Untitled's Touhou Doom Gameplay Mods (Yes, Plural)

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Untitled's Touhou Doom Gameplay Mods (Yes, Plural)

Post by Untitled »

Thank ZikShadow for making this image. It looks nice, and it nicely sums up just how insane this gets sometimes.

Touhou Doom Enemies:

Thanks for ZikShadow for making his Touhou Doom monster spawners that formed the basis of THIS madness.

First of all, if you don't know Touhou Doom: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=57817 check this thread first.

DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_qMM5i ... sp=sharing

Okay, to explain this in more depth, assuming that you know what Touhou Doom is:
This mod started with U_TouhouDoomMonsters_Gensokyo.pk3, a gameplay mod by ZikShadow with the following description:
This mod replaces most of Doom's enemies to those of Untitled's Touhou Doom, particularly the Gensokyoan ones. Others to come later. Maybe.

I really liked the original mod and was interested in trying out fighting the enemies in custom levels.
It took me a while, but I managed to cobble up this clumsily made addon to do exactly that.
I wasn't exactly going to release this as I thought Untitled was going to make a separate monster mod, and well,
knowing my poor coding skills, I might as well wait until the spiffy neat release before pointing everyone down that direction.
However, as I upload the video below, I acquired a message from Untitled informing me that the planned monster addon is actually only for the Danmaku Demons,
ignoring the others for balance reasons.
So I went back and made ANOTHER monster mod, called Danmaku Demons which did exactly that - replaced all demons with their danmaku variants.

At the point, that meant there was only one thing left to do, at this point: Merge the two entities into a single gameplay mod with BOTH halves of the Touhou Doom beastiary.

The CVars touhou_gensokyofairychance and touhou_gensokyobosschance both use a value from 0-256.
The first controls the chances that normal doom danmaku demons are replaced with Fairies.
The second controls the chances that boss danmaku demons are replaced with Touhou Bosses.
Spoiler: Some Warnings
Credits are pretty much the same as in the original Touhou Doom, though I try to isolate ones to those still being included in the archive.
Spoiler: Credits
Touhou Doom Weapons:

DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GCuNUk ... sp=sharing

SCREENSHOTS: https://imgur.com/a/wn4e1sr

So the problem with Touhou Doom Enemies (well, one of MANY problems) is that most of the beastiary wasn't balanced around vanilla weapons.

So I made a full weapon set themed around Touhou that will make them a lot more approachable.

This isn't a very in-depth weapon mod; it's a pretty simple replacement of weapons.

While this IS playable as a standalone mod, it will make the game significantly easier, as it was balanced for dealing with Touhou Doom's enemy set.
Spoiler: Weapon Guide
Spoiler: Credits
In addition to that, it also provides the player with extra lives (default is 2, but can be set in the menu to be from 0 to 8), and if you are playing with Touhou Doom Enemies (if and only if, for you logic pedants out there), you can also adjust how many bombs you start with (0-8).

Touhou Doom Allies:

DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rIgCaE ... sp=sharing

SCREENSHOTS: https://imgur.com/a/ChCdf5n

CREDITS: Same as Touhou Doom Enemies, not gonna bother copying all of that down.

You get a beacon each level that will summon a Touhou Character at random when used. Or you can check the options menu, adjust some CVars, and spawn with 12 beacons, because sometimes you just want to watch bullets fly in a direction that's not your face. Or adjust the character so it always spawns Reimu, or Marisa. Or just play with all 16 enabled.

Inspired by Cactus Hege's LTG Standalone Follower.

Technically works with Touhou Doom Enemies, but it will cause a lot of confusion to who's on your side if you use them against Touhou characters. Great for clearing up danmaku demons, though!
Also works with Touhou Doom Monsters, as well as most other things; it is solely making the game easier, though.

Allies now follow behind the player pretty damn aggressively when they lose line of sight of them.

Touhou Doom Music:
Yeah, I also just have the music rip, at the request of the guy a few posts down.
DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WcCUEO ... sp=sharing
Last edited by Untitled on Fri Dec 10, 2021 10:48 pm, edited 43 times in total.
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Grumpy Tengu
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Re: Danmaku Demons (Separate Release)

Post by Grumpy Tengu »

Any chance you might add a rare random chance for some of the stronger demons to be replaced by one of the touhou characters from touhou doom? I know there is Zikshadow´s version of the "monsters" but that version doesnt use the regular danmaku demons except as replacements for the nazis. Loved your Touhou Doom mod by the way i sincerely hope that one day there might be more, i wasnt sure at first if the concept of touhou would even be possible in doom or if doom players would even be interested in it but what you created is one of the most fun doom mods i have played thus far and i think everyone can get into it. Thank you so much for making it!
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Re: Untitled's Touhou Doom Enemy Mod

Post by Untitled »

Heya, Untitled here.

I have some bad news. Danmaku Demons is no longer a gameplay mod.

I also have some good news: It's been entirely obsoleted.

I've made a newer Touhou Doom themed mod that obsoletes both Danmaku Demons AND ZikShadow's Touhou Doom monsters. Check OP for details; this is now a real thing.
Grumpy Tengu wrote:Any chance you might add a rare random chance for some of the stronger demons to be replaced by one of the touhou characters from touhou doom? I know there is Zikshadow´s version of the "monsters" but that version doesnt use the regular danmaku demons except as replacements for the nazis. Loved your Touhou Doom mod by the way i sincerely hope that one day there might be more, i wasnt sure at first if the concept of touhou would even be possible in doom or if doom players would even be interested in it but what you created is one of the most fun doom mods i have played thus far and i think everyone can get into it. Thank you so much for making it!
touhou_gensokyofairychance 0 + touhou_gensokyobosschance 256 will make the all of the top tier monsters be Touhou Bosses with no fairies. You can do the reverse, or some combination thereof!
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Re: Untitled's Touhou Doom Enemy Mod

Post by Untitled »

And now I've made my first revision - r1, as I'm going to just release these whenever I make fixes.

-The Danmaku Demon side of the monster roster is now significantly less random; Most significantly is that Bruiser Demons and Cybruisers now only spawn in the Cyberdemon slot, and have their health increased to compensate for this fact. They're bosses, folks.
-As a result of de-randoming a lot of this, the Danmaku Demon side of the roster (not the Gensokyo side) SHOULD now respect Ambush settings. I'll work on getting the Gensokyo Side to work when I have more time.

EDIT #2: r2 released, Danmaku Spidermasterminds actually spawn now.
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Re: Untitled's Touhou Doom Enemy Mod

Post by ArchXeno »

Great mod. I don't like how Gensoyoko bosses can die without you fighting them if the map has them behind a gate or something. An option to stop non-survival spell cards from running out would be cool. I've tried to do it myself but I wasn't able to compile the ACS.
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Re: Untitled's Touhou Doom Enemy Mod

Post by Untitled »

Okay, that's been added - the new CVar touhou_bosstimers (default is 1) will control whether or not boss phases have a timeout at all.

The timeout, originally from Touhou Doom (in reference to the original, well, Touhou) was kept in because touhou bosses tend to have a lot more health than normal enemies, and we wanted to ensure an out if a map ends with a spider mastermind fight you lack the ammo for.

Check OP for the update.
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Re: Untitled's Touhou Doom Enemy Mod

Post by ArchXeno »

Thanks for the update
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Re: Untitled's Touhou Doom Gameplay Mods (Yes, Plural)

Post by Untitled »

So I made a custom Touhou-themed weapon set. It's pretty simplistic, but if you wanted a weapon set that can actually go toe-to-toe with Touhou Doom's bosses, here you go!

Download is in the OP, as well as the actual guide on the weapons.

Also, r5 of enemies is out. It's literally just a MENUDEF change to link Touhou Doom Enemies with Touhou Doom Weapons.

EDIT: ZikShadow supplied me with a widescreen-supporting sprite for the Katana that also looks more like a Katana, so we're now at r2 for weapons.

EDIT #2: r3 for weapons, as I have new fantasy wand sprites, thanks again to DustedPandemonic.

EDIT #3: r4, this one fixes a bug where on many wads the starting lives/bombs didn't work. Also a new sprite, but that's a minor edit.
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Re: Untitled's Touhou Doom Gameplay Mods (3 now!)

Post by Untitled »

There's ANOTHER minimod - Touhou Doom Allies, for those who liked the MAP27 Gensokyo vs. Hell sequence.

You get a beacon each level that will summon a Touhou Character at random when used. Or you can check the options menu, adjust some CVars, and spawn with 12 beacons, because sometimes you just want to watch bullets fly in a direction that's not your face. Or adjust the character so it always spawns Reimu, or Marisa. Or just play with all 12 enabled.

Inspired by Cactus Hege's LTG Standalone Follower.

Technically works with Touhou Doom Enemies, but it will cause a lot of confusion to who's on your side if you use them against Touhou characters. Great for clearing up danmaku demons, though!
Also works with Touhou Doom Monsters, as well as most other things; it is solely making the game easier, though.

Download's in the OP, as well as a MENUDEF update for Enemies and Weapons (and one sprite fix for Weapons).

EDIT: r7 for Enemies, r2 for Allies - cleaned up some unused actors and DECORATE scripts, as well as fixed some compatibility options so all three mods can be run at the same time.
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Re: Untitled's Touhou Doom Gameplay Mods (Yes, Plural)

Post by slyrboi »

The Allies addon are super-saver, really enjoyed that a lot
If i may ask, could you make the Ally to be teleported to you once they stray too far? Like Ralsei companion and Onna Shinka companion?
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Re: Untitled's Touhou Doom Gameplay Mods (Yes, Plural)

Post by Untitled »

If I can figure out how to implement it entirely in DECORATE, sure (both of the mods you listed use ZScript, which I haven't learned).

Enemies r8 is out. The +AMBUSH flag should now properly apply to all enemies except Touhou bosses. In addition to that, a new CVar, touhou_fairypickups, allows you to decide what things you want fairies to drops - ammo, health, health + armor, some combination thereof, or nothing at all!

(Also: Weapons r6 is out. This adds a new sprite for 1ups, taken directly from the games.)

EDIT: Weapons r7 - the Sapphire Wand now fires a completely silent hitscan attack so attack-activated switches can still be hit as consistently as with a pistol, as pointed out by ZikShadow.

EDIT #2: Enemies r9:
> Fixed Patchouli's Royal Flare and Philosopher's Stone (Royal Flare has a slightly different pattern as a result, and it's centered on Patchouli).
> Utsuho's Heaven and Hell Meltdown is entirely replaced with a brand-new spellcard from Touhou 12.3, Yatagarasu Dive.
> Reimu's Fantasy Seal -Blink- is replaced with Fantasy Seal -Circle- in her normal fight, meaning she's back up to 7 spell cards on Hard/Lunatic.

EDIT #3: Enemies r10:
> Danmaku Bombers now actually spawn, sharing a slot with the Chaingunguy, Demon, and Spectre, spawning with roughly a 10% chance.
> ExFairy8, part of the DoomImp spawner, was accidentally removed from it. This has been rectified.
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Re: Untitled's Touhou Doom Gameplay Mods (Yes, Plural)

Post by slyrboi »

Could you make a standalone Touhou Music soundtrack rip from your Touhou Doom?
Trying to find some good original Touhou music but only found those that had been remixed to metal stuff (still liked it tho)
Anyway would be a big thanks for that
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Re: Untitled's Touhou Doom Gameplay Mods (Yes, Plural)

Post by Untitled »

slyrboi wrote:Could you make a standalone Touhou Music soundtrack rip from your Touhou Doom?
Trying to find some good original Touhou music but only found those that had been remixed to metal stuff (still liked it tho)
Anyway would be a big thanks for that
Done, check the bottom of the OP.
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Re: Untitled's Touhou Doom Gameplay Mods (Yes, Plural)

Post by Untitled »

Double post to say that both Enemies and and Weapons have been updated once again.

Weapons r8:
- To help out with the weapon balance between the Hakkero and Amulet guns, the amount of Hakurei ammo has been upped from cells / cell packs has been upped from 20/100 to 30/120, and the maximum ammo has been upped from 300/600 (normal/backpack) to 480/960, same as the hakkero gun, while using ammo far more slowly.
- To compensate for this (and because it really needed the nerf anyway), the Fantasy Wand has been nerfed pretty hard - the direct hit has been nerfed from 112 down to 90, and the splash damage and radius have been nerfed from (224, 256) to (160, 192). The altfire uses 30 ammo instead of 40, rendering it more efficient, but only at long range.
- Quivers of Elemental Bolt ammo (the ammo type both crossbows use, replacing shell ammo) have been upped from 8 ammo per to 10 ammo per.

Enemies r11:
- So it turns out certain spells use a different timer script to get their timeout phase working. This meant that touhou_bosstimers didn't actually work on certain spellcards. This has since been rectified.

EDIT: Enemies r12 - in r9 or r10 I replaced a few spellcards outright due to placement issues. Utsuho's 4th spellcard was one of them. This spellcard *also* had the ability to somehow break out of an invulnerable state without making Utsuho vulnerable again. This is not a good thing if you play with boss timers off. Or in general.
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Re: Untitled's Touhou Doom Gameplay Mods (Yes, Plural)

Post by Blux001 »

The mod of Touhou Allies is great with being functional in Zandronum !, the problem is that many times the companions get stuck on the maps where the stair structure or one less floor level is, causing them to get stuck in one part of level and the help is not more than a place of area, the only one capable of overcoming this problem is Reimu since it usually gives its jump attack, hence a good pack of mods from Touhou although there are missing companions of the mod to make the package full.

apart from the problem and recommendation to the companion mod, it could help with the music package that randomly plays one each level even if you repeat it from 0 with an IDCLEV or new game, but of course I will take your permission since I suppose they are the soundtracks of most of Touhou's deliveries.

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