Doom Exp

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Re: Doom Exp

Post by Valherran »

Alt-fire modes for weapons 5-7 don't work.
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Re: Doom Exp

Post by Officer D »

Valherran wrote:Alt-fire modes for weapons 5-7 don't work.
You'll have to be more specific. Alt-fire modes for those look just fine on my end.
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Re: Doom Exp

Post by Valherran »

It says I need to be a specified rank when I am max rank of 21 at 100k exp.
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Re: Doom Exp

Post by Officer D »

To my understanding, that is literally impossible with how the ACS is setup :

Code: Select all

Script "RocketLauncher_Check" ENTER CLIENTSIDE
	if (CheckInventory("Rank") >= 14)  // If rank is equal or higher.
		if(CheckInventory("RocketLauncher"))  // If you have old launcher replace with alt fire one.
	Restart; // loop the script forever.
With 12k downloads, you are the only one who has reported this problem. Are you using other mods alongside this? Or an outdated Source Port? Maybe you used some cheats and somehow broke it? (Even though it works perfectly fine when I IDKFA)
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Re: Doom Exp

Post by Valherran »

Didn't use any cheats and I am running on the latest stable release. However when I went to try and take a SS it wouldn't work, so something is up and I will have to look into it when I am not on my job site.
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Re: Doom Exp

Post by Officer D »

I would suggest to make a backup of your old .ini and start on a fresh one. Maybe something is wrong with your configurations.
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Re: Doom Exp

Post by Valherran »

Found the problem. The "kill monsters" command is what broke the rank unlocks. I traced it back to the earlier levels when I used it to clear some enemies that got stuck outside the map, and that's when I noticed my rocket launcher didn't change after reaching the rank to unlock the alt-fire. The "summon" command when used to manually spawn monsters also does the same thing. I put about 100 Cyberdemons in 1 spot and killed them with a BFG, it put me at rank 21 with zero unlocks. I tried using the IDKFA cheat on a new game and it worked no problem, but when I tried it to use it on my save game thinking it would fix the alt-fires; nope, it remained locked.
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Re: Doom Exp

Post by Officer D »

Ok, so you did cheat. :D That explains it. You entering the "Kill monsters" doesn't break if there are only a few monsters. There must of been loads of monsters, just like you summoning 100 cyberdemons in 1 spot to kill them. Well, I can't take any responsibility if people break my mod with console commands.

Anyways, glad you figured it out. gj!
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Re: Doom Exp

Post by Valherran »

Officer D wrote:Ok, so you did cheat. :D That explains it. You entering the "Kill monsters" doesn't break if there are only a few monsters. There must of been loads of monsters, just like you summoning 100 cyberdemons in 1 spot to kill them. Well, I can't take any responsibility if people break my mod with console commands.

Anyways, glad you figured it out. gj!
There were 3 Mancubus stuck in a spawn room, and it was enough to level me up and break it, if you level from it, it breaks. I did the summon thing after while trying to figure out why it was doing that. Maybe put a disclaimer on the front page in case anyone else does that.
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Re: Doom Exp

Post by Officer D »

What you are saying is not possible with how the script is setup. You said the kill command on 3 Mancubus will break the leveling. Look at my test video from rank 1 to rank 2 and from rank 13 to 14 (It will work for any rank btw). It will only break if you get so much score at once, that you basically double, triple, etc. rank. The running script will not have enough time to set the necessary CVars and give the player needed Inventory items. Are you seriously asking me to add a note saying : "If you use dev tools or CLI to alter the game or mod, you could potentially break shit". :roll:

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Re: Doom Exp

Post by Valherran »

Well this phenomenon has only happened in YOUR MOD out of the many years I have been playing them. Disregard it if you want, but it managed to happen.
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Re: Doom Exp

Post by Officer D »

I'll tell you what. If you can show me, how killing only 3 Mancubus with the kill command breaks the leveling. I will add a note to the front page, saying "If you use CLI cheats you shouldn't complain if things break. Same how if you jump in maps that weren't build for it". Even though this should be self-evident.
At this point you could be telling me Mary Poppins appears in my mod and I need to address this because you have played mods for as long as they exists and this has never happened to you.

Edit: Even if what you claimed was true, that would make it a 0.01% chance of happening (referring to the 3 Mancubus kill command).
Don't get me wrong. I appreciate the constructive negative criticism more than the positive ones because they often help me improve my work. But so far there was nothing helpful about your feedback. If you cared enough to post your problem, then why was it so effortless? All you said was, "Alt fire modes for weapons 5-7 are broken".
So then I double checked it and found nothing to be broken. After asking you about specifics, you remained effortless by giving me pretty much useless information "I have rank 21 and 100k score and it's still broken"( I can't read minds). This is not how to report bugs. So I had to ask you about source ports and if you were using cheats or any other additional mods. Finally you gave me something to work with but lied about not using cheats.
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Re: Doom Exp

Post by Valherran »

Finally you gave me something to work with but lied about not using cheats.
Using console commands to bypass something that broke in a map is not considered cheating in my book, therefor I did not lie about anything. And I made it a point to mention that something went wrong after it happened because something did in fact go wrong. What I found is all I had to work with and as said before, your mod is the only one I've played that actually breaks when using those commands. A handful of other mods that use a similar system have never broke like that so naturally, yes, I am going to post something about it. Giving me an ego trip because something potentially went wrong in your "perfect" setup solves nothing and none of my feedback was intended to put you on the spot like you make it out to be.
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Re: Doom Exp

Post by Officer D »

Valherran wrote: Using console commands to bypass something that broke in a map is not considered cheating in my book, therefor I did not lie about anything.
Any form of CLI alteration that gives you an advantage is considered cheating. If the map broke, that is firstly not my mods fault and by using a command which naturally gives you an unfair advantage, is by definition cheating. Therefor lied.
Valherran wrote:What I found is all I had to work with and as said before, your mod is the only one I've played that actually breaks when using those commands. A handful of other mods that use a similar system have never broke like that so naturally, yes, I am going to post something about it.
Sorry, I can't fix what isn't broken. You're basically saying "My hacks work for other games but not in yours, therefor it is broken". I'm trying to help you understand the contradiction.
Valherran wrote:Giving me an ego trip because something potentially went wrong in your "perfect" setup solves nothing and none of my feedback was intended to put you on the spot like you make it out to be.
lol okay, I never said it was perfect. I'm just saying, it's probably just as likely to get hit by lightning and therefor not worth mentioning in a known bugs list. You still remain 0.01% from 12.000 downloads.

But thank you for your concern. If more people report the 3 mancubus kill monsters CLI bug, I'll consider mentioning it.
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Re: Doom Exp

Post by Enjay »

OK people, this is starting to become uncivilised. Keep it nice or official warnings will follow.

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