Project Romero - The Trans Allies Thank You mod

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Project Romero - The Trans Allies Thank You mod

Post by kevansevans »

Project Romero - The Trans Allies Thank You mod
(WIP title)

Discord Server Link:

Create a set of maps that pay tribute to John Romero as a way of thanking him for supporting transgender rights.

Project Guide and Rules:
* Doom 2 IWAD, single player focus

* Maps must use Romero's mapping technique (see below)

* Maps must use common gameplay elements found in Romero's maps (see below)

* Levels must be as high in quality as his recent two Doom maps (E1M4b and E1M8b) ... /d-f/e1m4b ... /d-f/e1m8b

* The levels will be split up into three episodes, where each episode has eight
main levels and two secret levels. If there's extra time or a bunch of extra
maps, a fourth episode will also be added.

* The main maps will use Romero's style as a base to build and grow off of, but
you don't have to emulate it exactly. These aren't remixes, but pastiches.

* The secret levels will be actual remixes of John Romero's original maps. These can use a Doom 1 or 2 map as a base, or a Quake map.

* Gameplay modifications and new monsters will happen as we need them and will
not be drastic, but will simply enhance the stock Doom experience.

* There'll be a "Thank you, John! <3 <3 <3" credits map or room, like Quake 2,
from trans community peeps and its allies.

* This project acts as a thank you present to John Romero for standing up for
transgender rights.

* The initial planning stage will last until March 1st. During this time, the
majority of art assets will be gathered and planned. You may start your
mapping during this time, but keep in mind that a few things might change on
you. So try to plan for possible changes (things that _might_ possibly happen
are new monsters, slightly tweaked weapons, or the like).

* The mapping phase will last until roughly October 15th, 2019. Please try to
have your maps completed by then.

* Testing will run until roughly the last week of November.

* The timeline isn't set in concrete, but it's not soft either.

* The staff have final say on what gets added to the project. You're welcome to
suggest things, however we will ask you to make a pull request through GitHub
to help make our lives easier. If you need help with Git or GitHub, please
ask the staff for help.

What we're looking for

* Mappers!

* Texture artists!

* ZScript sorcerers!

* Sprite wizards!

* You can also join the project simply as a supporter/trans ally. We will list
your name along all of the other supporters in the credits.

Romero's Mapping Technique (from Doomwiki):

* Always changing floor height when I wanted to change floor

* Using special border textures between different wall segments and doorways

* Being strict about texture alignment

* Conscious use of contrast everywhere in a level between light and dark areas,
cramped and open areas

* Making sure that if a player could see outside that they should be able to
somehow get there

* Being strict about designing several secret areas on every level

* Making my levels flow so the player will revisit areas several times so they
will better understand the 3D space of the level

* Creating easily recognizable landmarks in several places for easier navigation

Examples of common map elements Romero has used:

* T-junctions, where one side must be completed before the other side can
continue, but you can see both sides. A near stereotypical example is near
the start of Quake E2M5 (see video: ALEXA WILL TOTALLY PUT A SHORT QUAKE VIDEO

* Having multiple paths into the major rooms. This might be something very
small, like how you can go down either side of the grey stairway with the
monster closets in E1M5 of Doom, or map-wide, like E1M4.

* Windows you can shoot through. If there are two rooms close to each other,
there's probably a window between them. You can be on one side, the monsters
on the other.

* Viewing the main goal at the very start of the level, or very close to it.
E1M1, you can see the goal when you look outside the first window to your
right. E1M2, the red key is an obvious goal and is immediately to your left.
E1M3, the yellow key is an obvious goal and is immediately to you right once
you leave the starting room. You get the idea.

* Having a liquid pit between two balconies. You can see both balconies
clearly, and if you fall in the liquid, you can get out. E1M5 is a good
example, with the large slime pit to the left of the starting area. Also, the
central area of E2M5 of Quake has overlapping balconies that also shows this
(see the above video).

* Glowing cracks in the floors.

* Anything we've missed!

(Thank you Yuki for typing this up)
Last edited by kevansevans on Thu Feb 07, 2019 12:38 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Doom - The Way Romero Did - Let's show Romero we support

Post by Rachael »

A great tribute to a man who helped to give us what we enjoy so much today, but was unfairly attacked just for standing up for what was right.
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Re: Doom - The Way Romero Did - Let's show Romero we support

Post by lumbo7332 »

I think it would be a good idea to incorporate the fact that you can jump in most source ports into the maps. That would give them an extra layer of fun verticality.
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Re: Doom - The Way Romero Did - Let's show Romero we support

Post by kevansevans »

Updated the resource list with the Quake textures made for Doom:
The textures are copyright by their respective authors and, collectively, this project. These textures are free to use in any project, be it commercial or non-commercial, on the condition that the work or the derivative product mentions the URL ( and name of this project (Quake Revitalization Project) in the credits. In case your project does not have a suitable credits section, you must include with your product a file titled "read-me" or "licensing". No exceptions. For any further questions, contact us.
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Re: Doom - The Way Romero Did - Let's show Romero we support

Post by Captain Ventris »

What a great idea. Not sure what I could offer, other than an option to play a femme character. I gladly offer my female marine sprites reently featured in Doomkid’s skin pack. Also on my resource thread: Hither
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Re: Doom - The Way Romero Did - Let's show Romero we support

Post by kevansevans »

Captain Ventris wrote:What a great idea. Not sure what I could offer, other than an option to play a femme character. I gladly offer my female marine sprites reently featured in Doomkid’s skin pack. Also on my resource thread: Hither
Awesome, we can add these as class options so it's obvious they're in the project. A common complaint I hear from trans is the lack of plain male/female options. Does she have a name though? Just labeling the classes "male" "female" would be a bit counter intuitive.
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Re: Doom - The Way Romero Did - Let's show Romero we support

Post by vae »

as a trans doom fan + striving-creator (with a freshly changed icon, some incl kevan may now recognize me from the r/doom discord) i am elated by this project! i'm not really anywhere near the sort of mapping ability that this project would demand, but i can try to offer something like midi (or perhaps ogg/wav?) music if you would be looking for it?
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Re: Doom - The Way Romero Did - Let's show Romero we support

Post by YukiRaven »

As someone who's trans, I am totally excited for this :D I'll totally contribute a map or two, and maybe a few music tracks.
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Re: Doom - The Way Romero Did - Let's show Romero we support

Post by Captain Ventris »

kevansevans wrote:
Captain Ventris wrote:What a great idea. Not sure what I could offer, other than an option to play a femme character. I gladly offer my female marine sprites reently featured in Doomkid’s skin pack. Also on my resource thread: Hither
Awesome, we can add these as class options so it's obvious they're in the project. A common complaint I hear from trans is the lack of plain male/female options. Does she have a name though? Just labeling the classes "male" "female" would be a bit counter intuitive.
No name, since it’s a generic set intended to complement the vanilla sprites.
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Re: Doom - The Way Romero Did - Let's show Romero we support

Post by kevansevans »

YukiRaven wrote: I'll totally contribute a map or two, and maybe a few music tracks.
Awesome, looking forward to it!
Captain Ventris wrote:No name, since it’s a generic set intended to complement the vanilla sprites.
Fair enough. Much appreciated!

EDIT: I can't seem to get the sprites downloaded, do you think you can share them here a different method?
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Re: Doom - The Way Romero Did - Let's show Romero we support

Post by leodoom85 »

I can test things up and...if I have time, make a nice old style map.
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Re: Doom - The Way Romero Did - Let's show Romero we support

Post by kevansevans »

Added a github repository for assets and project contributions
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Re: Doom - The Way Romero Did - Let's show Romero we support

Post by RiboNucleic Asshat »

Oh, this is lovely! As a trans person myself, I feel obligated to contribute something, but I'm afraid I'm fresh out of ideas. Regardless, I'll gladly support this project. Perhaps, in the future, inspiration will strike me, but for now I'm content just to endorse what you're doing here with all my heart. <3

I would love to simply put my name down on this for the time being, but I've got one small request: I would prefer that I be listed as "Ribonucleic Asshat", perhaps with Permanoob in a parenthetical, as I don't actually use this username anywhere else and I would prefer to be recognized by the name I use most often.
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Re: Doom - The Way Romero Did - Let's show Romero we support

Post by Enjay »

Thank you for heading this up kevansevans.

I don't know if I'll be in a position to do much for this; my current RL workload is huge (we are in the middle one of our busiest times of the year and I have to take loads of work to do at home).

However, I certainly want to add my voice as one of support for Romero, trans (and all LGBTQ+ people) and this project as a whole. As someone who is very supportive of LGBTQ+ groups and individuals in real-life I am both saddened and angered that members of the Doom community would attack an absolute icon, one of the founders of this whole thing (or anyone for that matter) in this way. And for what? Acting like a decent human being?

I believe that we need to stand together to counter this sort of ignorant, evil bigotry whenever it arises. It is not acceptable. It is wrong.

If I can, I will help out in some way, but any contribution is likely to be minimal. Sorry.

[edit] One thing that I'm unclear on from the first post (perhaps it hasn't been fully decided yet) is what the intended theme of the maps is to be. I know that it's a Doom sequel, so that might imply a Doom2: Hell on Earth-like scenario, but it hasn't been explicitly stated yet. Is there any idea of an overall story? (e.g. settings for each episode) or is it all still to be decided? [/edit]
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Re: Doom - The Way Romero Did - Let's show Romero we support

Post by Rachael »

Some of the hate that has been at the core of this issue is centered around the idea that this is all political.

Let's make one thing clear: Treating people as decent human beings is not political.

Hate is not okay. It doesn't matter what form it comes in. Like thinking women are inferior. Like thinking blacks or latinos are inferior. Like thinking being gay is a choice and a sin. Like thinking trans people are just inferior versions of the original gender on their birth certificate.

To me - it seems like all these people care about is thinking that they are better than someone else - and don't you DARE question it because it threatens their masculinity! (If their masculinity is that fragile that anyone who they consider inferior can threaten it, they're not that strong or masculine to start with...)

It's not political to realize other people have emotions. That they have wants and desires. That they have the capability and potential to do so much more, regardless of their race or sexual orientation or religion or political ideology. You don't have to be better than some "inferior group of people" - being likable is by itself good enough.

Remember - history will remember what side you were on. And history has always been very harsh towards bigots. Be on the winning side of history. There's a reason why we have a "Martin Luther King Day" in the United States. Wouldn't it be nicer to be remembered that way?

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