Voyage Infernal [1.13]

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Re: Voyage Infernal [1.10]

Post by Toberone »

Ok, so after some extended play time I have some slight criticisms for you.

1. I feel like the damage should of the ttn should either be buffed very slightly, or maybe the lower end of the damage scale be buffed up with a custom damage formula. That way pinkies at least die every time you shoot them, without going to too overboard on other monsters/general weapon balance. Maybe you kept it like this since its so accurate and the vanilla shotgun cant 2 shot pinkies anyway, so Idk. Its really just a "game-feel" thing then anything really, weapons still great overall.

2. Extending from that, why do both shotguns only give 2 shells on pick-up? Maps where your expected to get your ammo from shotgun dudes feel a little wonky cause of this. Maybe I did my math wrong but it seems the colt is only slightly stronger then 2 vanilla shotgun blasts, and the laws shot is seemingly slightly weaker then half a vanilla ssg shot. Regular shell pick-ups also still give vanilla amounts so I don't really understand this change.

3. Finally, melee kinda just feels a little over-tuned damage wise. Not sure what to really say about that though because of the way it works, I can't imagine it's easy to balance.

BTW the demonsteele grenades look pretty cool from what I can tell, hope they come to fruition.
Last edited by Toberone on Mon Jan 27, 2020 3:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Voyage Infernal [1.10]

Post by Captain J »

Oh yeah. I really wanted to talk about shotgun and the axe. Colt Double Barrel shotgun is by far, the weirdest shotgun i ever used: Both slugs sometimes hit only one target instead of two. If i shoot two targets standing side by side, i can dispose them easily. But if the one is at behind? This happens. I know it's supposed to be realistic, but it just makes it weaker. And just like Toberone said, the ammo shortage happens too often with this because i can't take down two or more enemies despite of using two shells per shot.

Also RNG is not friendly with this weapon either. Pinkies won't go down in two shots sometimes and it's the same thing with cacos, but takes three.

And about the Axe, it's fairly powerful. You can take one pinky down with one swing. But the problem is that the Rage sphere won't do any good but making the axe faster and is limited. I also expected some health refill or defense buff, but... No.

EDIT1: Also i honestly think the BFG is slightly weak against Cyberdemon. Although it acts the same as BFG and could kill Spider Mastermind in up close, considering it consumes too much of ammo, i think this is quite underwhelming.

Hope you don't mind, i actually made some new sprites for your mod!
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Re: Voyage Infernal [1.10]

Post by NullWire »

I really loved the mod, specially the weapons selection.
Is there any chance we can get an addon with a few extra guns?

For example an AA-12. KS-23M, Glock-18C, combat knife, M72 LAW, Milkor MGL, some sniper rifle, etc.
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Re: Voyage Infernal [1.10]

Post by AstartesCitizen »

Took this for a spin so heres my quick take:

I liked the weapons, somewhat close to vanilla feel, well done sprites particularly the FN mini and the plasma rifle, my gripe is the TTN Colt shotgun it felt weak for being like the super shotgun its highly accurate at long range but the damage does feels off and like others have said ammo runs out too quickly, I used the LAW-12 much more because of the latter with the Colt shotgun, but also I ran low on shells with frequency, I think the behavior of the Colt shotgun pretends to be like that of a hunting rifle? Very accurate at long range I take that it fires solid slugs, gibs low tier monsters but is still weak. Certainly the axe (which its fun to use) packs more punch than the colt, thats the only "complaint" that I have, but overall I am enjoying this one.
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Re: Voyage Infernal [1.10]

Post by vidumec »

thank you all for feedback, suggestions and additions!

1.11 will have:
- 4 shells instead of 2 from dropped shotguns
- TTN - slight damage increase and more reliable penetration
- better feedback from firing weapons
- grenades ( very limited supply, just for "flavor" )
- FAMAS will be back, but with reloading, will replace minimi ( but i'll add a setting to toggle between them )
- some fixes ( proper rocket sprites, missing GL lights definitions, etc )

one thing to note: TTN is not an SSG, and neither is SPAS, and actually there is no SSG equivalent, aka "big and cheap burst damage with no tradeoffs", because it was powercreeping on other weapons. You have quickswitch, you have other weapons that are usable now, use them!

also i think nobody has realised that you can speed up TTN reloading through quick switch
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Re: Voyage Infernal [1.10]

Post by Captain J »

M249 is absolutely a good replacement. Feels a lot powerful and beefy!

However the handle on the right seems unnecessarily raised too high, a bit distracting and kinda blocks the sight.
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Re: Voyage Infernal [1.10]

Post by vidumec »

Captain J wrote:M249 is absolutely a good replacement. Feels a lot powerful and beefy!

However the handle on the right seems unnecessarily raised too high, a bit distracting and kinda blocks the sight.
nah i like the handle, gives it some charm
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Re: Voyage Infernal [1.10.5]

Post by vidumec »

note: the grenades now have their own keybind. It's still a separate weapon, but it cannot be selected in any way. Pressing the keybind will throw the grenade and switch back to the last weapon, all hail zscript that allows for a solution that doesn't involve copypasting grenade states to each weapon!
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Re: Voyage Infernal [1.10.5]

Post by Captain J »

I think you really don't have to copy grenade or custom state each weapon actors if you define them as one category(Example: "Weapon2 : Weapon"). But i guess it would glitch regardless.

So yeah, good choice! Glad i could automatically throw a grenade in any situation. And i see that LAW-12 now has incredible accuracy. Hooray for that.
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Re: Voyage Infernal [1.10.5]

Post by Bochulain »

I've been playing this and Hellrider because they're both awesome for almost exactly the same reasons. I really hate myself for liking this one more only because the protagonist's voice gives me chills; never tell me where she came from, I already feel like a creep.
All that said, I read through the thread and would like to toss my two cents in:

-I love crouch slide and miss it in mods that don't have it. I do like having crouch as well though, and other mods do that by either making slide a key-combo or a different key. Always felt High Noon Drifter did it best, making it the run key.
-I can never remember brand names of guns, so I'll just call them by their types. The pistol is my favorite weapon, with the double barrel a close second. The double barrel actually feels like a sniper rifle, and I don't care if I'm wrong for loving that.
-I accept I'm the only one who doesn't like the "chaingun." I *do* prefer rifles over SAWs, and it bothers me when rifle/chaingun bullets do less damage than pistol bullets. The bottomless magazine is probably good enough, but having either accuracy, zoom, or damage-boost going for it would make finding it more of a reward to me.
-Kinda nice having a grenade, but where do you get them? I feel like I have 3 per playthrough, and that's it. And they've got a small blast radius with minimal bounce, so unless I place them *just* right, they're wasted. I seldom use them at all, much less to clear blind rooms like I normally would.
-I'm spoiled that so many mods have a quick-melee button, so lacking one here bothers me. Still, that Axe is awesome for range and power.
-I don't *get* the rage sphere. Is it boosting damage/attack speed? I wish it didn't have a time limit, because you're still taking an axe to a gun fight, and that means you're taking bullets unless you take your time. If you just whip through a horde like a badass, you have nothing to show for it but gaping wounds at the end. Zagemod got around this by making enemies you pulped drop health and armor bonuses, but I still like having a one-punch or speed-pummel weapon that lasts one level. A lot of maps I play place Berserk Packs as just 100% health-ups or as a hidden bonus weapon *after* a horde of baddies, so a timed power up doesn't work for those.

Again, gonna play the bejeezuz out of this mod anyway, 'cause it rocks. Also to hear whatever it is she says when she tries to activate a blank wall. "Ces't quoi?" or whatever, it just makes my day.
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Re: Voyage Infernal [1.10.5]

Post by JohnnyTheWolf »

Plutôt cool! Je suis content qu'on ait ressuscité ce sujet, sinon je serais probablement passé à côté!

Le seul bémol que je vois, c'est le mode de tir secondaire du SPAS qui cause le déchargement des cartouches; ce n'est pas un problème en soi, mais ça m'a pris un moment avant de comprendre ce qui se passait, tellement l'animation de déchargement ressemble à celle du rechargement. Personnellement, je me serais contenté d'utiliser la fonction "Unload weapon" de GZDoom.

De plus, la couleur des effusions de sang de certains monstres (Cacodemon, Baron of Hell, Hell Knight) est rouge et ne correspond pas à celui des sprites.

À part de ça, rien à redire pour l'instant! 8-)
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Re: Voyage Infernal [1.10.5]

Post by BigStronk »

Where do I get the wad
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Re: Voyage Infernal [1.10.5]

Post by wildweasel »

(:< wrote:Where do I get the wad
vidumec's first post, right under the title logo, wrote: Get it here ( always latest version ): GDRIVE
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Re: Voyage Infernal [1.10.5]

Post by CherubCorps »

This is a really fun, balanced mod. The weapons are hefty, strong, and have a good flow that doesn't break the game.

I've noticed some problems with the HUD not properly scaling
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Re: Voyage Infernal [1.10.5]

Post by ClessxAlghazanth »

I've recently discovered and been enjoying this , but it crashes randomly and gives this error :

I think some other mod I've been loading with may be causing a conflict , but haven't been able to solve it yet

Any ideas on this ?

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