DarkQuill wrote: ↑Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 amFinished a playthrough of Going Down with Corruption Cards, as the crusader.
That was awesome. Everything feels really good. I used more Kraters of Might and Mystic Urns here than I have more than all my Hexen+Deathkings playthroughs lmao.
Good to hear! Glad you enjoyed it. Going Down is a classic experience that rarely goes wrong even if I'm not a fan of the later slaughtery levels.
DarkQuill wrote: ↑Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 am- The Sturm Spear's Spectral Partisian skill and the upgrade that makes it ricochet (right upgrade) - when you use the ability the spears hover upwards, and makes it very hard to aim them through doors. The upgrade that summons two at once (left upgrade) however does not do this, so I found myself defaulting to that so I could get some long range missile attacks through doorways. Not sure if they should all hover that high, or not that high at all.
Working as intended. The upgrade is supposed to have that as a hidden feature of sorts. But both upgrades really help with ranged ability in tight spaces; which is innately the Spectral Partisan's weakness.
DarkQuill wrote: ↑Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 am- The Firestom Font's Pyra-Crystal skill and the upgrade that makes it bigger/stronger (left upgrade) - very very powerful, kills everything. If you are standing on a liquid floor, it will also kill yours FPS. Not sure if there's an actor flag to make that attack not proc floor/flat effects, but that ought to fix it.
Was recently nerfed as well, lol. It used to cost 25% less and had a higher damage floor lol. I might slightly reduce the spinning range in future patches, and possibly the damage ceiling, but nerfs have to be taken in gradual stages. I'm not a fan of nuking from orbit when nerfing. We'll see how it goes.
DarkQuill wrote: ↑Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 am- The Firestorm Font's Pyra-Crystal skill that changes it to the firewall (right skill) - feels like it needs a bit more range or travel forward more. Strong, but felt like rushing through groups with the left skill was far easier.
It's likely in a good place right now, it's just the Fire Nova is a hell of a yard point to compare it to.
DarkQuill wrote: ↑Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 am- The Mace and Shield's charge attack sometimes will snap you to a different direction before or after executing the dash. Was not able to pin down what caused this.- If you do a Mace and Shield charge attack and then hold down the regular fire button right away, you can swing the mace around while it's off-screen/lowered. Visual bug only, functions normally.
Aware of this; It's a bit finicky at times, indeed. I believe it's very sensitive to flat changes but I've never quite nailed it down either. I created new charge-attack code for the Druid's Wolf Lunge this patch that seems to be more reliable, so I'll probably back-apply that code to the Crusader's Charge Attack in the next patch.
DarkQuill wrote: ↑Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 am- The Crucifix's Stellar Vortex makes stuff bounce a lot. Not sure if intentional, I'm aware of other mods that have black-hole weapons that pull stuff in and don't cause bouncing, but I'm not clever enough to spot the differences between those and yours. Still works super well.
Yeah, that's intentional. When it was first designed, it wasn't as bouncy, but then I tweaked some numbers, it became bouncy, and I really enjoyed the effect (and a black hole would indeed cause a vicious slingshot if you did approach it, it wouldn't hold you in place usually... well if it did you'd already be crushed by super-gravity).
DarkQuill wrote: ↑Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 amThe Red Archviles do a huge chunk of damage, and can be difficult to tell where the attack is going to land in cramped areas. Maybe need a small damage reduction so it's not too penalizing on maps that are Archvile-heavy.
Oh yes, Pyre-Master Viles are meant to be scary as fuck. The trick is that their flames, much like their cousins ones, are not immediately damaging, but will trace your path perfectly until they lose sight of you. Everywhere you have stepped will explode about 3 seconds later. When the bomblets hit the ground is when the damage occurs, so move in a weaving snake like pattern and keep moving away even after the attack stops tracking you. Even better if you weave through enemies, as it will cause infighting or death. Of course, going behind cover also works... if you then get away from that cover as well (since the explosion will still occur next to it). On vile heavy levels, make sure to cause them to infight (they will piss off normal viles, in fact).
DarkQuill wrote: ↑Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 am- Corruption Cards-specific interaction, but enemies that get turned to stone have difficulty recognizing they are getting hit by the Firestorm Font's primary fire and don't always break when they should. Maybe a damage flag the primary fire has that everything else has no issue with, but not a big deal.
Shouldn't be anything special about the flamethrower; unless CC is flagging those enemies as like walls or objects or something; since the flames bounce off those without damaging but also have a small explosion value so might still damage. Probably that TBH.
DarkQuill wrote: ↑Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 am- Going Down-specific interaction, special last boss couldn't be hurt at all. Did not count as a monster and was non-corporeal. Probably not worth fixing as it's a dehacked WolfensteinSS, and people generally don't do that kind of thing anymore.
Just checked GD's wad, and 99% sure it's because that boss is technically bigger than the whole level (it has
Width = 4194304 
). Projectiles can't hit it if they're like, inside it, unless they're rippers I suppose... but then Crux Calicus Primary should work. So dunno.
DarkQuill wrote: ↑Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 amSturm Spear is super polished, absolutely love that it lowers automatically when near a target. Just had to throw that in there cause it was so cool.
Yes I spent a needlessly long amount of time programming that behaviour (and doing the spear sprites), but it was worth it.
DarkQuill wrote: ↑Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 amThink I will try Hexen or Deathkings as the Ranger next, want to see what changes to enemies are there, and how the Ranger meshes with Hexen. Which class does she copy in terms of special enemy placements?
Technically, I can't define a fourth class in Hexen maps, so Hexen checks class, fails, and falls back to Fighter for the Druid. However, Walpurgis then intercepts some of the placements for the Druid and replaces those (mostly for weapons, so that they don't duplicate). I might eventually put a more complex system in but invariably it will require some ZScript hacking.
DarkQuill wrote: ↑Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:32 amThank you again for this outstanding mod though.
And thankyou again for feedback on it!