Slayer's Rampage — v1.9c

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Re: Slayer's Rampage — v1.9c

Post by Endie »

Well here it is, a update again!
So, serious talk now, i'm almost on v2.0, and now more than ever i'd like some feedback to make the 2.0 release something flawless gameplay-wise, so, please please, if you have anything to recommend, feedback to give, anything, now it's the time

It's been so good to work on this, and i'm finally getting happy with my results, but i still feel like there's room for improvement

Thanks to all of you who have been supporting this. Without you guys i would never come this far :mrgreen:
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Re: Slayer's Rampage — v1.9c

Post by Twitchy2019 »

Endie wrote:Well here it is, a update again!
So, serious talk now, i'm almost on v2.0, and now more than ever i'd like some feedback to make the 2.0 release something flawless gameplay-wise, so, please please, if you have anything to recommend, feedback to give, anything, now it's the time

It's been so good to work on this, and i'm finally getting happy with my results, but i still feel like there's room for improvement

Thanks to all of you who have been supporting this. Without you guys i would never come this far :mrgreen:
Good mod. Great in every sense of execution. One thing I would like to see, even if it goes into an experimental branch, is mod sprites that are Doom Eternal in theme. Here is a set worked on by Sgt. Shivers and his crew. Was wondering if you could incorporate them for 2.0.

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Re: Slayer's Rampage — v1.9c

Post by jablon1000 »


This mod dont require better sprites imo. Maybe balista instead gauss cannon, i never liked look of 2016 gauss. Some polish to pistol sprite would be nice, because it dont look like energy weapon.


1. Please make option/addon/whatever to restore old hud. I dont like custom crosshairs to much. Also some solid work here is also necessary, some crosshairs are small other ones is too big, other have unnecesary elements etc. You should keep it simple, and make em more "informative" than "cool looking" i think. Doom EXP have v. good custom crosshairs system, i think you should take inspiration from it.
2. Better hook on ssg. Its not bad, but it can be better. Also Doom EXP have superb grappling hook system. I think it should give player more momentum, and stun enemies. Also freezing player (when shooting hook) will reduce ammount of weird looking situations.
3. As i mention in discord rocket launcher feels to powerful for me.

Mod is pretty complete. It had good flow, shooting is good, melee is good, monsters are good... Good work.
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Re: Slayer's Rampage — v1.9c

Post by Endie »

ah, yes, regarding the HUD, i have a work in progress add-on to bring back the old HUD. i said it earlier, i was planning to start it after i finished the mod itself, however since i don't want to add any new weapons or HUD features, i don't see why wait any longer.

Thanks for the input about the SSG, i will work on it. the idea of freezing the player while using the Hook is good, this should be enough to prevent umm like you said, "weird looking" situations
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Re: Slayer's Rampage — v1.9c

Post by Endie »

there it is, a Old HUD add-on!
Load in ZDL AFTER Slayer's Rampage.
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Re: Slayer's Rampage — v1.9c

Post by ToxicMasculinity »

Thank you very much for the old HUD addon, much appreciated. I didn't realize how much I missed it until I got it back. I just have 2 minor nitpicks with the addon though if you're up for it.
- Could you possibly reposition the key icons so that they are off to the sides of the screen similar to the current HUD?
- Is there any chance you could also have the dash icon be replaced back to it's old red style? If that's not even technically part of the HUD and would require you making another addon, then just pretend I didn't even bring that up.

Also, thank you for fixing the Raven-45 sprites too so that the red iron sights no longer show up when switching to or from the weapon. It was subtle, but since I knew it was there, I couldn't help but stare at it every time I switched to or from it.

As for feedback (mostly opinions):
- With all due respect, I do not like the Colt pistol the way it is now. The weapon works really good and all, but I much more preferred how it was prior to this update when it shot regular old bullets, had orange gunfire, and used a burst as it's alt fire, not it's primary. It was perfect in looks, sound, and efficiency for what it was. I understand it's now setup to work like the D2K16 pistol, but I'm not sure why. Like I said, it was already perfect, and most importantly, it was different the rest of the pistols out there which made it stand out and be a lot more memorable, which is not easy for a standard pistol to do. That's just my opinion though.

- The Colt appears to be energy based now, but it still drops bullet casings like it always has when it fires. I think it's trying to agree with me about going back to it's roots lol. Just playing

- I agree with everything Jablon1000 stated in their post, especially about tweaking the SSG Hook mechanics. Also, if you ever do find better sprites to use for the chain, I definitely recommend doing so. The current chain is smooth in animation and works just fine, but the look of it clashes with everything else. It doesn't look bad at all, it just looks different. Like a vector graphic in a sea of rasterized pixels.

That's it from me for now, but only because I haven't had a chance to give it proper testing just yet. I will in the next day or 2 though, and will post more if I come up with anything.
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Re: Slayer's Rampage — v1.9c

Post by Skibicki »

Thank you for making this mod. The weapons are fun to use and the sounds are enjoyable. The only complaint I have is for the UAC Mobile Turret. I prefer minigun spinning to use a toggle instead of hold, and the Alternate Fire mode is annoying because it requires respinning if I stop shooting.
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Re: Slayer's Rampage — v1.9c

Post by Crudux Cruo »

Still basically my favorite doom mod for casual play along with faspons.

I'll echo the others and say the following:

-I'd like the colt back.
-I prefer the 1.8 hud.

otherwise i think this mod is pretty well rounded. and i noticed a lot of little tweaks here and there that definitely improved the mod.
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Re: Slayer's Rampage — v1.9c

Post by StraightWhiteMan »

Completely agree with the above post. This is one of my absolute favorite mods ever, but I really prefer the previous version of the pistol when it was a normal bullet based gun with burst fire as the alt. Every time I load the mod up, it's the first thing that crosses my mind and sticks with me the whole playthrough. I truly miss the older HUD style as well. The new one is well made, but the older one just looked a lot cooler and more unique in my opinion.
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Re: Slayer's Rampage — v1.9c

Post by rhyrhygogo »

I think I'm the only one who likes the updated pistol but as the others say this is one of my favorite mods right now and if I were to nitpick I guess it would be the primary fire of the turret having a bit of a wind up not that big of a problem though since it the wind up is fast another nitpick would be ejected casings from the pistol but that's fine too since the pistol in DOOM 2016 also ejected casings while being energy based but all of that was overshadowed by everything the mod brought to the table to feels of the weapons the gun play and rage.
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Re: Slayer's Rampage — v1.9c

Post by Captain J »

Very awesome and splendid Gameplay Mod. Bravo! I really love both the sound effect and the special effects. The way this mod rolls are smooth and intense. I also love the fact that Doom 2016 version of Chainsaw is providing a lot of help.
Spoiler: And now here's the feedback
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Re: Slayer's Rampage — v1.9c

Post by Linz »

Spider Mastermind shares the exact same sprite of Arachnotron. It's confusing when i'm seeing her in the distance, actually.
That shit bothers me to no fucking end,lemmie tell you
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Re: Slayer's Rampage — v1.9c

Post by combolynch »

Looks like the add-on links are dead. Can you reupload them? At least old hud addon because I always play with it.
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Re: Slayer's Rampage — v1.9c

Post by Valherran »

combolynch wrote: Mon Feb 13, 2023 1:17 am Looks like the add-on links are dead. Can you reupload them? At least old hud addon because I always play with it.
I think all of the addons are built into the 2.0 version, you can get it at MODDB. ... rampage-20
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Re: Slayer's Rampage — v1.9c

Post by adallas18 »

Where's the download button?
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