Project Romero - The Trans Allies Thank You mod

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Re: Project Romero - The Trans Allies Thank You mod

Post by Scripten »

Is there still space open for this project? I'd be interested in either mapping, spriting, or potentially zScript work. If not, then I'm more than happy to just add my voice of support to it!
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Re: Project Romero - The Trans Allies Thank You mod

Post by kevansevans »

Scripten wrote:Is there still space open for this project? I'd be interested in either mapping, spriting, or potentially zScript work. If not, then I'm more than happy to just add my voice of support to it!
Yes, there's still room available! All of those things are welcome contributions!
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Re: Project Romero - The Trans Allies Thank You mod

Post by scalliano »

Sorry that I'm a little late to this. Not trying to derail the thread, but this is something I care about very strongly.

I despise identity politics. I despise the concept of "privilege". I despise the idea that, because of some immutable characteristics, an individual should be denied a voice, or that someone else is more deserving than they are. Which is precisely why my blood boils when I see comments from people calling themselves "gamers" saying things like, "HBomberGuy should have picked a better charity!" or, "This is just virtue-signalling propaganda!" Cool your jets. If these idiots took two seconds to look up the circumstances surrounding the livestream, they'd realise that they're actually running defence for a hypocritical arsehole who HBG was calling out.

As I see it, John Romero showed his support for a guy who chose to do his part for a cause he believed in, and those people shitposting at him were actively engaging in the very thing they claimed to oppose. He who fights monsters, and all that. Usually, I'm criticizing the other side for this crap, which is why I don't Twitter. The thing is, regardless of what you believe in, it's all too easy to get lost in the narrative and forget that on the other end of it are real people with real lives and real issues. That's how bigotry ultimately festers in my experience.

I live in a part of the world which is still very religiously conservative (also sectarian AF - there are areas even I as a cishet white dude daren't set foot in), but as awareness grows, things have been slowly getting better for the trans community in recent years. I find it heartening to have seen a few trans people on my daily commute just going about their business instead of hiding in the shadows for all but one day of the year. We still have a mountain to climb, but It makes me think that maybe i don't live in quite the backward shithouse it once was (we're still waiting for full same-sex marriage to be legal, but that's another story >.<)

This is why I stand in solidarity with my DOOM brothers and sisters in this endeavour, and would like to contribute in some small way (most likely sprites) to help make bigotry our bitch.
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Re: Project Romero - The Trans Allies Thank You mod

Post by kevansevans »

Mapping phase has officially started, and we have a large variety of assets added in for everyone to play around with! We encourage anyone and everyone to come join what I personally believe is one of the most wholesome mapping projects ever.
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Re: Project Romero - The Trans Allies Thank You mod

Post by TheMafla »

Hi, will you still need someone? I would like to collaborate as a mapper.

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