Fullscreen Statusbar Mod (UPDATE: v5.2.1)

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Re: Fullscreen Statusbar Mod (formerly Peter's Sexy HUD)

Post by 3saster »

1) That's why I have added the countdowns option. It's much more explicit with showing you the remaining kills. And at the start of each map, you also see the total amount of enemies before your first kill.
I avoided the usual stats provided by GZD because it doesn't look nice with large gaps between the numbers (in case of low monster/item/kill counts, since you still have to reserve space for large numbers with 3, 4 or in extreme (rare) cases even 5 digits). And dynamically rearranging numbers to avoid this issue just with sbarinfo code... I don't see it happening.
Makes sense, I figured proper alignment would be the biggest issue here. I had an idea of how to do it, I'll try it myself and see how it looks.
2) You are killing me, man. The level stats part of the sbarinfo code has already turned into a bloated mess of interleaved if clauses, and just imagining adding even more conditions anywhere gives me nightmares. We are talking about 7 options: Only kills, only items, only secrets, secrets+items, secrets+kills, items+kills, everything. And then any of these combined with optional time display. If I did all of this in sbarinfo, it would bloat the code totally out of proportion. I guess there are a few options you could omit (e.g. I doubt anyone would just want item stats), but even like that... MAYBE I can make just the items stats optional and leave the rest as-is (also since I believe just having secrets or kills counter, but not both, is kinda needlessly restrictive - you either want to have all the info or you don't want any at all), but I need to see how excessive this would get code-wise.
The item toggle was the main one I was interested in, since I imagine many people don't care about that one. Even so, it would be a pain to do in SBARINFO, I looked through the code and it is indeed a horrendous mess of if-clauses everywhere, so it would be difficult to add anything easily there. Honestly, I think you've reached the limit of maintainability with SBARINFO, and if you wanted to go further, switching to ZScript may not be a bad idea, but that's ultimately your call.

These features were just questions, so don't worry about it. I was planning on making a stripped down version for myself anyway with the changes I wanted, so we'll see how that goes.
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Version 4.8 released

Post by NightFright »

Applying the changes turned out to be easier than expected, so I can already give you the new version. If you want level stats without items, just set "Full stats" to "Off" in the menu now. I also took the chance to rearrange the countdown stats when shown on the left sides, it shouldn't look like a mess any more when using it with time display. In Heretic and Hexen, the inventory bar shouldn't clip into the statusbar any more in split mode (now resizes with statusbar scale). HacX ammo overview is also fixed, which was probably the most urgent issue.

CHANGELOG v4.8 (May 27, 2019):
[ALL] Menu/Level Stats: New option "Full Stats" (On: S/I/K counters, Off: S/K counters only)
[ALL] Level Stats: Different alignment for countdown display in top/bottom left position
[HERETIC/HEXEN] Split bar: Inventory bar size now scales with hud_scale setting
[HACX] SBARINFO added to fix non-functional ammo overview & remove useless Boom color mode entirely

The Pirate Doom! patch (pirates_fshfix.wad) has also been updated with the new SBARINFO from v4.8.

Thanks a lot for your bug reports and feature suggestions. Have yourselves a good download!
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Re: Fullscreen Statusbar Mod (formerly Peter's Sexy HUD)

Post by Agitatio »

Chex numbers and mugshot are kinda misaligned on fullscreen non-split HUD when compared to status bar one. Also, Heretic fullscreen non-split HUD has a misaligned texture behind the chain.
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Re: Fullscreen Statusbar Mod (formerly Peter's Sexy HUD)

Post by NightFright »

Chex numbers and mugshot have been realigned intentionally. Original alignments cause graphics to not fit into statusbar by 100%.

As for the Heretic thing, a screenshot would be helpful.
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Re: Fullscreen Statusbar Mod (formerly Peter's Sexy HUD)

Post by Agitatio »

https://send.firefox.com/download/31ec8 ... u5wgBifDkw
Here's an archive with screenshots for stuff I was describing. For both Chex and Heretic. You can flick between them to see the difference. In Heretic it's like 1 pixel difference, at the bottom right behind the chain.
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Re: Fullscreen Statusbar Mod (formerly Peter's Sexy HUD)

Post by NightFright »

Well, as I said... the Chex changes were intentional since as you can see, the numbers are clipping into the edges of the statusbar panels (it's actually even worse with health being at 200% and ammo at 200 or higher). Mugshot also has different dimensions than the one from Doom, so with original offsets it is not properly centered. I actually consider this a correction. My only mistake was to not document this to avoid misunderstandings like this, which will be done with the next update.

As for the Heretic thing: This is caused by the CHAINBAC lump which I had to omit in this mod since it would cause issues in transparency modes while serving no actual purpose otherwise. Missing it is affecting the statusbar in a rather minor way IMHO. Unfortunately it has to be considered the price for having transparency modes.
Last edited by NightFright on Mon Jun 03, 2019 3:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fullscreen Statusbar Mod (formerly Peter's Sexy HUD)

Post by Agitatio »

Understandable. Those "issues" were very minor anyway, but I still wanted to bring them up, just in case Thanks for clarifying!
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Re: Fullscreen Statusbar Mod (formerly Peter's Sexy HUD)

Post by NightFright »

MFG38 wrote:Doesn't appear to work in GZDoom 3.7.2... Even though I'm seeing nothing that shouldn't looking at the PK3 in SLADE.
I have checked this today and wasn't able to find any problems loading this mod in GZD 3.7.2. Any specific issues or error messages? My spontaneous assumption would be a collision with another loaded mod.
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Re: Fullscreen Statusbar Mod (formerly Peter's Sexy HUD)

Post by MFG38 »

NightFright wrote:
MFG38 wrote:Doesn't appear to work in GZDoom 3.7.2... Even though I'm seeing nothing that shouldn't looking at the PK3 in SLADE.
I have checked this today and wasn't able to find any problems loading this mod in GZD 3.7.2. Any specific issues or error messages? My spontaneous assumption would be a collision with another loaded mod.
Nope. I'm not loading any other mods alongside this, and GZDoom doesn't display any error messages either. It just refuses to work for whatever reason - the settings don't do anything.
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Re: Fullscreen Statusbar Mod (formerly Peter's Sexy HUD)

Post by NightFright »

Well, first I would need to be able to reproduce this before I can do anything about it. With 3.7.2 it worked for me just as it does with recent GZD builds. An idea would be if you upload your config.ini file so I can run it with that, maybe it makes a difference. That's something you may try too, btw - rename your config file and run the mod with a newly created file.
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Re: Fullscreen Statusbar Mod (formerly Peter's Sexy HUD)

Post by MFG38 »

NightFright wrote:That's something you may try too, btw - rename your config file and run the mod with a newly created file.
Tried it, still no luck.

EDIT: Please disregard everything I've written up until this point - I just found out by messing with my GZDoom settings that it wasn't working because my screen size wasn't set to use the fullscreen status bar.
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Re: Fullscreen Statusbar Mod (formerly Peter's Sexy HUD)

Post by NightFright »

Indeed, the normal statusbar looks very similar to the fullscreen one with this mod, but ofc you still need to be in fullscreen mode before any of the changes can take effect. Maybe I'll add an explicit note in the readme just to avoid future false bug reports.
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Re: Fullscreen Statusbar Mod (formerly Peter's Sexy HUD)

Post by PhysixCat »

Hey NightFright, I love your HUD. Just curious - if it's not too much trouble, may I request a compatibility patch for the "Speed of Doom" WAD?

I get misaligned numbers in it when in BOOM color mode, and misaligned numbers+mismatching colors when not in BOOM color mode. I play with Split ON, but it doesn't seem to make a difference in this case
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Re: Fullscreen Statusbar Mod (formerly Peter's Sexy HUD)

Post by NightFright »

SOD works just fine for me. The only thing that happens is that the percentage signs are moving a bit to the right with my mod, which happens since they are not defined as graphics but actual characters in SBARINFO. Even though this is a rather minor issue, I have made a patch for that and you can download it now from the comp patch collection (sod_fshfix.wad).

The numbers themselves all stay in place (it's the "%" signs that move), and there's also nothing wrong with the color outside of Boom mode. SOD statusbar numbers are green by default, which seems "broken" at first when you turn off Boom mode, but it's supposed to be like that.
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Re: Fullscreen Statusbar Mod (formerly Peter's Sexy HUD)

Post by PhysixCat »

Upon looking into it further, I discovered that the actual cause of my problem was the Doom2 Sprite Fix (https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/6 ... ted-12718/) that I had in my autoload. I wasn't aware that it also included replacements for numbers, so that's why it was causing misalignment problems with WADs that use custom number fonts.

I'm sorry for troubling you, but thank you for the minor fix regardless!

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