The final part of my campaign is:Netheritor wrote:Wait, last part of campaign? So, what order the major boss will be fought?
1. Plot finished -> D'sparil -> Korax -> Eidolon?
2. Plot -> D'sparil -> Plot -> Korax -> plot -> Eidolon?
OR my version similar to the number 2:
Plot -> Sub-boss (your heresiarch) -> Plot -> Sub-boss -> D'sparil (Major boss) -> Repeat 2 times again.
Heresiarch (fought for the third time) -> D'sparil -> Korax -> Eidolon -> Mastermind of the Cult of Despair who is behind the events -> Plot finished
The thing is, I'm thinking if I should make the final dungeon a point of no return, I mean: once you enter the level you can't return to explore the rest of the optional areas or villages, some RPGs do this and it isn't even considered a bad move if the game is designed to warn you before entering in the final level, what do you think?