Very nice. And...
Thank you as well. I'm a fan of your work.Jblade wrote:just checked out the demo, what's there is pretty neat! I like the additional systems and the PDU you've added in; as well as the base at home - definitely getting a Mass Effect vibe from things here. Best of luck making the rest of the project, and looking forward to playing it as well
Now onto business.
So the demo has been out for a few weeks now, and I've gathered a decent amount of feedback from here and other sources.
The primary points which come up are these:
1. Health is too scarce.
2. The size of some areas makes it difficult to respond to enemies, or even notice them before they hit you.
3. Feeding back into 2, the nature of the weapons makes it frustrating to respond at range.
4. Some items are hard to see either because they are too small or they blend into the ground.
So this is good, because none of this is particularly difficult to remedy, and I have a few ways to do this in mind. I'm frankly quite pleased with the feedback I've received, because it was all mechanical stuff like this and not "the entire concept of your mod is trash and you should die".
Of the fixes I have in mind:
1. The implementation of difficulty levels and the shop should take some of the edge off in terms of resource scarcity. More health will be added as a general rule.
2. and 3. These points tie into each other. In some cases, enemies in particularly annoying locations will be moved or cut entirely. I've got plans for a pistol altfire and changes to the rifles alt fire that should help players return fire at greater range. The actual sniper tier weapon should help here as well.
4. This is an art and scaling issue, so pretty simple to resolve.
There are a lot of other smaller issues as well. This feedback will be folded into IE going forward.
Speaking of forward, work on the other planets is chugging along nicely. Here are a few new shots showcasing the first mission of "Frostwall", and the general "feel" I'm going for.