again for the reports and glad you're enjoying yourself.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.97 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [NEW RELEASE!]

Post by DarkQuill »

Deathkings run as Ranger completed. Thought I'd add more positive feedback this time so it doesn't feel like I'm only nitpicking. Putting them under spoiler tags so everythings in it's own little category instead of having giant text wall.

And because I remembered that regular Hexen has a few enemies that Deathkings doesn't, I figured I'd boot up the last map and give that a quick play too.
Also noticed at least one Heretic enemy thrown into the mix, which I thought was super-fitting. Heretic's the only one I never bought a disk for, so any feedback I could give for that would be limited to whatever appears in the first/demo episode, haha. But all in all this is supremely well done. I know it's not easy making changes that span three different games and making sure something doesn't break.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.97 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [NEW RELEASE!]

Post by eharper256 »

Rather than also doing nested quotes of your quotes, since there's alot, I'll also just do a numbered list.
  1. It never actually occured to me that these two might be +BLOODLESS, but yes, they are, of course. The system is doing exactly correctly what it was told :shock: (this is a new thing, so that metal enemies like Heretic Clinks and Iron Golems, and Lost Souls DON'T make squishy noises) but that's actually not right here (lol). Will fix.
  2. Yes, known, intentional, and nothing can be done due to how Item pickup works. If it cannot immediately give you HP, and cannot go into your inventory, the Flask will turn into the old version of itself and drop again to be picked up later, losing its instant heal off the ground feature. This is a sanity check to prevent it trying a futile loop over and over (if it drops again as it is, the player will still be in pickup range, and the test will happen again, over and over). The only other option would be the item to yeet itself off in a random direction away from the player but that would look pretty silly.
  3. A placeholder, I haven't made burning sprites for them yet.
  4. It's probably got a [no fadeout] on the properties. Happens sometimes as I copy-paste A_Startsound all the time. I'll check it.
  5. Known, not much can be done since those globs are ripper projectiles so can't be made to avoid the player if for some reason you're sat on top of the plant lol. As you say, they deal no damage.
  6. Huh. I wasn't even aware they hurt on death, somehow. But yes, you're right, they do trigger A_Explode. Amazing I never noticed, but I guess they're usually flying and not melee targets for me. I'll add it to Cardinal.
  7. Yeah. I'll look into adding a filter to that. It's not like Deathkings had epic prose you're missing though (lol).
  8. No idea about that. Shattering should occur with any damage except Ice.
  9. Yes, they only appear rarely in Doom now, ironically. They (and Speed Boots) are replaced with Upgrade Items in Hexen.
  10. Fairly standard in Hexen, since levels are not built to ever give you a second Slot 2 weapon. I might add a complicated routine for another classes Slot 3 to drop the 2 you're missing if I can get around to it eventually.
  11. Yes, this happens for the same reason the doors open quickly in the Original game Korax section as well. There are hard-baked scripts in the level expecting the original enemy types, which of course no longer exist. It's usually not too hard if you're saved an Icon of the Defender for this point and have some upgrades, even if you're missing your Ultimate. But yes, if you have neither, it can be rough. I'm actually okay with this right now, but eventually I might include 'fixed' versions of the levels.
  1. Yes, you've nailed why that is. For taunts to activate, a token is given to the monster's killer as it dies, which does various checks (like when the last taunt was, what the current frequency setting is, and so on). If Turul, or the Bleed status effect, gets given one, nothing happens, as the taunt tokens check if they're on the player first. Infighting also doesn't trigger taunts for this reason.
  2. And thank god for that (lol).
  3. Oh, is that where it's from? I found it from an image-search of 'large blue fruit game' or something like that (heh). I never actually managed to play MapleStory; the one time I tried, the server just wouldn't ever let me connect.
  4. Yes! I love that giant oil snake sprite! This one is originally from a game called "A Boy and his Blob" and I had to include it (after some editing of course, the original snake is purple). Just firing it straight forwards is generally best; the bounce isn't too long. But if you miss, you can run past the oil, and lure enemies back past to get some snakebite (lol).
  5. Yep, I wanted to make sure they're distinct and less annoying. These were some of the earliest things fixed in ye olde versions.
  6. They are. Someone else pointed out a small blade shouldn't bounce that much, and they're right, but these baselards are made for rule of cool, of course. :lol:
  7. First time someone's ever mentioned it, glad you like it. The flickering and feel of a real torch was hard to get to a point that felt right, and actually took ages! But worth it.
  8. Yep, I love them. Those bosses are kind of just boring ultimate weapon spam in the original game, which also cheapened the feel of the 'ultimate' weapons if someone else just randomly has them. Instead, I made them strong in their own right with alot of unique signature attacks (I especially like Menelkir's Lightning Waves lol).
  1. That's what I get for testing that battle with the Crusader lol, not noticing something like that.
  2. See above.
  3. Funnily enough, it's already doubled from the base game. I was thinking of giving him some invincibility sections like Heriserarch, but I actually don't like that mechanic on Heriserarch, so...
  4. First one is based on Korax HP, second one then checks how many of the original wave is alive; which it concludes to be zero since its a hardbaked script checking for specific enemies lol. Bum-Rushing shouldn't be possible since he can break his pain state to teleport away now. In theory. Pain states are weird sometimes.
  5. Absolutely, though I've always tried to avoid that in Walp, it might eventually become a thing.
Thanks as usual. Don't forget to try non-Druid classes occasionally though! Oh, and if you get a moment, throw a point or two my way on the top works thread. Along with voting for your other favorite mods, of course.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.97 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [NEW RELEASE!]

Post by DarkQuill »

Just finished a quick Sigil speedrun with the mage, noticed that it's possible for Cyberdemons to infight. Speaking of which, very much love the changes to Cyberdemon rockets on players too. Mage's elemental mastery is dangerous, and explosively satisfying. You made first-person spellcasting combat fun - something that's still missing from AAA Elder Scrolls games.

Barbarian is the one I wanted to do the least, only because I've played through two different Brutal Hexen Beta mods before and Barbarian was the only class finished. But did a brief no-save run of Heretic Freeware with the Walpurgis Barbarian and it's everything you could want it to be. Punching is great, axe vorpal slices are sick, swords are a nice balanced addition, hammer is a chonky boi, and being able to just go fucking ham with Quietus is perfect. The only problem I had was upgrading to the fire whip and getting Castlevanias Vampire Killer stuck in my head.

Kudos for the top works link, I'm going to be stuck going through those for years, hahaha. 5 points for Walpurgis because again, juggling a mod for three different games with their own special rules and own monsters - regardless of how much can be copy-pasted between them - is nuts.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.97 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [NEW RELEASE!]

Post by eharper256 »

DarkQuill wrote: Sat Nov 05, 2022 5:06 am Just finished a quick Sigil speedrun with the mage, noticed that it's possible for Cyberdemons to infight. Speaking of which, very much love the changes to Cyberdemon rockets on players too. Mage's elemental mastery is dangerous, and explosively satisfying. You made first-person spellcasting combat fun - something that's still missing from AAA Elder Scrolls games.

Barbarian is the one I wanted to do the least, only because I've played through two different Brutal Hexen Beta mods before and Barbarian was the only class finished. But did a brief no-save run of Heretic Freeware with the Walpurgis Barbarian and it's everything you could want it to be. Punching is great, axe vorpal slices are sick, swords are a nice balanced addition, hammer is a chonky boi, and being able to just go fucking ham with Quietus is perfect. The only problem I had was upgrading to the fire whip and getting Castlevanias Vampire Killer stuck in my head.

Kudos for the top works link, I'm going to be stuck going through those for years, hahaha. 5 points for Walpurgis because again, juggling a mod for three different games with their own special rules and own monsters - regardless of how much can be copy-pasted between them - is nuts.
Many thanks for the votes; even 1 or 2 is helpful (and yes, that means you, other lurkers who are reading!) :ninja: but the whole 5 is actually enough to throw me ahead of Brutal Doom, which is really nice. :wink:

I guess I can force cyberdemons to not infight; the levels I play don't usually feature loads of them together! In base they are immune to their own damage, but that would be sad for the Crusader using the Reflective Shield on the Crux Calicus, so it was removed. :)

Yep, making spells badass again was a big priority for the Magister. In base Hexen, he's kinda squishy but doesn't get much in return for that (Arc of Death is... fine I guess, but I wanted wanted Fulgur to have more oomph with Lightning mastery). Now he's even more squishy, but gets to be huge badass in return. Myrm, indeed gets to be the melee juggernaught and goes super-ham with it.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.97 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [NEW RELEASE!]

Post by eharper256 »

There are NO obvious problems with Walpurgis 0.97 and the new GZDoom 4.9.0 (switching to Portable, in my case, I prefer the ini in the root) that I can see from a quick test. :)

But if you choose to upgrade and you notice something off that could require a hotfix, I'd appreciate it greatly if you report it. :wink:
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Re: Walpurgis 0.97 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [NEW RELEASE!]

Post by prossnip42 »

While playing Elementalism there's just a bunch of exclamation marks everywhere. What's your load order for this exactly?

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