Fair, though it could be made more bolter-like. The minigun could feel more like Metro: Last Light's minigun, since the spool speed-to-fire rate ratio isn't too good. Spools up too long, fires a little too slow.Ac!d wrote:EddieMann wrote:What happened to the HeavyMachinegun? Why not just replace the regular MG with it?The HeavyMachinegun looks like a reskin of the AutoShotgun. But don't worry about that, I can make an addon for the mod.lizardcommando wrote:Some criticisms: I feel like the grey rifle is a bit redundant. There's already a machine-gun and the pistol. It doesn't really add anything aside from being a recolored auto shotgun.
Ac!d's Eriguns
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Re: Ac!d's Eriguns 1.2
- Posts: 347
- Joined: Tue Apr 02, 2019 5:13 am
- Location: France
Re: Ac!d's Eriguns 1.2
EddieMann wrote:The minigun could feel more like Metro: Last Light's minigun, since the spool speed-to-fire rate ratio isn't too good. Spools up too long, fires a little too slow.
Code: Select all
TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfNoAmmo("WindDown");
DGTG D 2 A_PlaySound("Weapons/ChainGun/SpinUp",CHAN_BODY);
DGTF A 0 A_PlaySound("Weapons/ChainGun/SpinLoop",CHAN_BODY,1,1);
TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfNoAmmo("WindDown");
DGTG C 1 A_FireProjectile("RifleCasingSpawner",0,0,1,-10,FPF_NOAUTOAIM);
DGTG D 0 A_JumpIfNoAmmo("WindDown");
DGTG D 0 A_ReFire("Hold");
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Tue Nov 12, 2019 8:04 pm
Re: Ac!d's Eriguns 1.2
This mod needs recognition, it is one of my favorites since Weapons of Saturn. I like vanilla gunplay with reloads, and those Eriguns are really good at that.
Recently I've updated to 1.2 and I see there are red max health potions around... are they part of the mod?
Recently I've updated to 1.2 and I see there are red max health potions around... are they part of the mod?
- Posts: 347
- Joined: Tue Apr 02, 2019 5:13 am
- Location: France
Re: Ac!d's Eriguns 1.2
1) Thank you very much for your kinds words ! I really appreciated the feedback about my mod.jfxsan wrote:This mod needs recognition, it is one of my favorites since Weapons of Saturn. I like vanilla gunplay with reloads, and those Eriguns are really good at that.
Recently I've updated to 1.2 and I see there are red max health potions around... are they part of the mod?
2) Max health / armor bonuses are parts of the mod. (Pickup : 1 up to 50)
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Tue Nov 12, 2019 8:04 pm
Re: Ac!d's Eriguns 1.2
Cool, I'll play with them and see!
Do you think it's worth having a way to play the mod with only the weapons? Perhaps the weapons in their own pk3 or an option. Because sometimes I want just the weapons, and they're already plenty awesome by themselves. Still, you're the author so if the intent is to modify the gameplay more widely I'll understand.
Mind you, I do like the idea of max health / armor ups as well, they remind me of Quake 2. They have their own balance concerns, but are fun and worth having a mod for.
Do you think it's worth having a way to play the mod with only the weapons? Perhaps the weapons in their own pk3 or an option. Because sometimes I want just the weapons, and they're already plenty awesome by themselves. Still, you're the author so if the intent is to modify the gameplay more widely I'll understand.
Mind you, I do like the idea of max health / armor ups as well, they remind me of Quake 2. They have their own balance concerns, but are fun and worth having a mod for.
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- Location: UK
Re: Ac!d's Eriguns 1.2
Finally decided to give this a try, never was much a fan of the original Eriguns; but generally I feel I quite like this. As someone else said, it now feels like a different Weapons of Saturn.
However, I do have some quibbles:
However, I do have some quibbles:
- The basic shotgun. Is. Bad. I literally stopped playing the first level I tried, booted up Slade, gave it an extra pellet and stripped about 5 tics from its reload animation and it felt so much better. I would seriously consider upping its power either in the same way, or through another alternative, as it can be your only weapon for awhile in some wads.
- Speaking of which, why does it reload two shells at a time?
- With basic zombies dropping the assault rifle; it means you almost never use the pistol (or dual pistols, for that matter). Not that the Assault Rifle is good as such, but its better than the pistol.
- Also, the minigun and the rifle don't really have their own niche's. The Chaingun is just flat-out better again, even taking into account spin-up and less accuracy.
- Speaking of the Assault Rifle, I see in its file that you define 'MachinegunMode', which apparently deals more damage, but there is no way to call this in the script?
- Personally, I'd pick one or the other to keep. And as 'reloading Eriguns' is your main gimmick, I'd suggest making that the Assault Rifle, increasing its baseline damage by 3-4, making it exclusively a chaingun replacer, and giving it a 30+1 magazine. Whilst 20-round magazines are a thing; its rare to find military assault rifles with them except for DMR-type rifles, where a smaller clip is less relevant; as its for mixed sniping duty when you can't afford a proper bolt-action. But up to you, of course.
- I'd also shave 1-2 tics off the SSG reload. Its alot better than the basic SG due to the power, but always remember; Doomguy is a badass who can run at 55mph, so its absolutely fine he can also reload at extreme-pro speed.
- Its already toggle-able, which I guess is fine, but the Autoshotgun just pretty flat-out obsoletes both SSG and SG; its insanely precise, has a 12 shell clip, rapid fire, and doesn't even take a huge time to reload as such. Its crazy OP.
- Rocket and Plasma velocity should be about 20% higher to better compete with hitscans.
- Whilst the Missile Launcher, in theory, should do equivalent damage to the Rocket Launcher, that's not usually the case due to the two missiles having smaller explosion radii. I realise it seeks, but often as we know from fighting revenants, seeker missiles aren't usually all that clever, so its a debate-able upgrade.
- The Railgun doesn't really have a place. DPS wise vs. the Plasma it loses out tremendously. Whilst it does have the utility function of gibbing crowds of zombies and imps that happen to be lined up; thats not something I'm often willing to spend cells on, considering how often we need them for the plasma and the BFG.
- Whilst I like the concept of max-health and armor upgrades; I'd make them slightly rarer than they are currently.
- 80%!!! damage resistance on Blue Armour is pretty crazy. Its 50% for vanilla Blue Armour (and 33% for green armour). Whilst it does mean you make more mistakes with armour threshold that high, it means your blue-armour also gets vaporised in record time; and most maps are fairly stingy on armour drops. Frankly, the Green Armour is the most useful right now (as I can take it 150 with armor upgrades, and it doesn't implode).
- Please make the extra UI toggle-able (item duration, ammo count, level stats). I already cover all the things you're providing with Tekish's mods!
- EDIT: Good Lord the BFG. It fires twice the tracers (one every 1.12 degrees) and each tracer deals twice the damage of a regular BFG tracer. Due to how a BFG works, thats 3200 damage (!). This easily vaporises a Cyberdemon in one shot (well everything the player sees when it detonates never mind a Cyberdemon). Uh... may wish to tone that down a bit.
- Posts: 347
- Joined: Tue Apr 02, 2019 5:13 am
- Location: France
Re: Ac!d's Eriguns 1.3
Update ! (Version 1.3 - 09 Jan 2020)
Changelog :
- Removed the Dual Pistol
- Made some changes for some weapons (Damage / Speed / Animations).
- The HUD is now toggle-able (powerups duration, ammo count, level stats).
- The Armors have now a damage resistance of 60 %.
- Max Health and Max Armor Bonuses have 25 % of chance to spawn instead of an original Health / Armor Bonus.
Changelog :
- Removed the Dual Pistol
- Made some changes for some weapons (Damage / Speed / Animations).
- The HUD is now toggle-able (powerups duration, ammo count, level stats).
- The Armors have now a damage resistance of 60 %.
- Max Health and Max Armor Bonuses have 25 % of chance to spawn instead of an original Health / Armor Bonus.
- Posts: 347
- Joined: Tue Apr 02, 2019 5:13 am
- Location: France
Re: Ac!d's Eriguns 1.31
Quick Fix! (Version 1.31 - 10 Jan 2020)
Changelog :
- Added some messages in the options (Toggle-able HUD)
- Changed the sprites for the casings (Credits to Captain J)
- Incresed the ammo Capacity for the Plasma Rifle (60 instead of 50)
The mod has also a compatibility whit Chex 3.
Changelog :
- Added some messages in the options (Toggle-able HUD)
- Changed the sprites for the casings (Credits to Captain J)
- Incresed the ammo Capacity for the Plasma Rifle (60 instead of 50)
The mod has also a compatibility whit Chex 3.
- Posts: 1061
- Joined: Sun Feb 25, 2018 2:30 am
- Location: UK
Re: Ac!d's Eriguns 1.31
Cool, its nice you've smoothed out some of the stuff I mentioned. The BFG is back to Vanilla now, I see. XD
- Posts: 347
- Joined: Tue Apr 02, 2019 5:13 am
- Location: France
Re: Ac!d's Eriguns 1.4
Update ! (Version 1.4 - 05 Feb 2020)
Changelog :
- Added the Dual Pistols and the Bolter (new name for the Heavy Machinegun). These weapons are toggle-able in the options.
Changelog :
- Added the Dual Pistols and the Bolter (new name for the Heavy Machinegun). These weapons are toggle-able in the options.
- Posts: 245
- Joined: Wed Jan 30, 2019 7:12 pm
Re: Ac!d's Eriguns 1.4
So when reloading the shotgun, the pump changes color from brown to black
- Posts: 245
- Joined: Wed Jan 30, 2019 7:12 pm
Re: Ac!d's Eriguns 1.4
I also never had a second pistol drop to dual wield
- Posts: 245
- Joined: Wed Jan 30, 2019 7:12 pm
Re: Ac!d's Eriguns 1.4
Do you think a quick melee option could be a thing at some point?
- Posts: 347
- Joined: Tue Apr 02, 2019 5:13 am
- Location: France
Re: Ac!d's Eriguns 1.41
Quick Fix ! (Version 1.41 - 14 Feb 2020)
Changelog :
- Changed the sprites for the Railgun (Neccronix)
- Fixed the code for the Machinegun Spawner
For the color changes, I've trying to find a brown sprite, but without success. ( I've made a post on the "Resource Request thread" page 367 )
Changelog :
- Changed the sprites for the Railgun (Neccronix)
- Fixed the code for the Machinegun Spawner
For the color changes, I've trying to find a brown sprite, but without success. ( I've made a post on the "Resource Request thread" page 367 )
- Posts: 347
- Joined: Tue Apr 02, 2019 5:13 am
- Location: France
Re: Ac!d's Eriguns 1.5
Update ! (Version 1.5 - 4 Apr 2020)
Changelog :
- Changed the sprites for the ammunitions (Sonic O Fan) and the berserk (Mechadon)
- Added Doom 3 sounds. (will add more for all the weapons in the future)
- Code fixed for the Shotgun, Super Shotgun, Grenade Launcher (projectile), Missile Launcher (projectile), BFG (projectile)
- Added a quick melee for all weapons (except Fist, Chainsaw, Dual Pistols and BFG)
Changelog :
- Changed the sprites for the ammunitions (Sonic O Fan) and the berserk (Mechadon)
- Added Doom 3 sounds. (will add more for all the weapons in the future)
- Code fixed for the Shotgun, Super Shotgun, Grenade Launcher (projectile), Missile Launcher (projectile), BFG (projectile)
- Added a quick melee for all weapons (except Fist, Chainsaw, Dual Pistols and BFG)