So this is going to be sticky since I'm not sure how I can "reproduce" it in a verifiable manner. I can try to record a video later and see if it properly illustrates the issue.
Relevant info:
- cl_capfps = false
- vid_maxfps = 120 (double my refresh rate)
- vid_vsync = off
- Linux Mint 19, Cinnamon Edition
- nVidia GTX1070 (8GB VRAM)
- Driver version 415.27 (as reported by nvidia-smi)
- Intel Core i7-3770
- 16GB RAM
- Multiple GZDoom stable versions
In short, GZDoom's reported framerate does not match what I see on my screen. The FPS counter says I'm usually hitting a consistent 120, but visually it seems to fluctuate between 40-50 in most circumstances. I've tried:
- Enabling vsync
- toggling page flipping in nvidia-settings
- toggling sync to v-blank in nvidia-settings
- forcing composition pipeline in nvidia-settings
- Using a different desktop environment / compositor (OpenBox and i3)
None of the above seem to help. This only seems to happen with GZDoom. Other games look smooth at 60+ FPS (limit of my monitor refresh). I've mentioned this in Discord before, and I seem to recall something about the GZDoom FPS counter being known inaccurate for some reason, but I can't recall. The recommended step at the time was changing my desktop compositor, which didn't really improve things.