Trying to get zdoom dos working with 64-bit extender

ZDoom LE, Pentium 133's, Windows 98, and DOS 3.1 all go here! A bygone era, of particular interest to some folks.
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Graf Zahl
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Re: Trying to get zdoom dos working with 64-bit extender

Post by Graf Zahl »

drfrag wrote: Actually there's a lot of people interested in old hardware it seems, vogons is a forum with a lot of activity and prices for it are rising high fast.

Maybe, but probably not. Hanging around at a place like Vogons may give a skewed perception - just like hanging around at Doomworld makes you occasionally think that things stopped developing 20 years ago. :P

This more looks like little demand and no supply. The perfect scenario for high prices.
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Re: Trying to get zdoom dos working with 64-bit extender

Post by Enjay »

There are indeed a lot of people interested in old hardware (I guess any of us who have been into our computers for a long time has some interest (mostly nostalgia induced in many people I suspect)) but that doesn't stop it being a niche interest with slightly more overlap with this community than some others given the nature of what we are about. But the overlap in real "who is actually using this stuff and needs it to be working" terms is still minimal.
Graf Zahl wrote:just like hanging around at Doomworld makes you occasionally think that things stopped developing 20 years ago. :P

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