Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.3.0 Beta]

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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.2.0 Beta]

Post by Netheritor »

HoD arachnotron and HoD archvile?
I hope HoD arachnotron can cling to wall like aliens and have much more weapons than revenant. Should have high shield but low health. Maybe impair weapons use when damaged enough?

HoD archvile... hmm... I don't have any idea. Flinging fire and resurrecting monsters isn't really that fun. Let's see... Maybe add summon monsters and also with gameplay mechanics about managing them too. Kinda like summoning familiars monsters with upgrade tree, something like wrath of cronos necromancer?

Now for crossover. Still hard for me to imagine. My mind just tell me to summon them as assassin type monster that's very neutral, attacking monsters and players on sight. Inspired by pandemonia general roasterock (?) and assassin card of corruption card.
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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.3.0 Beta]

Post by Brohnesorge »

Code: Select all

// --- GENERAL --- //
-Added a night vision shader to Infrared Lens
-You can now charge up the Haymaker and Beelzebub attacks
-Added installation sequence to Upgrades and Weapons
-Updated system booting sequence 
-Added CVar for installation sequence
-Removed weapon box text
-Integrated m8f's Target Spy into the mod
-Added damage direction indicators 
-Axe spawns now reroll instead of disappearing if you already have an axe
// --- WEAPONS --- //
-New Weapon: The Asura Combat System and the Ereshkigal upgrade for it! 
-New Upgrade: Powered Joints! Slot Arm and increases minimum damage of fists to half of maximum damage
-The Axe is known as the Beezlebub. Now costs 10 Grave to swing and drains life.
-Revenant rockets now do Fire damage instead of Piercing
-Revenant ammo pickups now fade away after a few seconds
-Aym spread tightened greatly
-Aym Grave shot now alternates cannons
-Beur is now a 3 round burst
-Beur damage reduced
-Beur agitation penalty reduced
-Leviathan missile blast area reduced
-Leviathan missile now fires smaller rockets as it flies
-Leviathan missile damage is now based on how many rockets it has left 
// --- MISC --- //
-Removed options that no longer function
-Made red and blue keys lighter on the HUD
-Lined up Beur muzzle flashes better
-Behemoth explosion graphics updated
-Teleport fog and sound updated
Hey, 0.3.0 has released! Highlights are rework of the Axe into the Beezlebub, integration of Target Spy and the addition of the Asura Combat System, thus completing the arsenal!
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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.3.0 Beta]

Post by Netheritor »

How can I repair the glitched aim? When I fire the weapon, the accuracy goes haywire. Healing with souls and armor doesn't do anything. Also, before that happened, I got trashed by barons and cyberdemon (It's circular doom 2 maps with 8 doors)
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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.3.0 Beta]

Post by Brohnesorge »

It sounds like you let your Agitation get too high. It lowers over time; its the bar on the Combat Block with the angry eyes. It might also be faster to let it max out by getting hit, and that will reset it and give you a berserk.

E: I just added information about agitation to the OP. Somehow it slipped my mind when I was cleaning it up last.
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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.3.0 Beta]

Post by openroadracer »

So I've got a REALLY stupid weapon idea on my mind. Pure memes, of the most annoying kind.

DOOT DOOT, a pair of trumpets mounted to the shoulder gun mounts, intended for use as a sonic projection weapon. Pushes enemies around while dealing damage. Lore-wise, maybe some turncoat humans thought it would be funny to try to create a trumpet-based weapon system for Revenants.

It gets a secondary upgrade, similar to the Ereshkigal package for the Asura Combat System: DOOT INTENSIFIED, that makes the trumpets have a longer effective range and force Pain state on anything they hit. Lore-wise, maybe the demons catch on to the existence of real-life human-designed sonic weapons like the Long-Range Acoustic Device, and decided to turn the trumpets into a serious weapon.

Don't worry, I fully understand if you reject this outright.
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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.3.0 Beta]

Post by Pandemonium »

This is a really cool mod but when i play it with the mega wad eviternity, it breaks a lot of the maps. most of the triggers are either already triggered when the map starts or simply wont trigger at all (for anyone familiar with eviternity, go to the 4th map in the first chapter, the map named regicide and the sequence breaking should become very apparent). I looked everywhere for help with this but it seems like this issue isn't addressed. I was just wondering if someone could help me out with this problem sense eviternity is my favorite mega wad and this mod is really fun so it would be cool to play them together. This issue seems to apply to all of the heart of demons mods as well. Also sorry if this Isn't the right place to post this I don't use the forums very often. Thanks for any help anyone can give.
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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.3.0 Beta]

Post by Brohnesorge »

That sounds like an issue with voodoo dolls that I thought I fixed. I'll investigate throughout the week.
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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.3.0 Beta]

Post by Pandemonium »

Ah I didn't even think about it being the voodoo dolls but that actually makes a lot of sense. Eviternity uses a lot of voodoo dolls with there maps. Thanks for the quick reply and thanks for looking into it. I appreciate that you look into and try to fix some of the issues with your mods, even if its something as small as it not working with a certain map pack. Other than this, I haven't noticed any other problems. the mod seems relatively bug free and its a lot of fun to play.
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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.3.0 Beta]

Post by Brohnesorge »

This has been fixed on the WIP branch of the repo

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