Spoiler: Doom
Grin / Horned Imp
Full creature, with animations, sound and code included. (Code by Conejo, a friend) Updated as of 30/12/19.
Realm667 (not updated): link
Full creature, with animations, sound and code included. (Code by Conejo again!) Still needs to be accepted in Realm667.
Full creature, with animations, sound and code included. Cute, isn't it! Still needs to be accepted in Realm667.
Full creature. Planning to do another full monster here. Quite hyped! but too much class work means i'll finish it months from now if i'm not lucky.
Red Monkey
Full creature. Working title, haha. Imp-like character. Probably coming after the abutor if i don't start spriting the Pig.
Based on Hdoom's sprites. Just changed the face. Warning: No rotations on the attack.
Made it for a friend.
Based on Hdoom's sprites again. Used the Hellion's face. I put her here to archive, as i'm pretty sure there are way better female imp sprites out there.
Made it for a friend.
Full creature, with animations included. Joke thing.
Daisy Shooting Frames
Joke that got too far.
Full skin. Sadly i don't know who did it, as this is just an edit. Only edited the chest to be like armor and not green boobs.
Made it for a friend.
"Jumpy"/Ceratopsilisk Recolor Death
Made the death animation for this dude. It's from Shadowcaster!
Made it for a friend.
Horned Imp / Grinning Imp Hudface
Complete hudface.
Ash Williams Hudface
Complete hudface.
PigMan Hudface
Complete hudface. Also it kinda triggers my OCD that it does not synchronize with the other two hahahahha
Only sprites! Includes all animations, only one rotation because it's a body.
Exploding Creature Egg
Animation of a exploding egg. Original Sprite by Amuscaria/Eriance.
Made for a friend.
Pyro Succubus Edit
Only one frame, for now!
Doom Annihilation Imp
Ey, i had fun with the movie. Good schlock. Only this frame, so not that much, though.
Spoiler: Different Stuff
Hotline Miami Henchman
Never really did much for this dude. If you want, ask me for the work in progress, but it's really just a few frames.
Icarus Hudface
Complete hudface.
Rumia's Death Frames
Made it for a friend. No idea of the original artist.
Viking Skin
Was for a personal idea for a wad i had, but never had time and didn't have the skill at the time.
Spoiler: Personal Stuff, Old Stuff And Skins For FriendsGonna keep posting stuff here later!
Ask if you want stuff from here, and i'll ask the person.
Personal skin!
Walking Microwave
Walking Microwave V2