Yes, the maps are in a hub. The areaName markers are pre-placed in editor. They are used for, well, naming areas. I used an ACS script for that, but when this feature was introduced in HN, I moved to this method, as it offers more variety. As it looks like, I had to test it more, as I have realized this behavior just yesterday after like year or two using HN
Here is definition of the markers:
Code: Select all
//parent class, so I dont need to put the flags into each marker
class areaMarkerBase : Actor
//$Category "Area markers"
//$Color 9
class m8f_hn_AreaNameMarker_SH_binderBase : areaMarkerBase {
Default {
//$Title "Silent Hills, Binder Base"
Tag "Silent Hills, Binder Base";
Health 512; //radius of area
And, as I said, the markers work when the map is loaded for the first time. I mean that I have a MAP02 set as a center of the hub (it's a strife mod), other maps are just locations that player visits only once, then returns back to MAP02. When I start in MAP02, the markers work. When I move to (for example) MAP01, the markers also work in MAP01. When I return back to MAP02, there are no markers. When I return back to MAP01, there are also no markers. Better said, I don't know if there are no markers, they just stop to work. Compass works as intended, but the areaName field is blank.
And, if that matters, I'm using the ChangeLevel() function called from ACS script to traverse between maps.
I got an idea and performed a little test - assigned a visible sprite to the markers to see if they are removed or not. So, when I start in map02, the markers are where I placed them in editor. When I go to MAP01, the markers are where they have to be. When I return to the MAP02, the markers are still in place, but the areaname field on compass is empty. Maybe something with the eventHandler?