NAKU-NARU - バンザイ! (V1.3 OUT NOW!)

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Do you Prefer The Type 99 Nambu or the Type 89 Howa?

Poll ended at Mon Dec 23, 2019 2:04 pm

Type 89
Type 99
Total votes: 21

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Re: NAKU-NARU - バンザイ! (V1)

Post by Joblez_I »

EddieMann wrote:A most gorgeous weapon mod, by far one of the best i've ever played! Guns feel absolutely natural to use with little a round wasted, sounds are amazing, and just plays amazingly overall.

Only issues so far is the shotgun being slightly too high up perspective-wise and not being too effective at longer ranges similar to other shotguns, arisaka bayonet thrust could use a little more "punch", odd "zoom" glitch with the Karl Gustav after deselecting and reselecting it, being able to reload even when you're out of ammo, as with this "doomslayer" error I got from loading a save after I died.

Also, shouldn't clip be replaced with Type 96 ammo? Sorry if it's too much or already been said.
that's definitely an odd error, i've never had that happen before, nor is there any object in the mod called 'doomslayer'. did you run it with any other mods?
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Re: NAKU-NARU - バンザイ! (V1)

Post by xenoxols »

Hey, the revolver is an edit I made of Doomnukem's. No worries, it can be pretty difficult tracking down credits sometimes. About the actual mod, I think the revolver looks odd when being thumb cocked really fast. This is pretty fantastic though!
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Re: NAKU-NARU - バンザイ! (V1)

Post by Joblez_I »

xenoxols wrote:Hey, the revolver is an edit I made of Doomnukem's. No worries, it can be pretty difficult tracking down credits sometimes. About the actual mod, I think the revolver looks odd when being thumb cocked really fast. This is pretty fantastic though!
just added your credit, thanks for the sprites btw.
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Re: NAKU-NARU - バンザイ! (V1)

Post by Bofubutt »

First things first: when I first saw the title, I thought somebody had made the Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Doom mod I've never known I always wanted. (That's a terrible idea. Nobody do it.)

Second: this is really interesting, and I can definitely see it going in any number of directions. I'm usually not a huge fan of bringing real-world weapons into Doom because so many of them are just different variations on the same thing, just with different ammo types and damage stats, but in this case, it worked out quite well. All of the weapons felt like they have their place, though I wasn't quite sure what to do with Yorick once I grabbed it.

I'm interested in seeing where you take this mod in the future. Good work!
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Re: NAKU-NARU - バンザイ! (V1)

Post by wildweasel »

Consider adding Tag properties to your weapons, so that the "Weapon Nametags" option (and custom HUDs that show WeaponTag) will work correctly. At present, every weapon identifies itself as "Nakuweapon" when selected.

[edit] You might also consider reducing the volume of the bouncing shell casings, as they are quite harsh on my ears.

Beyond these quibbles, you have the makings of a solid mod.

[edit edit] Aesthetic quibble here: the Arisaka's bayonet feature is welcomed, but doesn't appear to be moving very much when used. It makes the attack a little underwhelming, visually.
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Re: NAKU-NARU - バンザイ! (V1)

Post by EddieMann »

Joblez_I wrote:
EddieMann wrote:A most gorgeous weapon mod, by far one of the best i've ever played! Guns feel absolutely natural to use with little a round wasted, sounds are amazing, and just plays amazingly overall.

Only issues so far is the shotgun being slightly too high up perspective-wise and not being too effective at longer ranges similar to other shotguns, arisaka bayonet thrust could use a little more "punch", odd "zoom" glitch with the Karl Gustav after deselecting and reselecting it, being able to reload even when you're out of ammo, as with this "doomslayer" error I got from loading a save after I died.

Also, shouldn't clip be replaced with Type 96 ammo? Sorry if it's too much or already been said.
that's definitely an odd error, i've never had that happen before, nor is there any object in the mod called 'doomslayer'. did you run it with any other mods?
Don't think it's the other mods, because they've never triggered anything like that - still, a different font might fit the mod's menu better.
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Re: NAKU-NARU - バンザイ! (V1)

Post by Wivicer »

Are you sure you loaded a game that you saved with this mod only?
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Re: NAKU-NARU - バンザイ! (V1)

Post by EddieMann »

Clip should be replaced by something else, surely.
Wivicer wrote:Are you sure you loaded a game that you saved with this mod only?
No, there were minimods like target spy, precise crosshair, damnums and Universal Enhanced AI.
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Re: NAKU-NARU - バンザイ! (V1)

Post by Fureyon »

The gameplay feels pretty solid, and I like that all guns feel nice and useful. I personally love the revolver and type 99.
I do feel you're missing some kind of grenade weapon tho, maybe I've been spoiled by all the mods that do have something like that.
And I wish you'd add some kind of heavy/charged slash to alt fire when equipped with melee (fists) to make it a more attractive choice in certain situations.
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Re: NAKU-NARU - バンザイ! (V1)

Post by EddieMann »

Fureyon wrote:The gameplay feels pretty solid, and I like that all guns feel nice and useful. I personally love the revolver and type 99.
I do feel you're missing some kind of grenade weapon tho, maybe I've been spoiled by all the mods that do have something like that.
And I wish you'd add some kind of heavy/charged slash to alt fire when equipped with melee (fists) to make it a more attractive choice in certain situations.
Don't forget a bayonet on the type 96 LMG as well. Giving more "punch", or weight to the bayonet stab is a must.
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Re: NAKU-NARU - バンザイ! (V1)

Post by BerserkerNoir »

Not sure if mentioned or noticed, but when Exiting a Map with the Yorick Equipped makes you unable to switch to anything else.
Tried this with the latest GZDOOM stable Build.
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Re: NAKU-NARU - バンザイ! (V1)

Post by Rex705 »

Ok, most things I noticed have been talked about like being able to reload weapons even when out of ammo. So my one little nitpick is with the Nambu Type 99 LMG the smoke blocks your view so it's a bit tricky to use. It's nothing major and with short bursts can be managed. Some things I would like to see is a Type 91 grenade and a nice jump kick. I love kicking things in the face I have been spoiled by other mods lol.
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Re: NAKU-NARU - バンザイ! (V1)

Post by EddieMann »

I would've suggested a Type 11 machinegun, since it's fed by clips right into its hopper and would make more sense with the box of stripper clips, but maybe the Type 99 is vastly superior.
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Re: NAKU-NARU - バンザイ! (V1)

Post by Rex705 »

I made a nice video to show off some gameplay of this mod. :)
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Re: NAKU-NARU - バンザイ! (V1)

Post by chronoteeth »

only real complaint i have is the weird jittery with some frames, that and the revolver doesnt seem too fitting, but this shit is SOLID

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