Generic useable items (and other stuff).

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Post by TheDarkArchon »

Graf Zahl wrote:No, they (The use states) won't be displayed at all. They are just containers to store the code pointer and the parameter list but that's it.
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Post by Killo Zapit »

Belial wrote:Hmmm... the animated items brought an idea... things like those used in Deus Ex, i.e. animated useable lockpicks and multitools. Would that be possible?
You could just make an actual weapons for that. Also, IIRC, if weapons are given icons and the invbar flag, they can be selected from the inventory just like other items.
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Post by Anakin S. »

TheDarkArchon wrote:
Graf Zahl wrote:No, they (The use states) won't be displayed at all. They are just containers to store the code pointer and the parameter list but that's it.
Why not? I think it would look cool. The sprites are defined, the code is there, so I say go for it. The designer can always decide whether the sprites are displayed or not by putting in 0 durations in the frames or maybe there could be a flag that controls whether to display the sprites or not.
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Graf Zahl
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Post by Graf Zahl »

Anakin S. wrote:
TheDarkArchon wrote:
Graf Zahl wrote:No, they (The use states) won't be displayed at all. They are just containers to store the code pointer and the parameter list but that's it.
Why not? I think it would look cool. The sprites are defined, the code is there, so I say go for it.
The code is not there, the data structures are also not there and it is not that trivial to display the sprites. Adding that would necessitate some more significant rewrites of the weapon sprite code. Maybe later but it would turn a simple matter of an hour or so into something that might take a few days to get right.

You know what this means, right? ;)
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Post by Siggi »

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Post by Anakin S. »

Graf Zahl wrote:
Anakin S. wrote:
TheDarkArchon wrote:
Why not? I think it would look cool. The sprites are defined, the code is there, so I say go for it.
The code is not there, the data structures are also not there and it is not that trivial to display the sprites. Adding that would necessitate some more significant rewrites of the weapon sprite code. Maybe later but it would turn a simple matter of an hour or so into something that might take a few days to get right.

You know what this means, right? ;)
Okay, just asking. I guess I shouldn't have assumed.
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Graf Zahl
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Post by Graf Zahl »

For those who are interested:

I just finished adding the use state code and in the process improved it so that A_Jump calls work now. I still have to test it so don't expect anything before Saturday.
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Post by Sphagne »

Interested, YES!

But I'm not in the picture: What is the exact outcome and usage of this state? Does this make things usable?
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Graf Zahl
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Post by Graf Zahl »

No, it executes a list of code pointers when the thing is being used. Any pickup item is usable by default. It just depends on the item's definition when it is being 'used' and what it does. This is mostly for items with +INVBAR that go into the player's visible inventory.

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