Gez wrote:Haha, nice. Are you planning on completing it later?
Not really, as i don't have much free time so i really gotta focus on what to continue on in order to maximize efficiency! Considering i barely did 3 monsters and a half in 3/4 of a year, it's noooooot the speed i was hoping for, hahahaha (though life
absolutely got in the way of most of that.)
Unless you count the Thing, but it is only one rotation. I guess four then.
I do however let anyone to take it and give a crack at it, as i kinda liked the movie.
Apeirogon wrote:Mimic Video
Ohhhhhhhh yes, this is fantastic. Gotta say, you should absolutely submit it to R667 o:
It would be really really fun to add in stuff where no one suspects it, like a really vanilla looking mapset with corpses everywhere, only for them to suddenly start waking up all at once. YES.
Thank you so much!! I really love seeing the drawings taking life. It just feels so nice. The attack animation is kinda lame, yeah, and to be honest i was getting tired when i got to draw it (i think i did it second to last?). Should have probably used more of the body and arms, after all it's a mess of limbs that moves!
Lagi wrote:
, mimic look much better in motion than i expect! Too bad abutor attack look.. hmm dull.
agree, at least he should has also top claw as attack, to mix with his left hand. And would be best if he have 3x attacks, including right hand.
Hah! It would probably not take that much time, but i'll go on to pastures new for now. Anyone welcome to do it.
I gotta say, the front view of the abutor attack indeed looks dull. I thiiiink i know why that is, the body doesn't move that much and the pose doesn't change that drastically. Also, if you look at it like a silhuette (all black and white) the arm just shortens: it does not look like it is going to the front.
I just wanna get on with it tho so i'll leave it as is.
With the full dash animation it looks good. Can't use it for normal melee tho.