Dive and Surface sounds are not played

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Dive and Surface sounds are not played

Post by Lars »

The diving *Dive and *Surface sounds are not played, however the *gasp sound is played after taking drowning damage
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Re: Dive and Surface sounds are not played

Post by Zan »

Can confirm, was about to report this too. Worked on GZDoom 3.4.x and 3.7.x, but under the same conditions don't work in the current version.
Tried fiddling with the sound options, nothing did it. Same for map/sector options.
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Re: Dive and Surface sounds are not played

Post by drfrag »

The others play only while the gasp sound is being played as well.
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Re: Dive and Surface sounds are not played

Post by _mental_ »

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Re: Dive and Surface sounds are not played

Post by Enjay »

For what it's worth, I just discovered that this bug (probably) had another side effect: a non-swimable but non-solid 3D floor would make water enter sounds when you walked through it (whereas a swimable one would not). What's more, the non-swimable floor would restart the sound repeatedly and rapidly for the entire time that you were in the floor.

This has now stopped happening and I assume that it was the fix from this thread that stopped it. However, on the off-chance that it is important, I attach the example file that I made before checking out the most recent git build (using Lars' sound definitions from the OP).

In GZDoom official or an older git build...
Load up the file and walk into the MIDSPACE area to the left. The water entering sound will play rapidly. You can jump up and down to verify that it's not a swimmable area.

Now go into the FWATER area and it will not make the water sounds but it will behave as a swimmable area (which, of course, it should).

Things seem to behave correctly in gzdoom-x64-g4.2pre-208-g7d88e2ec6. (i.e. no sound from the MIDSPACE area, and water sounds in the FWATER area.)

Looking at the fix that _mental_ posted, it does just seem to my inexperienced eyes as if a check was in the wrong place so I guess that could also have made the wrong type of floors make a noise. So, as I said, I merely attach the file just in case it's still important because it demonstrates slightly different symptoms to those originally reported. (I suspect that it's not important though.)
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Re: Dive and Surface sounds are not played

Post by _mental_ »

Yes, it’s just a different effect of the same issue.
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Re: Dive and Surface sounds are not played

Post by Zan »

Any ETA on when the update arrives?
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Re: Dive and Surface sounds are not played

Post by Enjay »

It's fixed in the git builds if that's any use to you.
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Re: Dive and Surface sounds are not played

Post by Rachael »

Zan wrote:Any ETA on when the update arrives?
That's a simple question with a complicated answer.
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